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Chapter 29

Nicks eyes fluttered open and he turned his attention to Kerry, who was still fast asleep. A small smile appeared on Nicks face as he looked at her. He was just so happy to have her back. He'd been at a point where he thought that he would never see her again, let alone be with her. It was the only good thing that happened to him in a long time and he welcomed it. Her being there was going to help him make it through everything and he knew it. He finally had something to shoot for and Kerry was it.

Slowly he slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake Kerry. The smile stayed on his face as he walked out of the bedroom. He walked down stairs, he hadn't gone down there since he's been there. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Leighanne sitting at the table, staring out of the window.

"Morning," Nick said causing her to jump. She hadn't expected him to come down. She looked at him, a little shocked and a little understanding because she knew what happened with Kerry.

"Hey Nick," she answered, "how are you feeling?"

"Better," he told her, "I finally got some sleep last night. I really needed it."

"Good, I'm glad. So would you like me to fix you something?" she asked kindly.

"No, I'll help myself. I don't want to bother you," he answered.

"It won't bother me at all," she assured him.

"I've been a horrible guest," Nick said, "let me make up for it."

"Are you sure? Because I really wouldn't mind," she replied.

"Yeah I am. So what are you doing up?" he asked her.

"You know, I was thinking the samething about you," she answered. Nick smiled and sat down at the table next to her.
"It's because of Kerry," he explained.

"I know," she answered with a soft smile on her face, "even if Brian hadn't told me, I would have known. I could tell by the look in your eyes. There's happiness and love there again."

"Why do you think she forgave me?" Nick asked, "you're a woman. So you might have some sort of idea what she was thinking." She laughed at his comment and continued to look at him.

"She loves you Nick. It's that kind of love that can survive anything, even what happened. There's no question that she has a place in her heart for you otherwise, she wouldn't even spoken to you. You're a very lucky man," she told him.

"Yeah tell me about it. Part of the reason why things got so bad and I didn't really feel seriously about getting better, was because I didn't see a reason for it. Kerry was gone and I just felt like I didn't have anything worth saving myself for."

"You had a lot to live for Nick. Look at everything that you have. You've got some great friends that will always be there for you. You have a career that you love and you've got your family. You really have a lot, it's all in how you think about it."

"She was just so important to me. I would have given up everything at the drop of a dime if I had to for her," Nick informed Leighanne, "it was like when she left, my heart died. Everything I had to live for walked out with her and I just didn't see a point any more."

"Well, I'm glad that you're doing better," she told him, "I would have hated to see something happen to you. You're such a good person Nick and a good friend. Things wouldn't be the same without you."

"Thanks," he replied, "I am a one of a kind aren't I?" she laughed and smiled at Nick. Brian was going to be thrilled when he saw how much better Nick was doing. That was what he wanted the most, for Nick to be happy again. Just now they had to get past all of the legal issues and everything could go back to normal, or at least a new normal.

"You sure are Nick."

"So how've you been?" Nick asked.

"A little tired but nothing I can't handle," she replied.

"So where's Brian?"

"He went to go see that Private I that he hired to help you. He called this morning and Brian left here in a rush after he hung up," Leighanne explained.

"Do you think he found something?"

"Probably, but let's wait until Brian gets back before we get ourselves up on false hopes," she suggested. Nick nodded.

"But was it a good rush?" Nick asked refuring to Brian that morning, "I mean did he look like something good just happened or was he really upset?"

"Nick, to tell you the truth, I'm not really sure. I was so tired when I woke up. He just said that the P.I. called and that he was going to go and talk to him."

"Oh okay," he replied, he really wanted to know what was going to happen. He just wanted to know if he had to go back to jail or not.

"Don't worry Nick," she said, sensing his fear, "everything will work out for the best. I know it."

"How?" Nick asked. Leighanne smiled at him and responded.

"Call it a womans intuition."

"What?" he asked questioningly.

"You know a womans intuition is never wrong, so don't worry. I know that everything is going to be just fine. Don't get all worked up over it. Brian is going to do everything that he can to make sure that everything works out for you Nick. He's not going to let anything bad happen to you, you're like his little brother, alright?"

"I just help worring."

"It's okay, it's a strange situation to be in," she replied hoping to make him feel better, "this isn't something that a person can be prepared for. No matter what you do. You never know how a situation is going to turn out and sometimes your better judgement is impacted because the person suffering is someone close to you." Nick sighed as he leand against the chair to think for a moment. Leighanne was right, everything was going to be alright.

"Morning guys," Kerry said from the doorway. Leighanne had a wide grin on her face as Kerry walked into the kitchen. She knew it was because of Kerry that Nick was doing so much better. That and she was just happy to see her again. They were such great friends.

"Hey," Leighanne replied with the grin still on her face.

"What?" Kerry asked as she looked at Leighanne, who continued to grin.

"Nothing. Just smiling."


"Because I'm happy that's why, silly," she responded as she stood up from the chair, "I'm going to take a little nap. I'll talk to you guys later." Kerry watched as she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.

"What's gotten into her?" Kerry asked Nick.

"Nothing, at least I don't think. She's probably just happy to see us back together again."

"I don't know. I think that she thinks that there was more that went on last night then what really did," she explained to Nick.

"Nah, I doubt that."


"I don't know, Leighanne just isn't that type of person. If it were AJ, I'd be behind you 100% because I know what kind of mind that he has," Nick informed her. She smiled at Nick. 'God, he's doing so much better,' she thought to herself.

"How long you been up?" Kerry asked as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"Not long. Just a few minutes, I've been down here talking to Leighanne since I woke up," he told her.

"Cool," she answered as she took a seat next to Nick, "so where do we go from here?"

"I really don't know. We're just going to have to wait and see. The future holds many possibilities but I think we're going to be just fine."

"Oh yeah? What makes you think that Carter?"

"Because we've already been through the worst and proven that we can deal with it. So that means everything else is going to be a snap."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do."

"Nick, I need to talk to you," Brian said as he stormed into the kitchen breathing heavily with sweat running down his face. Nick looked at him with his eyes wide. He didn't know what was going on but from the way that he was acting, he knew that it couldn't be good.