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Chapter 2

The sun was shining bright through the cream colored curtains as A.j laid on the bed fast asleep, but he soon was awakened by the smell of breakfast in the air. His eyelids opened and looked around the room to get adjusted to the morning light. He got up and found his clothes neatly placed on the dresser and smiled to himself. “She must have washed them for me”, he said out loud. As A.j was about to reach for his wife washer he saw a picture of himself and Amber when they were young and he picked it up. The picture was taken on Amber's 5th birthday. She was wearing a light pink dress with matching shoes and little pink ribbons tied in her once curly hair, with A.j standing next to her holding her hand, they both had smiles plastered on their faces.

“So I see your up.”, said a voice that made A.j jump, and he turned around.

“Good morning to you to.”, he said and went over to hug Amber.

Amber smiled and hugged him back. “So what were you looking at?” she asked referring to the picture.

“Nothing just pictures of us when we were young.”, he answered

“I have a lot of pictures of us, of you….before you got all those tattoos”, Amber joked. A.j couldn’t help but smile.

“Well I’ll let you get dressed”, Amber said walking out the bedroom door but then stopped to say “Ohh yeah breakfast is ready”, then she closed the door and left. Whenever A.j spent the night she always got up and fixed him a homemade breakfast. A.j quickly took a hot shower and put on his clothes and went downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and made his way to the table as Amber put a plate in front of him.

“Hmm, this looks good”, A.j said as he began to eat his breakfast. She had fixed one of his favorites: bacon, eggs, and French toast. Amber sat there sipping her coffee looking through a magazine.

“I don’t get women, why the hell are you guys so complicating and confusing.” A.j asked as he stuck another piece of bacon in his mouth.

Amber looked up at him and shook her head. “I don’t know, sometimes we do crazy things.”

“Yeah, like breaking up with a guy who you’ve been dating for two years”, A.j said with a little anger in his voice. This caused Amber to close the magazine and look at A.j straight in the eye.

“Why don’t you tell me everything that happened last night?” she said taking A.j’s empty plate and placing it in the sink and sitting back down, but this time she was next to him.
A.j ran a hand through his blond hair and sighed. (AN: Just imagine the way his hair was in the drowning video)

“Well I was on my way home last night after picking up the ring I had gotten to propose to Julie with….and I was nervous about the whole thing so I took the long way home. When I got home I went in and Julie was sitting in the living room watching T.V. So I hung up my coat and went over to sit next to her. She wouldn’t even look at me. And I wondered what was wrong but I didn’t ask. So I told her I had something important to tell her. I got down on one knee and she finally looked me in the eyes. And then I asked her to marry me.” A.j stopped for a moment and then added. “Julie said no and I asked her why…we had been dating for almost 3 years and our relationship was great, well so I thought. Then she told me she was leaving me for some one else and that she didn’t love me anymore and blah…blah…blah”, A.j finished.