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That night they had dinner was not the last time Nick and Harmony spent time alone. Autumn seemed to find something in town most nights that kept her away. Harmony and Nick talked about Harmony's life and her experience before the accident. Since Nick had nothing he could remember before meeting Harmony, he mostly listened. After they got to know each other better they discussed their feelings about the world and all the hopes they now had for their lives. Nick continuously wanted to remember who he was, but it didn't alwasy bring this up in conversation. Months passed and Nick found himself falling in love with Harmony. When he finally acknowledged his feelings to himself he tried to find ways to express his feelings to Harmony. Anytime he got close to her, she moved away. She seemed frightened of being touched by him. Nick reserved himself to merely talking with Harmony.
The nights Autumn was home, Nick had a way to release his sexual desire for Harmony. They were identical after all, so he simply pretended he was with Harmony instead. He was satisfied with these differing relationships for the most part, but he still had a lingering desire to know who he was before he met thiese wonderful women who took him in, cared and loved him in their own ways.

His life at the moment was as perfect as he could have hoped for. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as perfect.