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Chapter 99:

I looked at Nastasia dazed as she told me the name of the baby. Howie laughed as AJ reflected the same look. Nastasia grinned back at us softly, Alexandria began to make some more cooing sounds as Nastasia rocked her softly.

"Why that name?" I blurted as Howie looked at Nastasia and Alexandria awkwardly. He was in a daze as he stared at both of them.

"Because it fits her perfectly." Nastasia answered me, I gave her a glare as she gave me a tired laugh. "I named her Alexandria for AJ, because he helped me through it all more than he'll ever know. And because of Chase's middle name, Alexander. He helped me realize that I wanted Alexandria. Then...Laurel because of you Lauren."

"Why me?" I whispered.

"Everything! You were there when my dad would strike me, telling me things would be better. Then on this trip you kept my head up when I found out I was pregnant with her. You helped me more than you'll ever know." She whispered softly back to me. I felt tears well up in my eyes as she placed the tiny bundle in my arms.

"She's...so...sweet..." I found myself whispering as I held Alexandria tightly. She was so tiny as she began to make a bit of whine.

"Very, just like her mother...and Aunt Lauren." AJ smiled as he wrapped his arms around Alexandria and I. We began to rock her gently together as Chase leaned over to peer at the baby.

"Baby?" He asked as he turned back to Nastasia. She looked at him and gave him a tight nod. Chase smiled as he leaned back into the baby. "Hi baby. Me whuve you."

Then he placed a gentle kiss on Alexandria's head. Something that sealed the bond between the two more than we would ever knew. More than Nastasia and I would ever have, hopefully.


After a few hours Nastasia was left alone with Howie and Alexandria. She rocked the baby softly in her arms as she began to sing softly to her. Howie watched from the window, afraid to be too close.

"Baby, come here." Nastasia whispered after she watched Howie's eyes. They were bright, but sad also. Something was missing in them.

"What?" Howie asked softly as he walked over to the bed. Alexandria was sleeping peacefully in her mother's arms. Nastasia held her tight to her bosom, sharing the warmth she offered.

"You haven't held your daughter at all. What? You don't love her?" Nastasia pouted as Howie winced a bit. He looked down at Nastasia and placed a warm kiss on her lips.

"I love her Stazzie. She's beautiful. I just don't want to hurt her, or you." Howie whispered.

"You won't hurt her." Nastasia smiled as she leaned up softly and placed a sleeping Alexandria in Howie's arms. He gasped as he held onto her tightly. He looked down at her and then back to Nastasia.

"She looks like you." Howie whispered as he glanced from Alexandria to Nastasia.

"She's got your tan though, and appetite..." Nastasia laughed as Howie went and sat next to her on the bed. He gave Alexandria back to Nastasia, she rocked her gently for a few moments, then Alexandria was back asleep.

"I love you so much baby." Howie whispered, his dark brown eyes sparkled with warmth finally.

"Me or the baby?" Nastasia smiled.

"Both." Howie laughed.

"I love you a lot too." Nastasia whispered finally as she yawned a bit.

"Big day?" Howie asked as she closed her beautiful eyes for just a moment. She opened them back up and gave Howie a weak smile.

"I want to sleep, but I don't want you to leave."

"Then I won't."


"Promise." Howie answered as he leaned down and kissed her softly on her velvety lips. She smiled once more as she and Alexandria drifted off into their slumber, making Howie burst with pride. And knowing he had to do something about it.