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A/N: Hm...should Howie find some friends at th hospital?Um....I can't decide.

~Chapter Four~

"When can we see Jezzy mama?" Howard asked holding his mother's hand.Sighing she ruffled his brown locks that fell lightly in his tanned face.

"Soon baby,soon." Paula replied softly.Howie looked up to her and smiled.Paula smiled back pleased to see her baby was happy.Hoke wrapped a secure arm around Pual's shoulders and she smiled at him.Abalene and Robert walked out slowly both with tears glistening in their eyes.Robert nodded and before they could protest Howard was already in the room.

"Howie!" cried Jessica.Her alburn hair neatly pulled into a small ponytail.Mere cuts were scattered across her pale freckled face.The blanket was pulled up to under her armpits.A small smile was now on her slender pale pink lips.

"Jessica!" he cried back.Climbing on the bed with some difficultythe both hugged each other best they could and Howie smashed his lips against her cheeck giving a sloppy and wet kiss.

"Yuck!" she said loudly and they both broke into a fit of giggles.They both begin to forget why they were even here.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Dorough." Jessica chimed happily with a toothy grin plastered across her face.Then a nurse walked in and begin to check Jessica's vital signs.

I'm terribly sorry to have to break up the reunion," she said with a hint of sadness," but I'm afraid her doctor Doctor Spencer wants to begin her treatment."

"Okay,thankyou." Paula said nodding to the nurse.

"Howard." Hoke said firmly," It's time to go." Immediatly Howard flew around and the nurse sighed sadly.

"But we just got here!" he nearly yelled.Fresh tears begin to glisten in his big brown eyes.

"Howard I know.But if we don't leave,Jessica cant get her treatment and she can get very very sick." Paula said softly with a calm voice.Howard gasped and looked slowly at Jessica.With a small pout,he gave her a quick hug and then exchanged goodbyes.And soon her treatment begin.