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Chapter 114:

Nastasia looked over to the two children playing on the swings. Alexandria was so vibrant as Chase giggled and talked with her. She had a great father, a good life, everything about Alexandria was just full of life.

"Why don't I like the look on your face Alexander?" Nastasia asked, not even looking to face him. She wrapped her light fall coat tighter around her body, she felt the wind get to her. She didn't like the fact that AJ's face was so serious and somber, she refused to look at him.

"Nastasia, don't call me Alexander. I hate when you call me that. It drives me up a wall. I know when you do that you're either mad or upset." AJ answered as he forced Nastasia to look his way. "The kids are fine."

"What do you want to tell me?" Nastasia asked as she kept her eyes finally locked on AJ. She felt her stomach start to twirl into knots.

"Mom found out something a couple days ago Nastasia." AJ answered softly, his voice showing more concern than anything. Which scared Nastasia.

"What did she find?" Nastasia asked, not really sure if she wanted the answer or not.

"She was looking through these papers that she had. You know, those really old papers she keeps about us and stuff?" AJ answered, deciding he'd hide the adoption part from Nastasia. Knowing it'd all be too hard to swallow at once.

"What'd she find? That I'm really her child?" Nastasia laughed softly. She didn't want to take anything seriously right at that moment.

"No Nastasia. You have to listen to me."


"Nastasia!" AJ groaned.

"I'm sorry-"

"Nastasia, she found papers on your mother." AJ blurted out.

"On who?" Nastasia asked, her mouth hung open in surprise. She didn't think he said the name she thought he said.

"Your mother, Nastasia. She found a few papers on your mother. Celeste Noel Notez." AJ repeated slowly. He wasn't sure on how Nastasia was going to react from the news.

"What? How?" Nastasia asked, still oblivious to the main part that her mother was dead.

"Mom was looking through papers...and she just ran into her name. It was all conincidental if you ask me."

"Well what'd it say? Did she make it into the singing act like she wanted to?" Nastasia asked, recalling the memory of her mother telling her of her dreams. Her dreams of going on to become a singer with her daughter singing by her side.

"No Nastasia. It wasn't anything like that." AJ answered.

"Then what was it?" Nastasia asked, fear growing.

"She died, Stazzie." AJ answered bluntly, not sure how to exactly word it. Nastasia looked at him for a moment, deciding on whether he was joking or not. AJ decided to continue. "She was severely beaten and fell down the steps. The papers said she had massive amounts of brain damage and that she was very bruised and broken. She's gone Nastasia."

"But-" Nastasia answered as she stood up quickly. Her heart beat faster and faster as AJ quickly stood up. She ran her fingers through her mess of tangled blonde curls. Her stomach knoted in a thousand knots, pulling tighter and tighter. Her lungs felt like she couldn't get enough air.

"Nastasia, I'm so sorry that I had to tell you like this. She's gone though. She died a year or-"

"STOP IT!" Nastasia yelled loudly, "You're lying!"

"Stazzie, sweetie, I'm not-"

"STOP LYING! She's not dead! I just saw her in my dreams last night. She was so alive. She was too! She's not dead!" Nastasia answered, refusing to believe AJ.

"You have to calm down Nastasia. She's dead. Accept-"

"I HATE YOU!" Nastasia screamed suddenly, "Stop telling me these lies! They're all lies...all lies!!!"

Nastasia felt her lungs grow weaker. She felt like she had just died inside. Nothing felt good. She felt sick to her stomach. Her mind spun in circles as she held her stomach. She wanted to get out, run. It hurt so bad.

"Nastasia!" AJ yelled as loud sobs errupted from Nastasia. She foolishly wiped the tears away from her cheeks. She glared hatefully at him as she shook with fear.

"You're lying." Nastasia whispered as she turned. She just ran. AJ jumped at the cruelty of her words. He never had a chance of catching up with her.

"Momma?" Alexandria questioned loudly as Nastasia took off running down the road. Chase looked at his father (who was only a few feet away). AJ looked startled and hurt.

"Daddy? Where's Aunt Stazzie going?" Chase asked softly. Fear growing in his tiny heart as Alexandria welled up with tears. She began to throw a wild fit as her mother disappeared. "Aunt Stazzie?"

Alexandria just bawled.