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Chapter 36:

For the first time ever I felt like a stranger in Nastasia's house. AJ and Howie seemed to be right at home, and Chase was upstairs in "his" room playing. I also found it suprising that Brian, Nick, and Kevin had stopped over for a little bit. I guess I forgot how tight Nastasia was with all of them.

"JJ, you want a soda while I get you some ice?" Nastasia cooed as she leaned over the couch to give AJ a hug. He smiled at her, she had been buzzing around him forever! There was a pillow under his braced arm, a pillow behind his head, and then there was the constant fussing over him that drove me nuts.

I had to admit, I was seriously jealous of how much AJ was paying attention to Nastasia. I hated the fact that she was so close to him, I wanted to die. I wanted to be the one who was fussing over him. I wanted to be the one with the arms around him. I wanted him!

"Dude, ice tea would be sweet." AJ laughed as Nastasia was pulled away by Howie. He slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her, long and passionant. I even felt a blush creep through my own cheeks!

"She'll be back with the stuff in a minute J. Just a minute...." Howie laughed as he pulled Nastasia into the kitchen.

"WAIT! LAUREN! JJ'S PILLS ARE UP IN THE PRIVATE BATHROOM IN MY ROOM! CAN YOU GRAB THEM? PLEASE?!" I heard Nastasia beg from out in the kitchen. I saw AJ lay his head back on the pillow and close his eyes. I frowned, my anger burning.

"FINE!" I yelled, leaving AJ to himself. Even though I was dying to talk with him.


As I toppled back down the steps I found my jealousy raging again. Before I could sit by AJ on the couch I saw Nastasia running into the room, being chased by Howie. She had the ice in her hands and jumped onto the couch beside AJ. He looked up and laughed at the two as Howie ran in and jumped on the couch beside her.

"What the Hell is up with you two?!" I heard AJ laugh, he seemed a bit more cheery than he was in the hospital. I gave Nastasia credit, even though I was still angry.

"Hey! I was totally innocent!" Nastasia laughed as she handed over the ice to AJ. He accepted the freezing substance and applied it willingly to his aching arm.

"She had the damn ice, and guess where it went?" Howie moaned.

"Shirt?" AJ asked.

"No...." Nastasia laughed as I sat down on the rocking chair in her living room. She didn't even notice me, the attention of the guys was too much for her to handle.

"Where?!" AJ burst, wanting to know the answer right away.

"My pants..." Howie moaned, Nastasia and AJ started to crack up laughing on each other. Nastasia was so cute when she laughed, frankly, I didn't think it was funny.

"WHY?!" AJ laughed as Nastasia tried to regain her composure.

"He was getting hot and heavy!" Nastasia laughed.

"SHHHH!" Howie hissed as he placed his hand over her perfect mouth. She continued to laugh as he pulled her closer to him, "Those are our secrets!"

"Here's your pills." I finally managed to say as I thrust them at AJ. He stared at me shocked, like he just noticed I was there. That made me more fustrated with Nastasia.

"Uh...Thanks...Stazzie, you didn't get my water." AJ moaned playfully at her as she smacked her head playfully.

"Don't move anywhere, you know I wouldn't be that jerky. I'll run and grab it, but I'll never leave your side after that." Nastasia cooed at him as she kissed his cheek and ran out to the kitchen.

"Like it's a good thing?" I muttered irritatedly, not even realizing the hateful words that spewed from my mouth. I saw Howie gaze over at me with shock as Nastasia returned.

"Here..." Nastasia replied as she handed the cup to AJ. She looked to me, I knew she could see the anger in my eyes, and the hate in my heart. I saw her wince, I bet she even knew that the hate was for her.

I didn't care.

"Stazzie..." I heard Howie call seductivly, she looked at him as Chase ran down the steps, jumping onto his father's lap. I watched Howie suspisiously as he whispered a few sensual words into Nastasia's ear. I saw the smile creep across her lips.

"JJ, you'll be okay with your kid right? I'm kinda tired...we're going to bed." Nastasia laughed as she kissed Chase's cheek real quickly and then AJ's.

"SUUUUURE. I know what you're gonna do!" AJ joked as Nastasia slapped his right shoulder playfully. He laughed as Nastasia swirled around and wrapped her arms around Howie, retreating up the steps to have their fun. And without saying a word to me.