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“So what do we do now, Dr. Greene?” A.J. asked while nervously playing with his carkeys.

Kevin called the other guys, Leighanne, Phoebe and Suzie and they all came to the hospital to talk to Dr. Greene about what was best for Wendy now and what they should and should not do. Leighanne was sitting next to her husband, holding his hand, trying to be there for him as best as she could. She knew how special Wendy was to him, and they themselves became close friends as well. Brian looked at his wife and smiled at her, whispering that he was grateful for the fact that she accepted Wendy in their lives. Leighanne smiled back and she softly said:”I know. She’s my friend too.” They gave each other a little kiss and then looked at Dr. Greene again.
“Well, this can be very difficult. Both for you and for her. You know everything about her, she doesn’t even know her own name. There are a lot of things that can happen. It’s possible that she doesn’t want to see you, out of fear or just because she wants to be left alone. Then there’s the possibility that she wants to know everything you know about her, and she’ll bombard you with questions.”

“Now that’s no problem.” Howie replied. “I’ll be happy to answer all of her questions and I’m quite sure that goes for all of us.” The others agreed.

“I already expected to hear that.” Dr. Greene replied with a smile. “But I have to warn you though. There’s no way of telling if her memory will ever come back. It’s very important that if you decide to help her, that you’ll be there for her for as long as this situation lasts. She may get frustrated or even angry with you, for no particular reason. And most important of all, if she asks you how she ended up here, just say she was in an accident. You cannot, I repeat, cannot tell her about the attack and rape. Saying that right now, could cause her a lot of damage, because she is still very weak and she could end up in shock. And if she keeps asking, just tell her that you don’t know what happened precisely. When she has recovered, you may tell her if she doesn’t remember then herself. Do you understand?”

Everyone nodded.

“Okay, for now you have to communicate with her by letting her squeeze your hand. Once for yes, twice for no and three times if she doesn’t know the answer of doesn’t understand what you’re telling her. When she’s strong enough to breathe on her own, we will remove the tube. I asked her if she would mind seeing any of you. Her answer was no. I can’t let all of you go in at the same time though, she’s too weak to handle all of that at once. So I think it’s best if Brian and Kevin go in right now because she has already seen you and is wondering who you are exactly, and the rest of you can say hello by the door and really come and see her tomorrow.”

And so they did. Suzie waved at Wendy first, with tears in her eyes because she knew her best friend had no clue who she was. Howie was next, he put an arm around Suzie as they walked away. A.J. and Nick were next to walk by room 246 waving at Wendy, trying to look happy, but A.J. failed miserably. Sunshine, please come back to us.. Phoebe and Leighanne walked by last and before they left the hospital, Leighanne hugged Brian and told him that he could stay as long as he felt he was needed there.
“I love you..” she whispered. “I love me too..” Brian replied with a straight face. Leighanne smiled and hit him on the head. “Ouch!” Brian snickered. “I love you too, honey. Kiss Baylee for me, okay?” “I will..”

Dr. Greene went in room 246 first, telling Wendy that there were two visitors for her, and asked her if she was sure about seeing them. She squeezed his hand once. Dr. Greene turned around and asked Brian and Kevin to come in.

Brian walked up to her left and Kevin walked up to her right. “Hi there, I’m Brian and the tall one over there is my cousin Kevin.” he said. “Hi there..” Kevin softly said while looking at her. Wendy raised her hand a bit and tried to wave at Brian. “I think she already likes me more, cuz..” Brian snickered.
Kevin laughed. “Don’t listen to him, Wendy, he’s just so full of himself.” Wendy tried to smile, which was hard with that tube down her throat. “Do you want to know who we are?” Brian asked while taking her hand into his. She squeezed his hand once. Brian and Kevin both sat down and told her a bit about themselves, leaving the Backstreetthing out, cause she probably wouldn’t believe it anyways. And that for the girl who actually encouraged them to do something with their talent. But after only five minutes, she fell asleep.
“Well Brian, guess your storytelling sucks big time.. Poor Baylee!” Kevin softly said while trying not to laugh out loud. Brian just looked at his cousin and snickered. The day had finally come that they were able to fool around a bit. But they had no idea of what was yet to come..

Brian decided he should go home and get some rest and spent some time with his family too. Dr. Lockhart told him that she was stable and just needed her rest and that there was no need to worry. Kevin told his cousin that he would stay there for the night if that was okay with the staff. Fortunately they told him that it was okay. At first he sat next to her, just looking at her and thinking about the future. Would she regain her memory, would her personality change, what if it did? He would stay with her as long as she wanted and needed him to, after all, he made a promise and intended to keep it. But after an hour or so, he doze off, all curled up in one of the chairs.

Where am I? I can hardly see anything.. It’s so dark in here. I’m scared. It feels like I’m being pulled down into nothingness. I need to fight this. Above her she saw that Brian guy, reaching out to her.. But she couldn’t grab his hand and fell deeper. Around her she heard voices calling her. She recognized Kevin’s voice, saying that things would be okay. But suddenly a loud growl came from behind her. She turned around and saw the most horrible beast that ever existed. It had the eyes of the devil, all red and filled with hatred. His fur was black and his claws looked like they belonged to a tiger, and he was twice as tall as she was. He was coming for her, so she tried to run as fast as she could, but her legs were weak and she almost immediately fell. She screamed in fear..

“Wendy, wake up!! You’re just having a bad dream.” Kevin was trying to wake her up by squeezing her hand. Her eyes opened and he saw fear written all over her face. “Sshh.. it’s allright now. I’m here, okay?” She nodded her hand, but hold on to Kevin’s hand, because she didn’t want him to go. “I’ll be right here, okay? I won’t go anywhere, I promise.” Kevin said as he sat down. “Just try to rest some more. With all of the guys coming tomorrow, you’ll need it.” he winked at her. She managed to smile somehow, feeling a bit relieved that she wasn’t alone. After a few minutes she fell asleep again, still holding Kevin’s hand with all her strength.

~~The next morning~~

“Good morning you two.” Brian smiled when he walked in Wendy’s room. “Okay, cuz, get out of that chair and let me talk to her for a minute. So, how was your night, did you get some sleep?” Wendy squeezed his hand once. “Okay, and now be honest with me, did he snore?” Brian snickered. Wendy squeezed his hand one time again and smiled. Kevin blushed. “I’ll just go and get some coffee.” He quickly removed himself from the room. Brian talked to her some more and then asked her if she was ready to meet the other guys, Phoebe, Suzie and Leighanne. She nodded, but then she let go of Brian’s hand. She tried to tell him something with her hands, but at first he didn’t understand. Then all of a sudden it hit him. “Do you want a piece of paper and a pen or something?” he asked. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it once. “I’ll see what I can do! I’ll be right back!”

Wendy stared at the ceiling. Was she really ready for this? Being here was already confusing, let alone meeting a lot of people that she didn’t know. All she really wanted to know was who she herself was, but Dr. Greene had told her that she should just give it some time. And after all, there wasn’t really anything else that she could do.

~~Down the hallway~~

“Good morning, Kevin. I heard Ms. Hamilton woke up yesterday. Now that’s great news!”
“Thanks, Debra. I just hope she will be her old self again someday.”
“I’m sure she will be. I heard she has amnesia at the moment. But with your help, I think it will all come back to her, I’ve seen that happen dozens of times. Listen, if you want to stay here when visiting hours are over, we can arrange that. All of you have been through enough these last months, so we’ll just let you guys stay with here as much as you want to.” And besides, that way I will spend a lot of time with you as well, she quietly thought to herself.
“Thanks, Debra. That’s very nice of all of you. I’ll tell the other guys.” Kevin sipped from his coffee and decided to go back in to prevent Brian from making even more fun of him.

It will just take some time, and than Kevin Richardson will be mine.. All mine.. Debra smiled and walked over to take care of a patient in room 254.

~~In Wendy’s room~~

“Okay, Wendy, are you ready?” Brian asked her while he was standing over by the door. She nodded, even though she was scared stiff, so he called Nick in. “Hi Wendy, i’m Nick.” He walked over to her and sat down next to her. She waved at him, then grabbed paper and pencil and gave it to him. He looked to see what it was and saw that Brian had already made what looked like the beginning of some sort of a family tree, with his own name written on the left. Wendy’s name was on top and Brian had drawn a line from her name to his and had written “Best friend” under his name.
“Do you want me to only write down what connection you and I have?” Wendy shook her head.
Nick looked down, wrote down his name, drew a line that connected their names and wrote “Close friend” under his name. After that, he connected his name with Brian’s and wrote down “Best friend”.
After that, Brian warned her, “The next one to come in is a bit of a freak, but he only barks, never bites, okay?”
Wendy smiled and Nick snickered. “Thanks man for the introduction!” A.J. laughed as he walked in. “Hey sunshine, it’s good to see you smile again! I’m Alex!” She waved at him and Nick gave him the piece of paper.
Twenty minutes later, Howie, Phoebe, Suzie, Leighanne and Baylee had seen her and all wrote down their names in the family tree. It was almost impossible to see who was connected with whom and for what reason, but Wendy liked it and besides, it was still hard for her to remember things straight away, so this could be usefull. She was beginning to feel a bit tired though and it was hard for her to keep focused. Kevin was the first to notice and he told everyone to leave. After they had all said their goodbyes, Kevin sat down next to her.
“It looked like you needed some rest after all of the craziness of this morning.”
Wendy nodded and on a empty piece of paper she somehow managed to write down “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He smiled at her. “Allright, I guess I’ll be going then, unless you want me to stay here with you.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it one time. She really didn’t want to be alone at this point.
“Allright, just let me get some coffee and then I’ll stay right next to you.” Kevin stated as he walked out of the room to get some coffee, something to eat and a magazine. Then he walked back in to find her asleep. He sat down next to her and looked at the family tree they had made together earlier that day. Seeing how close they all were made him smile, the words “close friend” had been written down at least 10 times. Yes, close friends they were and he just hoped that it would stay that way forever.