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Chapter 24:

A.J chased after his son and scooped him up into his arms, the little boy giggling all the way. His son. HIS son. It was hard for him to believe, but he did after the truth slapped him in the face. It were as if he was looking at a smaller version of himself. The same dark, brown eyes...the same dark, brown hair...

" Auntie Staz no go yet! " Chase yelled, worry showing in his eyes as he watched Nastasia and Howie climb into the jeep. " No go yet! Hurry Daddy! "

A.J picked up his pace as fast as he could with Chase in his arms, getting to the car as if just in the nick of time. " Ha! See? We made it! " he laughed, as he placed Chase into the car seat, buckling him up.

" Aunt Staz leave with no Chase and Daddy? " Chase asked sadly looking up at Nastasia from the backseat.

" Oh, never, Chazzie! " Nastasia said innocently. " It was Howie's fault! "

Howie looked at his girlfriend, looking shocked, jokingly. " Who? Me? "

" Bad Owdie! Bad! " Chase said sternly, wagging a finger at him.

" Thanks Staz, now you got the kid against me, " Howie joked.

Nastasia stuck her tongue out at him and laughed, slipping a kiss on his cheek. " Sorry babe. Nah Chazzie, we weren't trying to leave without you and your daddy. "

" O-tay, dood! " Chase stated and smiled, getting a laugh out of everyone.

Hearing Nastasia refer to him as Chase's Daddy, still stunned A.J each time. He found himself dazing quietly out the window of the backseat of Nastasia's jeep. It was like rush-hour in his head, his thoughts all running at the same time. First he saw Lauren, then he finds out about Chase, now he's got Chase with him. Everything was happening really fast. He jumped a bit in his seat, his eyes widening a bit as he recovered before anyone noticed. Amanda! The name stood out in bold letters in his mind as he thought about her. She would be home in two days. What was he goin' to tell her? How could he tell her? ' Welcome home, Honey. Guess what? I've got a son! ' He laughed saracastically at his silent thought and rolled his eyes. He could just imagine how she would react. He shook his head, trying to clear it of all thoughts.


Chase yawned loudly as he snuggled closer to his father, who had his arm around him. A.J looked down at him, smiling. " I think it's time for you to go to bed... "

Chase looked up at him through tired eyes. " I no go to bed... "

A.J wasn't sure what to say. This was all too new to him. " No, um, Chase. It's time for bed... "

Chase stuck out his bottom lip. " Yep, he's definately your's, " Nastasia laughed as she ruffled Chase's hair and gave him a good night kiss. " Um, Chase usually sleeps in the first guest room to your right when you reach the top of the stairs. You can have the other guest room again, " she muttered to A.J as Howie came up to her and took a seat next to her on the couch.

A.J stood up, bringing Chase into his arms. " Ok. " He began to walk away and made his way slowly up the stairs as Chase layed his head on A.J's shoulder and sighed. He entered the guest room Nastasia had said and turned on the light. He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers using one arm while he held Chase's dead-weight body in the other arm. After placing him on the bed, he placed the covers over him. He was clueless as what to do next, so he turned around to leave, until Chase called out to him.

" Daddy? "

A.J stopped and turned around. " Um...yeah? "

" Story! "

" Huh? "

" Mommy always read story to me! "

" I uh, well...I don't have any stories with me... "

" Tell me one... "

" Um, well, I don't really know any but I promise I will next time,
ok? "

Chase nodded and reached his arms up to A.J.

A.J took his son into his arms again, hugging him, not wanting to let go.

" I wuhve you, Daddy! "

" I...I love you too, Chase. "

A.J walked out of the room, turning the light off on his way out and shutting the door. He stood outside the room for a minute, then made his way downstairs. " Where did Howie go? " he asked when he returned back downstairs.

" He's on the phone, in the kitchen, " Nastasia replied as she channel surfed.

A.J collapsed in one of the chairs, sighing deeply. " Stazzie? "

" Yeah? "

" He's just like me... "

" Who? " Nastasia asked, not paying much attention.

" Chase... "

" What did I try to tell ya? " Nastasia joked as she switched the tv off and turned to face A.J.

" I don't want to lose him... "

" What do you mean? "

" I mean, you know, Lauren...what if she trys to keep him away from me after how I, ya know...yesterday... "

" Listen to me J, she's not gonna do that. If that was the case, then she wouldn't of introduced you to Chase. She did it because she wants Chase to have his father, and you to have your son. "

" But, w-why did she keep him from me all this time? Keeping the fact that I have a son, away from me for 3 1/2 years? "

" Maybe if you would have answered all those phone calls that she made... " Nastasia said and stood up, going into the kitchen, leaving A.J to think.


" You sure you want to take him home? " Nastasia asked, looking at A.J quizzically.

" Yeah, yeah, I'm sure, " A.J replied. " I need to talk to Lauren anyways. So why not do it now? "

" Fine, just don't get into another fight. Got it? "

" Who? Me? "

" Yeah, you! " Nastasia laughed and punched him playfully in the shoulder.

" Buh-bye, Auntie Staz! " Chase said, grinning as Nastasia bent down to give him a big hug.

" See you later, J. "

" Bye, Stazzie. I'll give you a call later. "

" Alright... "

A.J took hold of Chase's hand and led him out to the car, and placed him in the car seat he took from Nastasia's jeep. He didn't know what he was going to say when he saw Lauren, but he knew he had to say something.


I had just gotten dressed after finishing a shower when I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed around, pulling my shirt on and rushing down the stairs to the front door. I expected that it would be Nastasia here, bringing Chase home and I was ready to apologize. I was surprised to the point of speechlessness when I opened the door.

A.J stood there, clutching onto Chase's tiny hand, speechless himself.