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Chapter 8

Bridget looked into the mirror as she brushed her hair into a pony-tail as she got ready for bed. The nights concert had gone over really well. The audience had loved them. Faith had actually become a lot less bossy with the other two girls because of the great job that they had done. Bridget sighed as she turned away from the mirror and caught a glance of a picture of Nick that she had brought before the show. She walked over to it, picked it up and stared down at Nicks smiling face.

Faith and Jacky didn't know that she had purhaced this photo. She didn't want to let anyone know that this man had captured her heart. No man had ever done that before and she wasn't about to give up everything that she had built in her life for him either. She didn't have anyone to talk to about this. By now Nick must have thought that she was a whore because he had probably talked to Faith inorder to get closer to her. He probably wouldn't want her any more. Absently, Bridget ran her fingers over Nicks picture but stopped abrutly when she heard someone knocking at her door.

"Just a second," Bridget called as she quickly hid the photo in the top draw of the night stand next to her bed. Casually she made her way over to the door and opened the door.

"Bridget, I want to talk to you," Nick said from the doorway. His body was covered with sweat, apparently he had gone straight to her room after he was done performing.

"What do you want Nick?" she answered, her voice filled with mock anger. She wanted him to believe that she was still upset by what had happened ealier in the day.

"Can I come in?"


"Please, I want to talk to you in private."

"This is a private floor isn't it?" Bridget shot back. Nick sighed, defeated.

"I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about this morning..."

"You're only sorry because I caught you," Bridget interrupted, "if I hadn't, you'd still be going after my best friend. What happened to that feeling you had, huh Nick? Guess you had that feeling with Jacky too, and probably every other girl you've been with."

"Bridget, it's not like that and you know that," Nick stated.

"Then what is it like Nick?"

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see if you'd get jealious.."

"Of what Nick? Think about it, I caught the guy that claimed that he had 'feelings' for me kissing my best friend, that makes you a dog and nothing more."

"If it's not bothering you, why are you acting so angry?" Nick questioned seriously.

"Because I can't believe you had the guts to come knocking on my door and act like nothing happened. Even if you had a small chance at getting with me, it's gone now. It died this morning."

"You were considering.." Nick asked meekly.

"Does it really matter any more Nick? I told you, it's dead, regardless."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"That would be a first." Nick looked at her but didn't comment.

"You can ask Jacky, I told her that I wanted to kiss her to make you mad, she didn't want to do it but I kissed her anyway before she could do anything about it. She'll tell you the same thing because that's what happened, I'm serious about that. I just want you to reconsider this. Give me a chance because like I've said, I feel something with you."
"How am I supposed to believe that Nick?" she asked quietly.

"Because it's the truth," he answered. Bridget looked up at Nick who was staring down at her. Part of her wanted to give in at that second and be his, but in her heart there was something telling her 'not yet.' Before Bridget could react, Nick had lightly kissed her upon her lips. "You know where to find me if you want me." Bridget stood in the door of her room as she watched Nick walk down the hall to his. Once he had gone inside, she ran down the hall and started to bang on Jacky's door.

"This better be good," Jacky said as she rubbed her eyes after opening the door to see Bridget standing there.

"I'm so confused. What am I supposed to do?"

"Do? About what?"

"Nick," Bridget replied with her eyes showing fear.

"Come on in," Jacky said. Bridget walked into the room and turned to face Jacky as she shut the door. "What about Nick?"

"I love him."