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Chapter 16:

A.J stood there, completely stunned. The words caught in his throat. Lauren? Was it really her? He hadn't seen her in so long, now she was standing in the doorway before him. But, who was that with her?

I took hold of Chase's hand and began walking down the aisle, closer and closer to where A.J stood, my heart beating more rapidly with each step I took. " H-hi...A.J... " I said quietly, my voice coming out weak and small.

"Lauren?" I heard him ask, I saw him move his eyes quickly up and down my body. I knew I had picked a winning outfit. The black miniskirt and dark blue tanktop was always a winner when getting AJ's attention.

I felt emotion hit me strong, head on, but I held it back. I wasn't gonna let myself grow weak, not here, not now. " Yeah... "

"How...How are you?" AJ asked me, I could see Nastasia's ocean eyes grow with confusion as Chase ran and jumped into her arms. Howie leaned in to talk privately with Nastasia and Chase...I could feel my heart beating faster as I turned my attention back on AJ.

" I'm, um...fine. Y-yourself? " This was going to be harder then I thought. I thought I could do this, no problem, but now, being face to face with him, I felt myself grow weak in the knees.

"Ahh...you know...the same...I guess...." He replied, obviously shocked at seeing me here and now. I saw Nastasia turn away with Chase going off with Howie to keep Chase entertained, I knew she was just buying me some time...the time I definantly needed.

" Well...I'm glad...I'm glad you're doing well, " I replied. I was losing my words, I knew they weren't going to come out right, I needed to keep my cool...

"You come to pick up Stazzie?" AJ asked me, I didn't think he knew what to ask me. And, frankly, I didn't blame him.

I paused, opening my mouth to say something, but stopped.
" No...actually...I came to see...talk to...you... "

"To me? 'Bout what?" AJ asked, confusion growing in his beautiful eyes...the ones I used to stare at on those cold nights...those nights where he held me tight...

The question left me stumped, I didn't know what to say any more. All I could do was stare into his brown eyes, the ones that had pierced my soul and left an everlasting scar so long ago...

"Hello?" AJ asked me again, I found the words unable to form in my throat. I choked back on the tears that I would never let him see, the ones on which I cried at night. He wouldn't see those that he caused, it wasn't fair. I swallowed my fears, ready to do what I came to do.

Just as I was ready to speak, Chase came running up to me, his innocent eyes sparkling, a wide grin on his face. " Mommy! Mommy! " I could see the confusion wash across A.J's face as I bent down to my excited son. " Y-yes? "

" Auntie Staz and...and Owdie promise me go see da Poke-mon movie! " Chase squealed, his eyes lighting up even brighter.

" That's great sweetie, " I said, trying my best to place a fake smile on my face. I wasn't going to show my son my weakness.

Chase looked up at A.J, his face now washing over with confusion as he looked at the strange man standing before him. " Who he, Mommy? "

This was it, here went nothing... " H-he's you're Daddy... " I watched in complete wonder as Chase tried to take in what he was just told. He didn't say anything, only continued to stare up at A.J, who was now expressionless. That quickly changed.

" Excuse me? " A.J asked, his voice low but demanding.

I drew in a deep, but shakey breath, and closed my eyes. All of a sudden I didn't want to face him. I didn't want to be there.. " You're his father... "