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"Nick!" She screamed. She charged towards him, something shiny in her hands. He froze when he realized she was holding a hammer.
"How dare you." She continued to yell. "I told you that you had to die; now I will have to drag your body back to where this started. Do you know how heavy you are?"

She raised her arm with the hammer and swung at his face. Nick moved back as quickly as he could but still felt the impact across his eye and stumbled to the ground. He felt his blood trickle down his face, vision out of the one eye blurred.

"See what you've made do? I didn't want blood involved. I wanted your death to be a clean one, but you had to leave, you had to go when my sister helped you." She advanced towards him, hammer raised slightly. "And my sister, after giving her another chance at life, this is how she repays me."

Nick felt the hammer connect to his elbow and the pain seared through his arm. Through his blurry vision, he saw her raise the hammer again. With his good foot, he swiped it forward knocking her over, forcing her to release the hold on the hammer. He stood quickly and started to limp towards the town again hearing whimpers behind him.

"Nick, I'm sorry I put you through this. I just wanted to be loved."

Nick heard the words and stopped for a brief second, long enough to shout back to her, "I did love you Harmony."


"Nick," a female voice called.

For a second a slight chill crept over Nick as he turned towards where the voice was coming from.

"Nick, honey, are you going to come outside with the rest of us?"

He sighed in relief as he saw his best friend's wife, LeighAnne walk around the corner. He smiled at her and took her hand as she helped him rise.

"You know this party is for you, so it wouldn't be very polite of you to stay inside while the rest of us celebrate your return."

He nodded at her briefly, but remained silent. She continued to help him outside where cheers from the rest of the guests filled his ears. He smiled broader, glad to be home with his friends and family. They were glad to see him as well. Constantly they asked him where he had been, what kept him away for so long. All he told them was he had amnesia and couldn't remember who he was until a few weeks ago. They all accepted his answer and did not push him anymore realizing he did not want to be pushed.

Nobody asked him where he got his injuries, nobody asked him why he looked so forlorn and kept his eyes alert at all times. They were just glad to have him back.

Nick watched as his friends and family sat around talking and laughing, eating their food. His mom fixed him a plate and poured him a drink, but it sat in front of him untouched. He watched those around him a little frightened, after what he went through he was afraid to trust, afraid to get too close to anyone.

He watched as Brian and LeighAnne held each other close and nuzzled each other, he watched Kevin and Kristin touch each other when they thought no one was looking. He thought about Harmony before she went crazy around him. How would he ever learn to trust a woman in love again? How would he know that she would not turn out to be like Harmony?

He looked towards the back of the yard, a slight breeze blew a sundress into his view, and he squinted to catch a better look at the person wearing the dress half-hidden by the crowd of people there to welcome him back.

He froze, the color draining from his face as he watched Harmony walk across the backyard, smile at him, wave slightly then walk out the back gate and towards the beach.