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A/N: Thanks R&R.You make me feel alot better.=D May God be with you all.

~Chapter Five~

"Howard,"Paual begin as she put him down on the kitchen floor.Tossing the keychain of several keys down in a weved basket in the corner of the counter she squatted down to match his level," you have your first day of kindergarden tommorrow. so I suggest you go get yourself ready for bed." she said softly ruffling his brown locks.Howard's face twisted.

"But mama," he begin to protest,"I want Jessica to go and she not going.I don't wanna go."

Paula sighed as she quickly ran a tongue over her crimson lips.

"Howard,Jezzy will join you soon enough in kindergarden.Don't you worry."

"But I want her to go with me tommorrow."

Paula fought the urge to begin to strangle the small boy.

Standing up and towering over Howard she ran a hand though her short hair.Picking him up she looked into his beautiful brown big eyes that starred right back at her.Setting him on the counter she sighed.

"Howard..." Paula begin but paused to think about how to tell him how Jezzy was sick and what cancer was.

"Jezzy not sick." he snapped before she could start up again.

"Yes she is."

"No she not."


"No!" he yelled banging his fist against the counter.His little brow was furrowed with anger and tears shined in his glassy eyes.Paula sighed and just huged him.He knew Jezzy was sick.He just told himself otherwise.He had to cause it seemed that Jezzy never got sick.Well actually she got alot of infections and always seemed to have frequent headaches but she never got sick to him because he didn't want her to be sick in his mind.He never liked it when Jezzy was sick so she just never was.Or at least that's what he told himself.

Tears of anger were sobbed into Paula's shirt as little fist clenched little balls of her purple shirt in it's grasp.Looking away she begin to realize it was hard for her not to cry either but she restrained herself as best she could.She need to be strong for Howard.She needed to be strong for herself.

***Important Author's Note***: Next chappie is Howie's first day of kindergarden and the discalimer for the racial comments is gonna be sweet and short.I hold nothing against the race that will be mentioned for a have friends in that race and it's only the two kids who need a attitude rejustment and a talk about racism.