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Chapter 21:

I heard Nastasia sigh loudly into the phone, increasing my anger even more. I looked at Chase who watched every movement. He looked troubled as he stared into my brewing eyes.

"I didn't call to start a fight..." Nastasia moaned.

"Well...too bad sweetheart...cause you did..." I snapped back, irritated with her peace-making skills. She was too damn perfect!

"Momma...you don't dight with Auntie Staz!" I heard Chase cry repeatedly at me as he tugged on the bottom of my shorts. "NO HURTD AUNT STAZ! NO MOMMY NO! She nice mommy, I wuhve my Aund Stazzie!"

"CHASE WOULD YOU JUST SHUT-UP!!!" I hissed back at him angerly. All my tension had built up with him. I was tired of everything. I was tired of this whole ordeal. I glared at my son as he backed up a bit, surprise written all over his face.

Chase looked at me with tears springing to his dark eyes. He looked at me and started to cry openly. I paused a moment as he ran upstairs to his room, slamming his door with all of his tiny might.

"Is Chase crying?! Why the HELL did you yell at him like that?!" Nastasia demanded openly. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks, he never cried like that. Only when he was scolded or hurt himself...I never scolded him like I just did...

"He's my son, leave me the hell alone, I'll do what I need to do to correct him." I snapped impatiently at my best friend, trying to remember the last time I had ever yelled at her like that...or Chase.

"God Lauren! I'm coming over to pick Chazzie up. He's spending the night with me. You need a freakin' break." Nastasia replied as she hung up the phone.

I sunk into my couch as I threw the phone, I knew Nastasia would be over here in five minutes flat, whicking Chase away. Sometimes I wondered if I was even the mother of him...Sometimes Nastasia acted like more of a mother than I.

I ducked under my pillows, knowing Chase was crying made me feel awful. Although I did feel grateful knowing that Nastasia would be taking him away from this HellHole. As I sunk deeper into my depression I did the one thing I could only do.
