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Chapter 14

AJ’s mind rushed back to consciousness almost as abruptly as it had been lost. He kept his body perfectly still while listening for the smallest sound that could tell him about his chances of escaping.

I have to get away from here. Right now.

He heard nothing. There was no one in the room with him. AJ sat up, confused. This wasn’t the same room he had been in earlier.

Where in this maze am I?

AJ got out of bed and looked down at himself. And where’s my clothes?

He heard a TV go on in the room next door and froze. Someone was here … What if it’s Kevin?

Does Kevin even watch TV?!!

Doesn’t matter. I have to get out of here now.

He heard footsteps coming down the hall. To AJ it felt like they were falling in time to the thunderous beating of his heart.

The footsteps passed him by.

AJ was to scared to sigh in relief, so he just kept listening. He heard the shower start from a little way down the hall, and then the door closed.


AJ opened the door a little wider and peeked around the corner.

The corridor was deserted.

Now or never, AJ thought as he tiptoed his way towards the stairs.

Do they creek? I can’t remember!

He paused at the landing, again listening intently.


He saw the front door from where he stood and suddenly all caution fled from him and he rushed toward it before his over-taxed mind had a chance to start screaming that this was suicide. He didn’t even think about what he would do if it was locked but it wasn’t so he rushed through heedless of what might be waiting behind it but just knowing that he had to get away, get away, get away!

His flight came to a sudden halt when he got to the elevator and remembered the keycard Kevin had used when they came up the day before.

Oh no …

Shakily he pressed the button for the elevator to come. It arrived with a deafening ping! AJ looked around absolutely convinced that someone had heard and would now be rushing out to stop him.

The corridor was still empty.

AJ stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. He looked at the keypad and saw the slot for the keycard gaping at him. Don’t you dare! AJ clenched his eyes shut and pressed the “P” button.

The elevator began to move, descending smoothly. AJ collapsed in a heap, breathing heavily. So far so good, but now I have to get away from the building. Which brings about the next question doesn’t it? Just where the hell am I?!!

The elevator doors opened to the parking area, spilling sharp cold air into the small transport. AJ looked down at his clothes. I’m buggered, he thought as he took in the light cotton pants, white T-shirt and his bare feet. He looked up again when he heard a car approach.

It was a green Jeep Cherokee.

Like Kevin’s.

It was Kevin’s!

I’m caught, this is it. It’s Kevin and he’s going to catch me and …

The driver of the green Cherokee gave AJ a curious look through his Rastafarian dreadlocks. He passed AJ by and made a right at the corner, heading towards the exit.

AJ remembered that breathing was essential to living and gasped for air. It doesn’t matter. The clothes, the feet, it doesn’t matter. I have to move now! He ran for the exit, his bare feet slapping against hard concrete making strange echoes throughout the parking lot. He burst through into the bright winter light, unaware of the startled guard looking after him from his little glass booth to the left of the exit.

He didn’t see the green Jeep Cherokee follow him as he made his escape.
