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Chapter 5

“Mr. Nimzicky.” The quiet voice of the dark man filtered through even AJ’s agony.

The man now identified as “Mr. Nimzicky” looked up at the dark man. “Yes Sir?”

“That will be enough.” His tone left the impression that he expected absolutely no argument.

Mr. Nimzicky released AJ’s hand immediately, and stepped away. The dark man stood for a few moments longer, seemingly debating what he should do. A moment later, his mind made up he stepped closer to AJ, and knelt down.

AJ watched, as the dark man looked him over. He had no idea why, and he could not read this man to save his life. Maybe that’s what it would come down to. He saw the man’s startlingly green eyes shift to his broken hand, then back to his face. AJ stared back, straight into the man’s eyes. It felt creepy, because it looked to AJ that the man was reading him like an open book.

“Release him.” He spoke the words in the same no-argument tone as before, and again there was immediate obedience. This worried AJ, a lot.

The man leaned forward and took AJ’s broken hand in his, surprising AJ with it’s gentleness. In a soft voice the man asked: “Did this ‘Tanner’ do this to you?”

AJ nodded his head. He felt like he should say more, but he was unable to speak. The man, though, seemed to need no more words.

The dark man was quiet for a few moments more, again reading AJ’s eyes. “Will you show him to me?”

AJ could swear the man had placed a slight emphasis on the word ‘me’. “I can’t. I’m sorry!” His voice cracked, and he swallowed heard, then tried again. “I’m sorry! If I show him to you … and he got away … and he knew it was me…”

“Shhh, I understand you fear him. A man capable of doing this to another is an animal indeed. But there is something truly important in that purse, and it is paramount that we retrieve it as soon as possible. There is a great deal of danger involved in it not being in our possession.”

The man had a deep, soothing voice. It had a calming effect on AJ and instead of feeling weary AJ welcomed it. He looked down, unable to meet the dark man’s eyes. “I … he’ll hurt me.” AJ felt like a child, and he knew he sounded like one. But right now that was the least of his worries.

“No, he won’t. I will take you to a safe place. Please help us.”

It took AJ’s over-worked mind a moment to realize what the man had truly said. He will take him to a safe place. “Will you take me there even if I don’t help you?” He had to know.


AJ’s heart stopped when he heard that word. Why? At that moment he didn’t particularly care, he had done some horrible things in the past for a safe place to stay and something to eat, and if that was what was required here and now, then so be it.

“I can’t take you to him. I don’t know where he lives … stays. But … if he thinks that I have something he’ll want, then he will come to find me. He did last night…” AJ’s whispering voice trailed off at that last part.

The dark man nodded his head, understanding. “Very well. In return for your help in finding this man and retrieving the purse, we will not place any charges against you for last night’s transgression.”

He fell silent, expecting an answer. “T-th-thank you.” AJ whispered again.

The man inclined his head than made as to rise. AJ looked up at him, a favor begging to be asked in his eyes. “Sir?” he said tentatively.


“But … my hand … Sir … if you don’t arrest me then no one will look at my hand …and … and it hurts and I don’t know what to do…” As AJ heard himself speak, a part of him couldn’t believe what he was doing. Asking for help? Are you crazy? And you sound so goddamned pathetic! That last part didn’t phase AJ much anymore; he’d made fair peace with his defeated state.

However, instead of the sneering laugh that AJ expected, the dark man closed his eyes, as if in pain. When he opened them again, AJ felt real hope stir in him for the first time in so long. “I will.” He gently took AJ’s hand again. Then he folded it back against AJ’s chest. “Hold it like this, until we get you to a doctor. It will keep out of harms way there. Can you stand?”

AJ nodded his head, unsure but willing to give it a try. He saw the dark man circle him, and then felt his strong hands hook under his arms to help him up. AJ was very grateful for that, he doubted he’d have made it to his feet on his own. He stood upright for a few seconds, and then felt his head begin to swim. He fell backwards into the arms of the dark man, who was still standing behind him, almost as if he expected this to happen. AJ closed his eyes as his last conscious thought for a while flew through his mind: There is so much I don’t know or understand about this man? Why the hell am I crazy enough to trust him so easily??