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Chapter 90:

" He still trying to call her? " Howie asked Nastasia quietly as they walked down the attachable corridor to the plane. A.J was behind them, with his cell phone, redialing Lauren's number for what seemed like the millionth time. Things didn't go quite well on the phone earlier when she picked up. He began to talk and she blew up at him and hung up. He had been trying to call back ever since.

" Yeah. I've never known him to act like this over a girl. He really does love Lauren, " Nastasia said as she looked back over her shoulder at A.J who was becoming more frustrated by the moment.

A.J slammed his cell into his pocket as he slouched down in his seat, next to the window. The only thing on his mind at the moment was getting Lauren back, and he was going to. He would stop at nothing to get her back. It would be late by the time they arrived in Florida, so he would have to wait until the next day. It was Chase's birthday the next day and he would make sure to be there for him, surprise him. It would work out perfectly. He was sure of it.

He closed his eyes as he leaned back into his seat, letting the stress drain out of him as much as possible as the plane made it's way down the run way.


It was sometime nearing the afternoon. My life had turned gloomy. I had cried myself to sleep the night before, I felt horrible. Betrayel and hurt running it's coarse throughout me.

Chase was giving me the silent treatment and wasn't talking much. He had lowered his vocabulary down to two words of " Want Daddy, " and even yet, he didn't say it very much. He was angry with me and I knew it. He had gone into crying hysterics when we had left the hotel and knew A.J wouldn't be coming with. I knew he would do that.

The more and more I looked at him, the more and more it would make me want to be with A.J still - the resemblance was unbearable and I would have to look away at times.

It was Chase's 4th birthday and he sulked around the house not talking to me. He just sat on the couch watching Pokemon. My mother had called earlier and tried talking to him, but he didn't say a word. He was mad at the world.

" Grandma is gonna be here soon, then we can open presents, " I tried to say cheerfully as I walked into the living-room. My only reply was silence. Chase didn't even look at me. " C'mon Chase, just talk. " Still silence. I sighed and walked over to the couch and sat next to him. He glared up at me, the anger seething through his eyes. " C'mon sweetie, please don't be mad. "

" NO! Want Daddy! No you! Mad at you! " Chase said as pushed me away, acting extremely stubborn. I was beginning to wonder if I should have left him with A.J. Nastasia would have been there. At least he wouldn't be acting like this.

I sighed again and got up and walked into the kitchen. My head hurt terribly. My life seemed to be going down hill now. Everything was going great, and now this...

I reached into the fridge and took out a coke and proceeded over to the counter for the tyenol. Just as I opened the bottle to take out two tablets I heard someone ring the door bell. Chase jumped off the couch and ran over to the door.

The thing I heard next caused me to drop the bottle of tyenol I had been holding in my hands.

" DADDY!!! "