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Chapter 29

Krista rolled over and woke up. She had take a minute to remember why she was on the floor wrapped in nothing but a sheet. As soon as she remembered a smile instantly appeared on her face. A.j had made love to her last night. But then when she looked around the living room A.j was nowhere in sight. She wrapped the blanket around her and made her way to the kitchen to find him. And sure enough there he was trying to prepare breakfast. He was cooking something on the stove in nothing but his boxers. (AN: *Super hot flash…lol*) Krista decided to sneak up on him. She wrapped her arms around A.j and he jumped and turned around smiling.

“Hey sleeping beauty.” He said as he gave her a peck on the lips.

“Hey yourself.” She mumbled against his lips and kissed him again.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that, babe you almost gave me a heart attack.” He joked.

“I’m sorry.” She giggled.

“Are you laughing at me young lady?” he asked with a smile on his face.

“No.” she giggled again.

“Well I think you are.” He said and Krista shook her head no and cupped her mouth to hide another giggle. “So you’re not laughing your just smiling a lot right?” He asked with a smile.


“Well then can I ask what made my angel smile?”

“I was just wondering how you like your eggs?” she smiled and he gave her a confused look. Krista pointed behind him to the stove. His wanna-be eggs had burned.

“Damn!” A.j took the frying pan and place it quickly in the kitchen sink. Krista laughed and turned to walk upstairs when A.j grabbed her.

“And where do you think your going missy?” He asked as he kissed Krista’s neck and she smiled.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Hmm, that sounds like a good ideal. I feel a little dirty right now.” He teased as the phone rang.

“Aren’t you going to get that? It might be important?” She asked.

“Not as important as you. Anyways if it is really important they’ll call back. Come on the shower is waiting! A.j said with excitement as he picked Krista up, she laughed as her took her upstairs for some shower fun!


“I wonder where he’s at this time in the morning?” Amber asked herself as she placed the phone on her kitchen table.

“Who babe?” Brian asked as he walked in from the living room.

“A.j. I was going to call him last night but I was to tired so I decided to call him in the morning and now he’s not answering his phone.” Amber had a worried look on her face and Brian walked over and hugged her.

“I’m sure he’s fine babe. Maybe he’s tired from all that dancing last night.”

“Yeah. I’m just relived we’re not fighting anymore, I missed him.” She said and placed her arms over Brian’s.

“So what do you want to do today?” Brian asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Wanna go see a movie?”

“Hmm.” She thought.

“Come on babe. It’s better then staying up in the house all the time.”

“Oh ok, since you put it that way. So what do you wanna see?”

“You pick.” Amber thought for a few minutes then a smile appeared on her face.

“Ok since it’s my choice let’s go see Lilo and Stitch.” She suggested and Brian sighed.

“Anything but that.” He said, stressing the word that and Amber laughed.

“Aww I’m sure the movie can’t be all that bad Bri.” She smiled.

"Not that bad? Amber, do I look like I really wanna sit threw an hour and a half movie with a little blue Alien running around every five seconds going meep, meep?" Brian asked and Amber busted out laughing.


"I'm sure we can find something else to watch."

"Brian..." Amber asked again in amusement watching Brian think of alternative movies for them to watch.

Brian then started to list a couple of movies off the top of his head to try and change Amber’s mind but failed.


“Seen it, Jennifer kicked ass in that movie.”

“8 Legged Freaks?”

“I hate spiders.” Amber said and made a face that made Brian laugh.

“Austin Powers new movie?”


“Minority Report?”

“Hmm Tom Cruise is a hottie……..but no.”


“Reminds me to much of Men in Black.”

“Men in black 2?”

“Seen it.”

"Triple X?"

"Vin Diesel." Amber said with a dreamy look on her face. "That man is so...but no."

"Halloween Resurrection?" Brian asked and Amber looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm really not in the mood to be scared shitless tonight."

"So I'll take that as a no?"

"Yep." Amber replied smiling.

"Tell me why you have to go and make things so complicated?" Brian sung the line from the song, Complicated by Avril Lavigne.

"Dork." Amber laughed and so did Brian.

“Well then what do you want to see?”

Amber smiled at him. “I already told you.”

“Please can you pick something else?”

“If you want we could stay here and watch Britney’s movie, Crossroads?” Amber asked smiling.

“On second thought Lilo and Stitch doesn’t sound all that bad.” Brian said, defeated and kissed Amber’s cheek. Maybe her feelings for A.j weren’t real, just a spur of the moment type of thing; yeah that was it. There was no way she was in love with him. She had Brian to love and cherish her and her the same to him. Maybe it was just her happiness of seeing him again after awhile, yeah that had to be it cause there was no other explanation. She was just fooling herself and was about to give up what she had with Brian because of it. A.j finally had accepted Amber and Brian as a couple, she should be happy…….but then why did she feel as if a part of her heart was missing?