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Chapter 21

"Let me see it," Nick said and took the pad from the mans hands and looked at the note. He was satisfied with what was written there and then he made him get out of the car. They were once again back at that house. Nick walked him inside and upstairs. When they were in the office Nick made him sit in the chair.

"Nickolas," he said, "you don't have to do this."

"Like hell I don't. If I don't end this right now, you are never going to stop. You are going to keep coming after me until you've killed me but I'm not going down easily. This is all going to end right here, right now. You're not going to be able to hurt me, my friends or anyone else ever again," Nick told him. He walked over to him and put the gun in his hand with it pointing towards him.

"Nickolas," he started in fear, "please..." Nick shook his head no and guided his fingers to the trigger and pulled it so that it would look like it was a suicide. Nick left the note and pen on the desk and looked at the body of the man that had caused him so much pain. It was finally over.

Nick reached the hotel and parked his car in the back parking lot so that no one would see him coming in. He entered through the VIP enterence and headed up stairs. He let his head hit the back of the elevator wall as he thought about everything that had just happened. It was all over. Finally his life could be the way that he wanted it to be and he didn't have to worry about anyone trying to hurt. When Nick reached his floor, he heard arguing coming from securitys room.

He knew that it was about him dissapearing on John, he knew. The closer he came to the door, the more voices he heard. Everyone was in there. This would be the best time to tell them that it was over. The man behind all of this was dead.

"Guys," he said as he opened the door. Everyone stopped yelling and turned to face him.

"Carter what the hell were you thinking?" Jack yelled.

"Putting an end to this bullshit," he answered.

"What?" he asked.

"When John was getting the guys, I ran off because I knew that he was there. I was someone that he was going to want to take out personally. I didn't think that he would have had enough time to get out of there, and I was right. I found him and I put an end to all of this," Nick explained.

"You know that it wasn't that easy Nick," Kevin told him, "this guy can't be trusted."

"And that's why he's dead," Nick answered emotionlessly.

"Wait," Brian interupted, "you killed him?"

"It was the only thing that I could do," he explained.

"Carter no, we could have given him major jail time," Jack started.

"But the attacks on me wouldn't stop and they wouldn't until he gave the word," Nick futher explained, trying to keep from becoming fustrated.

"Well now that he's dead, how is he going to 'give the word' so that no one will hurt you any more?" AJ asked.

"On the way back to the house," Nick started, "I made him write a suicide letter. In it he was to give the order to leave me alone. Everyone is forced to follow that no matter what. No one is going to come after us any more."

"Wait, if he was at the venue," Brian asked, "then wasn't someone with him?"

"I thought the samething. He had come alone. He usually does when he's on 'special cases' he says that it helps to cut back on accidents. After I had shot him, I went back and brought his car to his house where he was then I walked back to the venue, got my car and came here," Nick explained.

"What am I supposed to do now Carter?" Jack asked, "you've admitted to murder. If anyone else found out about this, I would be forced to arrest you."

"Then no one else finds out," Nick said sternly, "this stays between us. What I just said to you guys never leaves this room. So basically forget that this conversation ever happened. If anyone asks where I was in that time, I just got seperated from you guys and you had to come back to the hotel and it took me a while but I was finally able to meet up with you guys safely."

"Carter I can't do that, it's against..." Jack started.

"I don't give a shit what it's against," Nick snapped, "you are not to tell anyone of this ever. No one knew about any of this. Not my family, anyone and I want to keep it that way. I'm done with all of that and I am going to live my life for the group. This is over, am I understood?" No one answered him, he had brought a fear upon them that they had never known before. "Am I understood!" Nick yelled again. "Yeah Nick," AJ answered, "this never leaves us."

"Yeah," Brian said, "it's over. What's done is done right? You can't change the past, only make the future better."

"I'll never mention it again," Howie said when Nick glanced at him. Then Nick looked at Kevin.

"Not a word little Bro," he responded and Nick smiled at him.

"What about you Jack?" Nick asked.

"It's as good as over," Jack answered him, "it's all forgotten about."

"Thank you," Nick replied. Jack nodded.

Once the news had gotten out about the explotion on the stage of the guys rehursals, they had to come up with something quickly, and they did. They simply said that there was some mechanical problems which caused it but everything had been fixed and no one was in any kind of danger from that point on. News soon got a hold of the suicide of 'The Boss' as he was known to those who worked for him. He had the longest record that the local police stations had ever seen. It ranged from gun and drug possesion to murder.

There were no more attacks made on Nicks life though the police wanted to know why Nick was metioned in the suicide note. Nick simply told them that he didn't know. There were probably a lot of reasons why. Like maybe he wasn't able to get in contact with him to have his fame help him with his plans and was angered by it, which became the official ruling of Nicks involvement in the case and he wasn't charged with anything.

The thing that was the best for Nick was something that I'm sure is natural. He was just relieved that his nightmare was over. He no longer had to live his life in fear that someone might be trying to kill him. He was finally able to go about living his dream with the people that he cared about most. It was soothing for him to be able to say, that everything was over.