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Suzie growled and slapped him hard across the face.
“ This was my idea and neither one of us will go to jail.”
‘” The fuck we wont. Suzie, think about this before you do something utterly stupid.” Marcus said walking away from her. Suzie grumbled something and walked into the room. Kevin looked up from where he was and backed away from her.
“ What do you want?” Kevin asked looking at her.
“ Actually I want her.” Suzie said pointing at Anna. Anna rolled back over and looked at her.
“ Why?” Anna asked looking at Suzie.
“ I want you.” Suzie said grabbing Anna and lifting her up and dragged her from the room. Anna didn’t even bother to struggle with her as Suzie shoved her onto the couch. Anna looked up at her and then back down at the floor.
“ You killed my brother.” Suzie hissed grabbing Anna’s shirt and lifted her off the couch.
“ He was the one drinking. I told him I wanted to drive, he insisted that he drive, I would have rather died that instead of him. Instead I am stuck in a wheelchair. No chance of ever being able to use my legs. And all you can say is boohoo I’ve lost my brother. I’ve lost my life.” Anna yelled at her. Suzie looked at her and dropped Anna back down onto the couch. Suzie looked at her with disbelief.
“ There is no way you felt that way.”
“ You never bothered to fucking ask. You just instantly blamed me for his death, never bothered to find out what had caused the accident that night. He was fucking drunk, I had begged him to let me drive. Instead I let him drive, not before he had hit me. My family thought the cut on my face was caused by the accident, it wasn’t because of that it was because he had hit me. I was so afraid of what he’d do I finally just got into the car only to find out that it was the worst mistake I could have ever made.” Anna said as tears slid down her cheeks. Marcus stood in the doorway and listened to the two women. He knew that Suzie hadn’t know the entire story and hadn’t bothered to find out.
“ It’s not true.”
“ You weren’t around, you where never around. He was always angry. Always angry because you where never around. He called you and if you weren’t home he’d call me and we’d get together and he’d yell at me and beat me. Kevin didn’t know this. I loved Brandon.” Anna said
“ Why do you suddenly tell me this?”
“ You wanted to know everything. You wanted to know why I lived and he didn’t.”
“ He didn’t live because of you.”
“ I fell out of the car. Do you want to know what happened that night?” Anna asked looking at her. Suzie sat down in the chair across from Anna and watched her.
“ You’re going to tell me.” Suzie said looking at her.
“ Only if you are willing to actually listen.” Anna spat. Suzie nodded and waited.