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Chapter 7

Nick walked down the hallway of the hotel. The guys were still at the radio interview and they would be there for a while. Nick knew he had to act now. This was going to be one of the very few occassions that everything was calm and orderly. His eyes scanned over the large room he found himself in. He stopped when he saw Jacky sitting in one of the chairs, reading a book.

"Jacky I need you to do something for me," Nick said suddenly. Jacky looked up from her book, surprised to see that Nick was there.

"Didn't you guys have some interview or something that you had to do today?" she questioned, puzzled by the fact that Nick was standing before her.

"Yeah this radio thing, but I wasn't up to going. Brian said it was okay, but Jacky, I need to ask you to do something for me," Nick said, trying to bring back the subject that he wanted to be talking about.

"I talked to Bridget if that's what you want. There's nothing else that I can do. She's going to do whatever the hell it is that she wants. That's why I think you should back off," Jacky explained.

"I know that you talked to her. Bridget told me," Nick answered. "That's not what I'm here for."

"Then what is it?"

"Kiss me."

"Say what?" Jacky asked, completely shocked by his request.

"I said kiss me. If Bridget sees us kissing she might get jealious..."

"Nick you're insane. I'm not going to kiss you. Besides, it won't bother Bridget at all. She's a one night woman. I've told you that and I'm sure she has too."

"I was with her again last night." Nick said. "She agreed to see me again. That has to mean something."

"Look, being on tour doesn't give her as much time as she's used to for picking up guys. That's probably why she did it."

"Faith come on..." Nick stopped when he heard Bridgets voice. She was heading towards them, Nick knew it. Without warning Nick swiftly went over to the chair where Jacky was sitting and kissed her roughly as Bridget walked into the room. She paused and stared. "Jacky's a little busy.." Bridget called out to Faith as she slowly began to back away from them. Once she was at a distance she felt was safe, she ran to her room.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Jacky yelled as she pushed Nick off of her.

"I had to do something," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"I.... I just can't believe you did that," Jacky stuttered. "Bridget is one of my best friends and if you're idea happens to work, which believe me is beyond impossible, I'm going to lose my best friend. Why? Because you're a fucking stuck up bastard."

"I'm sorry Jacky..." Nick began.

"Stop, you've been enough trouble already," she interupted as she picked up her book and walked down the hall way towards her room. She took in a deep breath. She was still shocked that he had kissed her. Not completely though. He wasn't thinking, but that didn't mean that she had to risk losing one of the only friends that she had because he was being stupid. Jacky stopped when she heard something slam up against the door in Bridgets room.

"Bridget?" Jacky called as she knocked on the door. All of the sounds in the room ceased. Jacky sighed and knocked again.

"Yeah?" Bridget answered bitterly, a moment later.

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I know you saw what happened..."

"And you thought it bothered me? Yeah, right," she said trying to hide that it had in fact hurt her. She just couldn't face that. "I've had 'em. He's great. I think you'll enjoy him."

"This is bugging you.." Jacky said, her eyes twinkling as she looked into her best friends, trying to see if she could read her emotions.

"No it's not. Are you crazy?" Bridget attempted a laugh, though she wasn't sure if it was a convincing one. Jacky came into the room completely and shut the door behind her.

"You really like him don't you?"

"He's a good lover."

"That's not what I mean and you know it," Jacky responded. "Tell me the truth Bridget. What do you really think of him?"

"Nothing," she answered, slightly hesitating.

"You hesitated!" Jacky replied as she pulled Bridget towards the bed to sit down with her. "That means you're lying to me. Now for real, what do you think of Nick?"

"I like him.... a lot..." Bridget confessed. "It wasn't after the first night like it was for Nick. I didn't think anything of what he said. But it was last night... it was last night that..."

"That what?" Jacky encouraged.

"That.." Brigdet started as she looked at her friend. "This is crazy.."

"No no no no no!! Bridget, you have to face it. You like him. Now tell me why or whatever it was that happened that made you like him." Bridget sighed.

"He just put so much effort into everything.. and I don't mean the sex. You had to see it Jacky. It was like.. I don't know.. wow. No one has ever done anything like that for me before and that scares the shit out of me."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"About what?"

"What you think about Nick. Are you going to try and see if there could be anything there?"

"Hell no. I'm just going to keep things just as they were before. Besides, whatever it is that I might 'feel' for Nick is probably nothing and it'll pass in a few days."

"That's what you think Brige. If you really like him, it's not gonna go away," Jacky commented, "he's gonna be on your mind for a while."

"Please," Bridget replied as she rolled her eyes. "But can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Why'd you kiss him?" Bridget questioned. A grin appeared on Jackys face as she looked at Bridget before she answered.

"He kissed me, first of all...."

"He what?" Bridget interupted.

"Was the one who kissed me. It was in no shape, way or form, my idea..."

"He kissed you and he had the fucking nerve to say all this shit to me about 'feeling' something and last night was had to have been a part of his fucking game," Bridget stated bitterly, with her voice raising.

"Chill Brige, he wanted to make you jelious. He just had this crazy idea and sprung it on me. I told him it was dumb and that he was crazy but... well... you know what happened."

"So your not going after him?"

"Not even interested. Have your way with him. Do whatever. I'm not going to get in the way. Besides, if I did like him, I wouldn't do anything about it because you're my best friend and I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you and you know that," Jacky answered.

"Yeah I know. And that's why this is so stupid and crazy. He's just some guy, there are a lot more out there. I don't know why I'm letting all of this get to me."

"Because you like him," Jacky replied. "Otherwise you wouldn't give a shit. But you do Brige. So just go along with it. Trust me, it'll be a nice change."

"What if I don't want a change?"

"Then I would say that you're scared."

"Scared? Of what?" Bridget asked.

"Being in love. It's something new to you and that scares you. But don't let it because this is a good thing. Welcome it, I say. Or you might end up regretting it later on and that's not what you want to happen."

"Like you know anything about being in love. You're eightteen. You know as much about all of this as I do," Bridget stated.

"That's what you think. Yeah I'm young but I'm not stupid or emotionless. I've been in love and I've been loved and thats really all you need to push you."

"Well you know what Jacky, I've never been in love before, not that I believe in it anyway. What does anyone get out of love other than a whole lot of shit that they just don't want to deal with."

"You get the satisfaction of knowing that there will always be someone there for you when you need them. Bridget, you should really do something about this or you're going to be kicking yourself for a very long time."

"Yeah, whatever," Bridget remarked as she rolled her eyes.