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A loud smashing sound woke Nick from his sleep. Quickly he bolted upright and groped around for something, anything he could use for protection. He searched, in vain, for the knife unsure whether he put it back or left it out.
Suddenly Nick was aware that he was not alone in the room. With his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he was able to make out a figure in the corner of the room.

"Autumn, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice quivering.

The figure moved closer to the bed, still hidden by the dark. "What were you looking for?" Her voice rang out.


"Are you sure you weren't looking for this?" Her figure moved suddenly and Nick felt a rush of air by his face a thump behind him made him aware that his knife, the knife he hoped to use as a weapon, had been discovered. Now he was weaponless, defenseless with a crazy girl in the same room as him.

"I found that hidden in your sheets as you slept." She continued.

"Autumn, it's not what you think. You left it here, and I picked it up to give back to you."

"Liar!" She screamed. "You were going to hurt her."

"I would never hurt Harmony." He said confused at what was going on now.

"I know how desperate you are to escape, to go back to your family and friends. I know how you want to leave and that you would do anything to leave, even kill her."

"Autumn!" He shouted, "I am in love with your sister, why can't you let us leave together, get some help for you. We could all be a family."

She stepped closer to the bed, light shining on her sundress.

Nick stopped for a moment, confused at what he saw. Autumn never wore a sundress; she would typically wear jeans or something more provocative.

"Harmony?" He questioned.

"Yes Nick, Harmony." She stepped fully into the light allowing him to view her face so like her sisters.

"What are you talking about, I thought you were Autumn."

She moved closer to the bed, her hair tangled and wild. Scratch marks were down her arms, the bandage finally taken off her wounded hand.

"She and I got in a fight." She spoke knowing what his eyes were looking at. "You are ruining us by being here Nick."

He looked at her aghast. "What? I thought you loved me Harmony, I thought you wanted to leave with me."

"I can't leave this house! Everything from my past is here. The only memories of my parents remain in this house. If I leave then their memories leave!" She shouted.

"Autumn can stay and keep their memories. And they will never be gone if you remember them." He was desperate, unsure whether or not anything he was saying would bring the old Harmony back to him.

"You don't get it! If I go, she goes too."

Nick shook his head. "I understand that you don't want to be parted from your sister, but we need to leave, we need to get out. You and I can start a life elsewhere; you and I can go back to the life she ripped me out of."

"Your life as a Backstreet Boy?" She asked him coyly.

"Did she tell you?" He asked. "She told you where I found a picture of myself. Did she tell you that I ran into fans on the streets too, that now people know I am alive and they will be looking for me? I don't want you to be caught up as the bad guy in this. We need to take action so that Autumn goes where she belongs."

"Autumn didn't have to tell me a thing." She smiled. "In fact, she was rather upset when you showed up here."

"I did not show up here, she clobbered me over the head and drug me here. I am sure she knew who I was and thought she could live out some wild fantasy." He paused quickly. "Wait, she has been living out some fantasy. Every night she's in here seducing me."

"And you never said no did you?" Harmony scoffed. "She tried to tell me but I would not believe her. She told me that every night the two of you would… would… well, the two of you would be together but I chose not to believe her, I wanted to hear it from you and you've confirmed it."

She grabbed her hair and pulled, frizzing it more then it was before. "She told me that you would not settle for one person because of who you were. She told me that you being here was a mistake. She told me and I did not listen, I wanted to be with you so badly. I thought that once you met me you would fall in love with me and we would be together forever."

Nick shook his head as Harmony continued to talk, not liking where her speech was apparently heading.

"She wanted to take you into town and leave you at the hospital, let your friends find you again, let you go on your way. I wanted you here; I wanted you to love me. But now I know all those words in those songs you sang were lies."

"No, Harmony, don't tell me these things. I don't want to know this." His voice was choked back; he continued to force himself to keep his tears away.

"Autumn had nothing to do with you being here Nick. The one you remembered, it was me." She laughed. "I saw you out there with your friends, telescope you know, and the idea just came to me. I was sick of being here alone; I wanted someone else to be here with me."

"No, I can't believe it was you. She told you to tell me this so that I wouldn't love you anymore." Tears were starting to stream down his face making it harder to speak.

Harmony sat down in a chair near the table. "It's so quiet here, having you visit has been a great relief. But now you will not settle to live and I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

She leaned back in the chair and Nick watched her uncross her legs and relax, the way she sat looking at him changed. Her eyes no longer conveyed a betrayed hurt but a cool glance he was sure was not Harmony's look. If he did not know better, Nick would have thought that Autumn was sitting in the room, sitting in the chair, but he was told that Harmony was the one he was talking to.

"Nick, you are in danger and I cannot stop it. I tried to protect you both but now I can't do it any longer, she is becoming stronger in her anger."

"Autumn?" He questioned.