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Chapter 106:

"Hey Denise." Lauren greeted happily as she walked into Denise's room. She gave Denise a smile as she and Chase sat down on the bed.

Lauren was getting around to taking Chase to Nastasia's room. She promised she would watch Chase tonight for AJ. Although Howie seemed a little agitated with the fact that they were having Chase. Lauren was then to meet AJ back in their hotel room.

"Hey sweetheart. Hey Chase! Where you going?" Denise asked as she kissed her grandson's head. He smiled happily as he kissed his grandmother back.

"My Aunt Stazzie's room." He proclaimed loudly, "I get to sleep in her bed tonight!"

"Oh do you now?" Denise laughed.

"Yes, I do!"


"What are you doing Denise?" Lauren asked as she looked around at the papers on the desk and bed. She watched Denise sift through some of them.

"Adoption papers."

"You're doing a wonderful thing for Nastasia, Denise." Lauren smiled, "She hasn't had a family in so long. She does feel very close to you and Alex. She'll be thrilled."

"I hope so." Denise smiled.

"I know so."


"But...why so many?" Lauren asked.

"Some are birth certificates, several agreements, case selections, things about Nastasia's parents. Nastasia's files... Then there's the funeral papers of Nastasia's mother." Denise whispered.

"What?!" Lauren gasped.

"Nastasia's mother died a year or two ago. She apparently fell down the steps and had several large abrasions and massive head trauma. Mr. Notez was never charged with anything." Denise replied blandly, she had already broke into tears after reading the case files on Nastasia.

"Are you telling Staz?"

"No." Denise answered quickly, "It would cause another espisode. I have a feeling she wouldn't take it well. Her mind wouldn't be able to handle it. So, I'll keep it to myself."

"Where's her father?" Lauren asked. Denise turned away for a moment, not being able to face the fact of where he was, and what he was doing there. "Where Denise?"


Lauren's blood ran cold, "Where in Florida?"



"AUNT STAZ! WHERE ARE YOU!" Chase called loudly as he burst into her room. He looked and saw Alexandria feeding herself on the bed with her bottle. As soon as Alexandria saw Chase she forced herself up and cooed.

"Where's my CHAZZIE!" Nastasia yelled as she looked up from her desk. She looked to see her grinning nephew. She squealed as she picked him up and twirled him in a circle, placing kisses on his cheek.

"Jezz Staz, making enough noise?" Howie chuckled as he picked up a whining Alexandria. She always became jealous when her mother cuddled Chase.

"No." Nastasia laughed, "But my daughter is."

"Because she loves her mommy." Howie chuckled as he walked over to where Nastasia was standing with Chase. "And her daddy loves her mommy more."

"Good." Nastasia purred as she kissed Howie, jarring Lauren's thoughts. Her thoughts had become sour after she left Denise's room. Their promise of not saying a word about Nastasia's parents to anyone. Lauren didn't know how she could keep it from AJ, but she knew she could keep it from Nastasia.

She trusted Denise. Lauren knew Nastasia would never have to find out. Denise had said that he wouldn't even dream of coming after Nastasia, why would he want to? And after all, he didn't know where she lived anyway.

"Laurie?" Nastasia called loudly as she snapped her fingers.

"Hmmm?" Lauren asked softly.

"You can leave. Chase and I are going to have a great time. I'm going to get him and Alexia on a sugar high and let them run around naked while Howie and I have mad sex."

"Sure, okay." Lauren responded absent-mindly as she kissed Chase's cheek and Nastasia's cheek, then left.

"OOOOKay..." Nastasia laughed, "She's a little zoned tonight."

"Can I still have the mad sex?" Howie asked as he whispered in her ear.

"Later." Nastasia laughed as she kissed Howie again, then took the children and went off to play.