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Chapter 34:

Nastasia paced back and forth while AJ was being treated. She knew Howie was on his way with Chase. He was pretty upset with her at the moment, but he understood.

"Jezz...Jezz....Jezz..." Nastasia repeated over and over. Her mind swirled with thoughts of her father, her friends, Chase, AJ, and Howie...

Nastasia jingled in AJ's pants, a quarter. She gave a sigh as she ran to the hallway and grabbed a payphone. She jammed the quarter into the slot and shakily dialed Lauren's number.

One ring...
"Hello?" I asked sleepily into the phone. It was quiet without Chase around the house. I smiled, thinking it might be AJ.

"Laurie????" Nastasia asked impatiently. I could sense the panic. My heart started to beat faster as I heard the backround sounds...it sounded like a hospital.

"Staz, what's the matter?" I asked.


"Oh God! Chase!" I screamed.

"No...not Chase. I had him, he's with Howie now..."

"What's wrong with him?!" I asked, calming down a bit. I felt my heartbeat go back to normal. Nastasia's breathing began to become faster, I must admit it made me a bit nervous also.

"He...he...he...tried to kill himself..." Nastasia stuttered.

"He did...what?" I asked, finding myself feeling dizzy. I fell to my couch, weary. He wanted to what? Not AJ...Not my AJ...

"Can you come to the hospital..." Nastasia whimpered, "I need some help...Chase will be here...I feel so helpless."

"Will you tell me EVERYTHING when I get there?!" I asked.


"I'll be there in about a half hour!"

"Okay." Nastasia replied as she hung up. I felt panic as I ran up my stairs, getting ready for anything.


I still couldn't believe this. What could have possibly possessed A.J to try to kill himself? I felt so confused it made me dizzy. I began to realize that I still loved him. I had always loved him. No matter how angry I ever got towards him, it would never change the love I felt for him.

Finally, I pulled into the parking lot and quickly found a parking spot. My heart beating quickly, I rushed inside. I realized Nastasia hadn't told me where she was. What floor? I had rushed into the ER figuring it would be worth a shot. Just as I was walking through the double automatic doors, I heard a tiny shout call out my name.

I looked diagnally to my left and saw Chase run at me after hoping down from Howie's lap. I felt a smile creep across my lips as I bent down and let my son run into my arms.

" Mommy! Mommy! " Chase cried happily, wrapping his tiny arms around me.

" I missed you so much sweetie, " I cooed, hugging him tight to me and smothering him with kisses. I picked him up and slowly made my way over to where Nastasia sat with Howie.

Howie had his arm around Nastasia and was talking quietly with her, but she didn't really seem to be listening. I could see it in her face, almost crystal clear, that she was still worried about A.J. I didn't blame her.

I thought it was amazing how she could act so strong in such hard times. She kept everyone from losing their sanity. And she really was a life saver.

I took a seat next to my friend, balancing my son on my lap. " Tell me what happened... " I said quietly.

Howie stood up and walked in front of Chase. " How about me and you go get a soda or something, maybe some candy. I know I saw a vending machine back that way, " he said to Chase, holding out his hand and using the other to point in the direction he was talking about.

Chase hopped off my lap, taking hold of Howie's hand and the two walked off. I knew Howie had done that so Nastasia and I could talk in private.

" Staz? " I asked. She hadn't answered me, let alone make eye contact with me since I had arrived.

" W-what? " she asked, obviously off in her own little world.

" Please, tell me what happened... "

I watched as she took in a deep breath and brought her eyes up to mine. " Amanda came back from Spain yesterday, and well, she didn't take the news of Chase too well. I don't know exactly what happened, but I guess she made A.J choose between her and Chase, and well...A.J chose Chase. She left him and I guess...I guess A.J just snapped and lost it. He called me and told me to come get Chazzie and when I got to his place he was in his living-room crying. I should have known better that something like this was going to happen. I should have stayed with him or had him come over to my place... "

" My god, Staz...I can't believe this, " I found myself saying. In a way I was glad Amanda had left A.J, not to be mean, but because I never felt she was right for him. But from what Nastasia had always told me, A.J had loved Amanda with all his heart. I had only met her but one time, and we didn't hit it off too well. It was all by mistake that I ran into her. Now because of Chase, she gave up on their relationship and left.

" You think I can either? " she asked, sadness shadowing her features.

I was in complete shock. I knew A.J could tend to be a bit crazy and stupid sometimes, but I never thought he would be capable of something like this...no matter what the circumstances were. I did the only thing I could think of and gave Nastasia the sisterly hug that she so desperately needed.

" Have you heard anything on him since you brought him in? " I asked.

" The last thing I heard was that they were taking him to x-ray for his hand, but other then that...no... "

" What happened to his hand? "

" Let's just say the wall got in the way of his fist... "

I sunk into my chair, letting myself wander deep into thought. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Nastasia had gone through. I perked up in my seat when I saw a man in a lab coat making his way towards us.

" Hi, I'm Doctor Allan Moore, " He introduced himself and offered us both a warm smile. " First off, do either of you have any questions? "

" Is he alright? " I piped up.

" Yes, he'll be fine. He's going to need a lot of rest and fluids, but he'll be fine, " Dr. Moore answered. Nastasia sighed a deep sigh of relief. " You can go see him now if you want. "

I looked over at Nastasia. She looked back and nodded. I guess she could tell I wanted to see him. " Go ahead, " she whispered.

I stood up and followed the doctor through the main part of the ER. He led me through two double doors, the sign reading " NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONEL BEYOND THIS POINT " held above it. I shivered, it was very cold in the hallway. We passed several nurses stations and entered a small room.

The room was very plain, not very much to it. I looked inside and saw A.J laying propped up on the gurney-like bed. He appeared to be sleeping. His right hand was held in a brace, but other than that, he appeared to be normal.

He began to shift in his sleep, a distranged look on his face. His eyes opened and I found myself staring into the same pair of dark brown eyes that I used to stare into so many years ago.