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I was careful not to even breathe as he made his way closer and closer to where I was hiding. He was just on the other side of the tall bush I found myself hiding behind. His long deep breaths sending chills down my spine. He turned my way and smiled at me. I was found. I stood up shakily and started to back up, he was holding a flashlight.

"Hello Nickolas" He said, the flashlight giving his face an eerie glow. I continued to back up searching his hands for a gun. Luckily he had none--that I saw anyway. I turned to run.

"Nick! Why do you insist on running away from me? You are beginning to tax my patience boy" I didn't answer him just ran, deeper into the woods, while he was right on my heels. It's funny how adrenaline works, normally, if I took the time to understand where I was, I would have freaked out. Alone in the woods at night. No flashlight, no jacket, no protection. That never crossed my mind though. My only thought was to get away from Joe. No matter what the cost. I would deal with all that other stuff later. I saw a patch of very tall trees just about ten yards from me so I made a mad dash for them.

"Come back here Nick! This instant! No more games, child. You can't disturb destiny! I won't allow you too!

"Fuck destiny and fuck you too!" I shouted as I continued to run. Faster than I ever have before. I reached the trees and zig zagged my way through them until my legs gave out from under me and I went crashing to the ground. I thought about just laying there, giving up. But then I heard the voices of everyone I have ever known, everyone who has ever pushed me when I needed it, telling me to get my ass up and run. I tried to stand but couldn't so I crawled, not caring what kind of bugs or animals I was encountering with my hands. I came to a large tree fallen on it's side and decided to make that my new hiding place. I sat against the tree and listened for footsteps. Just waiting to get caught...

When Kevin and I arrived back at the police station, we were met by a barrage of reporters. We brushed them all off as we made our way inside. We were shuffled into a small room where once again an armed guard stood. Trish was brought in this time looking a little relieved. I wasn't sure if this was good or not. When she saw the guard standing there, she tried to leave the room. They pushed her to her seat. She looked up at the two way mirror, "No deal! I said I had to speak to them alone! If this guy stays and we are NOT moved to a more private room, with No looking in, Then I guess I have nothing to say!"

Kevin and I just looked on as they came in and brought her to another room, "Mr. Littrell, Mr. Richardson, be careful, there is no camera in here and we can't monitor your conversation. If you don't feel comfortable with that we'll tell her tough luck. It's up to you"

I knew I was willing to chance it, even though she was a murderer, I wasn't afraid of her for some reason. Kevin also agreed so we were left with just Trish in chains. She looked at us and smiled. "So..figured it out then didn't you?" I nodded.

"What's the deal with you and Joe?" I asked her, she cackled.

"He's my crazy brother, and when I say crazy Brian, I mean crazy. She sat back and rolled her eyes. "He's nuts!"

I couldn't believe it! It's true. It really was Joe.

"Why did you want to see us alone?"

"I didn't want to see you Kevin. I just asked for Brian but I figured he would take someone else with him"

"Okay, then why Brian? Stop playing these ridiculous games and tell us where we can find Nick! That's why you asked us to come here isn't it?" She sat forward and looked around the room, making sure she wasn't being watched. "I wanted to see you guys because if the police find Joe, He will kill himself and Nick. The police can't know" She suddenly got a very sad a solemn expression on her face. "It's time to stop this. All of this, I know after Nick it was all gonna end anyway. He is the lamb."

"What are you talking about Trish?" Kevin was losing his cool making me regret my decision to bring him.

"Kevin calm down and let her talk" I couldn't believe I was saying that but I needed to understand what she was talking about.

"Thank you Brian, now I know why Nick liked you best" If I could've I would have ripped her head off but I didn't. Just sat and listened.

"We have a place very close to where Nick lives now. It's a cabin out in the woods..."

I listened intently as she gave us an in depth description of the place where Nick was being held captive. Kevin took out his note pad and was writing every word she said. "You have to go find him before it's to late. He doesn't have much time left. If Joe doesn't hear from me soon, he will flip out, Trust me"

"Then why can't we just tell the police?"

"That's not the way this should end" She said making it seem so trite.

"How should it end?" She moved even more forward on her chair and said in a wicked whisper, "Why, with the campanions of the lamb rushing in and saving the day of course"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Revelation" Was all she said.

I was so cold, I held back the urge to cough, I felt it creeping up my throat itching it's way to my vocal chords. I gulped hoping that would help. It didn't. I started to cough. I jumped up on instinct but was happy when I didn't see him there. The sounds of the woods around me were getting louder as I was becoming more aware of my environment. Crickets chirping all around me and animals scurrying at my feet. I sat on the fallen tree with my legs dangling over the sides just wrapping my arms around me in a hug. I had no idea what to do next. I knew that the farther I travelled into the woods the better my chances of NOT running into Joe, but also, God only knew what I might encounter instead.

I have the worst luck in the entire universe, I thought aloud through chattering teeth. Rubbing my arms trying to warm up. My plan was to maybe sleep right here in this spot. Well, really just wait around until the first sign of daylight. Then I would make a run for the edge of the woods back towards the main road. I wouldn't even look back. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. My body was shaking and my head was spinning but I refused to close my eyes. There was no way I was going to sleep. No way.

I started humming to myself, any tune that I could think of. I don't know why, but Amazing Grace popped in my head. So there I sat, rubbing my arms, shivering and humming Amazing Grace. Wondering what, if anything might be lurking around me.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Kevin as we watched Trish leave the room, I knew the detectives were going to drill us about what was said. Now we just had to figure out what to say.

"We go get him" Kevin said giving me a look of certainty. He knew that was what he planned on doing from the moment Trish mentioned the idea.

"But what if we are walking into a trap? Shouldn't we have backup?" I don't think Kevin was totally thinking properly and I had to make sure we were going to do the right thing.

"Brian, I have no idea, all I know is we are running out of time. I say we go and get him before it's too late." I nodded. Oh my God what were we doing? I thought as Kevin made up a story about what Trish wanted. We were lying to the police.

As we walked out the door, Kevin picked up his cell and called Howie and AJ to fill them in and meet us at the airport. We were going to the Little Cabin In the Woods. I closed my eyes as I lied to my wife about where I was going. Kevin did the same. We sat there in the car, silent and waited for Howie and AJ.