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Chapter 13

"You did the right thing Rok," AJ said looking at Brian who was staring out of the window that they shared as well as with Nick. Brian turned to look at AJ.

"If you didn't know about them, you never would have gotten hurt," Brian replied.

"Man, that wasn't your fault. Besides, how do we even know that it was the same guy, it could just be a conicedence. There is a killer walking around here and I may have been his next victim but you and Nick came along just in time to save me. Don't let this get to you, like you said, the calls have stopped so there is nothing to worry about."

"Someone out there is capable of killing us. That is something that's going to get me until we catch this guy."

"We are going to be alright. I went out late at night when no one was around so I have to take some of the blame for what happened. I shouldn't have gone out there alone man so don't go blamin' yourself for all of this. Besides, we have around the clock security now. No one is going to get close to us."

"Hey, I believe that," Brian lied, "I'm just a little edgy thats all."

"That's alright," AJ said putting his hand on Brians shoulder, "we all are. It's okay to be scared but don't let that control you."

"I know," Brian answered looking back towards the window. He had to come up with a plan for the next time that this guy called. Or at least and explaination as to how everyone found out about the phone calls, but there was a great doubt that this guy would really care about anything that Brian had to say, he hadn't in the past. What was going to make him change. It was up to Brian to figure that out.

"Hey, I'll be right back," AJ said, "I'm going to have Jack come with me so that I can take a walk, I need it. Wanna join me?"

"No thanks," Brian answered absent mindedly. AJ nodded and left Brian alone. Brian sighed and continued to look out the window. A tear almost came to his eye when he heard his cell phone ring. He hesitated but he answered it.

"Hello?" Brian forced out.

"Mr. Littrell, nice to talk to you again," the voice said.

"Look, I'm tired of this god damn game! Just tell me whatever it is that you want so that we can end this and things can go back to normal," Brian yelled.

"Have it your way Mr. Littrell," he voice said and Brian found himself taking a deep breath because he knew that he would soon know why this guy was doing this to him, "I want you to leave the hotel, without security. You are going to walk until you reach the park. When you get there, I want you to wait and you will wait there until I tell you other wise."

"I can't get out of the building. Security it watching all the doors," Brian told the voice.

"Well, you had better find a way out because you only have half an hour to get there or someone will pay the price. Do you understand that Mr. Littrell?"

"Yes, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"The clock is ticking," the voice said and then hung up. Brian looked around. How the hell was he going to get out? He couldn't just walk through the door because there was someone guarding it at all times. Brian looked over towards the window. He walked over to it and opened it. Slowly, he looked out, seeing how high up they were. They were only on the second floor, which was a good thing because he was afraid of hights and he probably wouldn't have considered this if he was much higher up.

Soon Brian put his leg through the window and then he brought the other out. He slid himself down until he reached a ladder that he was able to climb down on. He slowly brought himself down and then found himself on the ground. Brian looked around to make sure that there was no security around and then began to walk towards the park.

Security was going to kill him when they found out that he had left. He wouldn't be able to get back in the way that he had gotten out. So he basically had to face the wrath of security and Kevin. If they only knew about what he was going through. These phone calls were really scaring him and he didn't want anyone to get hurt because of him. Finally, he reached the park and he sat down on a bench and began to look around. Everything seemed so happy. Everyone was happy.

Things would be happy for him again once all this was ended, he told himself. Once this guy got what he wanted, he wouldn't need to keep harrasing Brian or anyone and this whole nightmare would be over. If only that day would arrive. Brian sat there and waited but no one came to him. It was in a way a relief because then he didn't have to face this guy, but on the other hand, what might he have had planned that required him to leave the hotel. He knew that the guys would be alright though because they were being watched from every angle.

It was his safety that began to worry him. He was the one that was out there alone, without anyone to look after him, to make sure that he was going to be alright. Soon his nerves began to set in. With each passing second he became even more nervious. What made this all the much scarier, was that this guy could be anyone. Brian had never actually seen him. That means that the guy could be watching him at this very moment. Watching for a mistake of some kind. Looking to see if Brian had betrayed him by bringing security.

Twenty minutes must have went by and still there was nothing. No one looked suspisious or anything that would cause Brian to think twice about them. He ran his fingers through his hair and stood up from the bench. He began to walk towards the other end of the park in hopes that the guy would be there. As he continued walking, the number of people lessened until he reached the other end of the park where the was no one. Brian sighed, he walked all the way for nothing. Suddenly, he felt something that he thought was a gun at his back and went to turn around.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Mr. Littrell," the all to familiar voice said.

"Look, I'm here," Brian answered trying to keep from looking at him, "now tell me what it is that you want so that I can give it to you and this will be over."

"It's not that easy Mr. Littrell."

"What do you mean?" Brian asked confussed. The man simply hit Brian in the back of the head with the gun and he hit the ground. Blood began to lightly flow from Brians head. The man looked around and then dragged Brian over to where his car was.