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A/N: Oh and for anyone reading,this is just mere snippits of their lives.Not just one minute.Chapter two will be the next minute.It's more like chapter one one day maybe night time.Chapter three next afternoon and so on.I give hints on like what time of day.(At least I try)

~Chapter One~

~And roped me in
So mezmerized,so hypnotized
I am captivated~

He ascended up the stairs slowly with his head bent down.Light curls brushed agasint his tanned skin.Looking up he noticed he nearly bumped into the door by mere clumsiness.

Pressing his finger on the tiny glowing button he returned his hands to his jean pockets.The door opened and he lifted his head to see her face.A small grin broke across her fair face and she willingly opened her arms for a hug.

"Hey Howerd,what brings you here,luv?" she asked putting a hand on her head as she lavishly closed the door and turned back to focas on him.Shiefting her weight,her small hand found it's way to rest on her hip.

Rubbing the back of his neck he blushed lighty.

"You and me?Nightclub....heard it was new....The Ugly Moneky." he said looking away as if he was preocupied.Cheri burst out laughing.Bending over she clutched her sides as her laughter echoed throught the house.

"You," she said pointedly,"want to go to a nightclub?Nerd of a nerds?Do you even know what one is?" Cheri teased lightly,Howard chucked her playfully.

"Ive been to a nightclub before!" he cried laughed lightly.

"Oh man oh man." Cheri gasped still giggling slightly.Seconds later the both regained compusture except for occasional grins.

"So?" Howard questioned with a rasined brow.She sighed rubbing a hand over her tired face.

"I'm sorry...I have-" she begin but was bluntly cut off.

"-a date with Richy." he snapped sounding exasperated,"Everything is Richy.Richy this.Richy that.Oh he's so wonderful.He's so great,Just forget about the invisible idiot who has caught you everytime you've fallen with your heart in pieces.Richy Richy Richy.Everything is about Richy!"

"And is that a bad thing Mr.Dorough?" a young man asked coming slowly down the stairs.His blonde hair was slightly long brushing against hi shoulders and it fell slightly in his face somewhat covering his icy blue eyes.

"I'm beginning to think it is." Howard replied back sharply.Cheri growled deeply under her breath.

"Howerd," she spat stepping inbetween the two men,"he is my boyfriend and is intitled to my love,affection and to your obvious misfortune time.I don't-"

"And I'm supposed to be your best friend!So I'm just forgotten?!"

"Guess so lover boy." Richy replied.He normally wasn't one for torment but even he had to admit that sometimes he was a jerk when the mood was right.

"I thought you liked Richy Howerd." she as softly with narrow eyes.

"He's obviously a jerk!" he snaped with frustration evident in his listful voice.The comment received a humorous snort from Richy who stood giggling softly.

"No yuo're the jerk and you can leave." Cheri snarled.When Richy finally begin to mock Howard's earlier words,the buttons were pushed and angry adrenaline rushed through his veins.The next thing Cheri knew was that she was sitting on the floor with an aching head and the sounds of a struggle could be heard.

Soon Howard was up on his feet as his heat beat profusidly.Picking up Richy by the collar,he slammed him into the beautiful antique chest of drawers.The previous cry by Cheri went unnoticed and unheard but the tears that glistened in a nrown eyes were obvious as Richy lay unconscience in a mess of broken china and glass.Wood littered the beautiful Asian rug that rested underneath the chest of drawers.

"Get out!" Cheri screamed,tears falling from her eyes,"Just get out!I hate you!Get out!" she screamed at the top of her lungs with clenched fist.

"I'm sorry Cheri.I-I-I'm..."

"I'm calling the police on three so either you go nicely or you'll go forced."she responded softly through tiny gasp of air.

Walking quickly out,he sat in his car his heart the blame for his creul actions.Lying there in the back seat with tears streaming down his face asking 'why did he love her so much?'