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“ So tell me Kevin, why did you lie about the way you became injured?”
“ Because of shame milord.” Kevin answered.
“ You are a strong man I am guessing and one that would rather have been beaten by bandits than by rebels.”
“ This is true, do you know who leads them milord?”
“ At this time that information is far beyond my reach.” Alexander answered.
“ Let me enter their camp, let me befriend them and see who leads them. Please.” Kevin said.
“ Revenge?” Alexander asked.
“ In some ways yes, but I’ve seen the power you’ve got here and there is nothing better than what you have, and I wish to be a part of it. Let me.” Kevin said.
“ You will take Selina with you.” Alexander said looking down at her. Selina nodded her approval and stood.
“ But milord are you sure this is wise? Have the rebels not seen her face?”
“ No, for my dear never leaves the confines of this castle without her cloak. She has always kept her face hidden from prying eyes.” He answered. Kevin nodded and looked at Selina.
“ When do we leave?”
“ When you are healed. For now I must have cook prepare an extra place at the table for supper.” Selina said leaving the three men alone.
“ She’s a strange one.”
“ That she is.” Howard agreed.
“ How long has she been with you?”
“ Selina and I have been inseparable for the last ten years.” Alexander said.
“ Ten years is a long time. She can’t be more that..”
“ She’s twenty-eight. She was found by my father when she was just a child.”
“ Found?”
“ Yes found. Or so my father told me. He said he found her wondering the woods alone and knew I needed a compainon so he brought her here to be trained. I have known about her since she was six, but she didn’t become my lady until she was eighteen.”
“ Why such a long wait?”
“ One that is to become the Lady to the Lord of the land must be trained and groomed in the proper edicate. When Alexander’s father learned that Selina had a special power he said that she would be a most powerful ally for Alexander in the coming war.”
“ So he knew of the war between those of the light and the darkness.”
“ That he did. Alexander’s father foresee the future enough to know he would not live to watch his son win this war and rule the lands.” Howard answered. He knew that the last part was a stretch but Alexander didn’t know that. Howard was with Alexander’s father when he died, he should have been he was the one that killed him. Alexander smiled and looked to see Selina reentering the hall.
“ Cook said supper will be ready within the hour with an extra place prepared for our guest. Now if Kevin would follow me I’ll show him to his rightful quarters.” Selina said pulling her hood up and heading from the room. Kevin quickly followed Selina from the room and two guards closed the doors.

“ What do you think of him my friend?” Alexander asked.
“ He will be a strong ally in the coming war.”
“ But will he betray us?”
“ If Selina trusts him then so shall I.” Howard answered.
“ I foresee that my lady love does not full trust our new guest. That was the reason I said I was sending her with him, her telepathic abilities can alert me to any trickery before they can return to the castle.”
“ But are you willing to sacrifice her?”
“ She will not die. Selina was trained well and knows how to defend herself, she will be fine.”
“ I surely hope you are right milord.” Howard said.


“ Are you sure that sending him in there is going to be the best thing?”
“ No Nickolas I don’t but Kevin insisted that he be the one to be sent in.”
“ Brian believe me if I could have gone I would have.” The young blonde said looking at his friend.
“ I know, but if he convinces them that he was beaten by the rebels he might be able to bring us something from within the castle walls.”
“ What of Lord Alexander’s Mistress Selina?”
“ She would be a wonderful prize, that would turn this war in our favor my young friend. If Kevin could get her out of the castle walls, Alexander would trade everything he has for her safe return.”
“ Even if Kevin was giving up his own sister?”
“ Yes even then. And that information will never get to Kevin. Swear to me Nickolas that Kevin will never know that Selina is his sister.”
“ I swear it Brian, but you’re his cousin why are you keeping this from him?”
“ Because she’s not his sister anymore, she’s not the same sweet child that was taken many years ago. She’s evil and that evil will be purged from this land. She will die along side her Dark Lord.”
“ But from what I’ve seen Selina has never hurt anyone.”
“ She’s been trained to kill and has killed plenty of my men, I know your young Nickolas and too young to understand that once a person has become evil there is no turning them good again. She’s not that carefree child from Kevin’s past.”
“ I understand my friend. But what of Howard? He’s betrayed the Dark lord before and yet he still does not know of the betrayal.”
“ That is true. But I believe that Howard has been in there to long, has become like them.”
“ I surely hope your wrong on that I can not lose another friend to that monster.”
“ I know. Come we have planning to do.” Brian said heading towards their hidden camp.