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“Aren’t you going to ask me why?”
“No Alex, that’s not important to me. That you are here is. If you want to tell me why, that’s okay. If you want me to just sit here and be quiet, that’s fine. Anything you want, is alright with me. Except for making out ofcourse.” She stuck out her tongue at him as she had finished the last sentence.
For the first time in days, he laughed out loud. “Aww, come on. Even Nick didn’t want to kiss me..” he pouted.
“He DIDN’T? Now that’s a shocker.” She replied, happy to see that he hadn’t lost his sense of humor.
She leaned forward as she kissed him on the cheek. “Now that’s the best I can do..”
“Brian has told me that you can do a whole lot better!!” he smirked.
“And how would he know?” she giggled.
“He doesn’t.. well, he didn’t say anything. I just wanted to see if you’d blush.. Then I know something happened between the two of you in the past.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Alex? Nothing has ever happened between Bri and me,” she replied while she rolled her eyes.
“Owh come on, you know you can tell me.” He chuckled.
“Alex, N-O-T-H-I-N-G has ever happened.” She giggled and shook her head.
“Come on, you were teenagers when you moved in with him and his parents. All of the hormones flying around and now you want me to believe nothing has ever happened. Yeah right.” Now A.J. rolled his eyes.
“Well...” she said while she got up from the bed they were both sitting on. She then turned away,which made Alex really curious of what she wasn’t telling him.
”See, I KNEW it!! Spill it girl, and don’t forget the details!!”
“Please, promise me you won’t tell the others about this..or I’ll have to kill you!!”
“Promise, now tell me!!”
“Well, one time, I was sitting on my bed, like you are now. And then Brian walked in, and sat down next to me, like this.” And she sat down next to A.J. “Then what??” A.J. couldn’t believe that she was actually sharing this with him. He had teased her about this about a 100 times, but she never gave in.
“And then he did this!!” She laughed as she pushed A.J. over while she started to tickle him and she didn’t stop until he begged her to stop for the fourth time. “Wendy...j-just..st...stop!!”
”Hmm, I didn’t hear that correctly I think..” she laughed.
“Plea...please stop!!” A.J. laughed while he tried to escape, but that was a mission impossible, for she was sitting on top of him. “PLEEEEEEEEEEAAASE stop!!”

Thinking back to those days made him smile while waiting for any news on her health. She was the only one, well next to her partner in crime, Brian, who had the ability to make him smile while being in rehab and therapy. But there was a difference between Brian and her. Even though Brian tried not to blame him, A.J. knew he did even if it had only been for a split second. And he couldn’t blame him for it, because they had to postpone the tour because of his problems. Wendy never judged him, or blamed him for anything. Maybe it was because she wasn’t in the business, or maybe that was just her. It was probably just her. Owh boy, she really had him thinking that something did happen between Brian and her, and he fell for it. He so didn’t see the tickle-attack coming, making it impossible for him to escape from it. And he really needed the laughter at that particular moment in time. And the hug she gave him before she went home, made it seem like things were going to be alright, even though he still had a long way to go.


Dr. Greene was pacing up and down the hallway on the 8th floor, where the hospital-lab was, waiting for the testresults to get back. He didn’t understand what had happened to Ms. Hamilton earlier that day. Everything was fine the day before and she should be on her way to the rehabilitation center right now. It bothered him that he didn’t know what to do or expect at the moment. He should really go tell Brian and the others what had happened or how she was doing, but for the moment he didn’t know what to tell them, so he decided to wait for the test results. A few minutes later, Dr. Lockhart showed up with the tests results in her hand.
As she handed them to him, she said: “You won’t believe this.”
Dr. Greene looked at her, not knowing what to expect. He opened Wendy’s file and scanned through the test results, his eyes grew wide while reading them. He then looked at Dr. Lockhart.
“This must be the wrong results.”
She shook her head. “I made them doublecheck after I had read them.”
He just couldn’t believe what the results were telling him. “But, this doesn’t make any sense!!”

She knew that Dr. Green was about to get the labresults in an hour or so. And she also knew what he would find inside the file, what it would say about Ms. Hamilton’s condition. But Debra really couldn’t care less. She knew that injecting the Xynelyxoniamide into Wendy’s system had brought her closer to her goal, Kevin. He would finally come to see her, and whenever she would check on Wendy, she would see him. And in a day or two, she’d ask him out. She was almost a hundred percent sure he would accept her invitation, but there always was a slight chance he’d decline. He had messed with destiny before, so he could do it again, which would be a dumb decision ofcourse, because that would force her to take action. She wasn’t sure what kind of action it would be. It would surely mean that she would have to hurt him, but she hadn’t decided yet in what way. It could be her telling him that if he didn’t accept, Wendy was about to die pretty fast. Then after a while, Kevin would surely fall in love with her, and he’d forgive her for the blackmail. Or she would just have to make sure that he’d end up in St. Joseph’s too. But for now, Debra just thought about her future, he couldn’t say ‘no’ to her invitation, now could he?


Dr. Greene still couldn’t believe what he’d just read in Wendy’s file. He looked at Dr. Lockhart who had also had a puzzled expression on her face.
“I don’t understand either, Mark.”
“We have to go and talk to Brian and the others, even though I don’t know how.”
“Neither do I. Let’s just hope they can cope with this.” Dr. Lockhart sighed.
“I agree. Let’s go..” Dr. Greene had dealt with a lot of difficult conversations, but he had never done one similar to this one.
He could only pray that this would be the last awful news he had to tell them, before everything was going to take a turn for the best again. They had really been through enough.

“What could be taking them so long?” Nick softly said.
“They have to examine her thoroughly, buddy..” A.J. replied while he put a hand on Nick’s shoulder.
“I know, but it’s been three hours or so.” Nick kept staring to the floor.
He thought of the night before, how they had been joking and how he gave her a big hug before he went home.
She was doing great the other day, and now..
Now all he could do is wait for anyone to tell them what was wrong.

Dr. Greene and Dr. Lockhart were now only a few steps away from the family room. They both didn’t want to go in there, but they knew they had no choice but to step in and tell them about the labresults. “Let’s be gentle.” Dr. Lockhart stated.
Dr. Greene nodded his head and softly knocked on the door to announce their arrival.
That caused Leighanne and the four men to lift their heads and see who was about to come in. When it was both Dr. Green and Dr. Lockhart, Howie knew this wasn’t going to be good news.
Dr. Lockhart began to fill them in. “Wendy is back on the IC-unit. We had to intubate her again, because she wasn’t able to breathe on her own. She is unconsciousness, and we have reason to believe that she slipped into a coma again.” She could feel the tension in the room grow and she worried that it would somehow come to an erruption. She saw that Leighanne and Brian were in shock, but from the expressions on the others faces, she could not tell how they were taking this.
Dr. Green sighed and then said: “We just got the test results back.”
A.J. immediately interrupted. “And? What’s wrong?”
Dr. Greene and Dr. Lockhart glanced at each other, not knowing how to break the news to them.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but.. we don’t know.”
Brian just looked at Dr. Greene, not sure if he heard it correctly. “What did you say?” he softly asked.
“We don’t know what’s wrong with Wendy, Brian. The labresults didn’t show anything, neither did the scans. We did a toxscreen, but that came back negative. As far as we can see, it appears her body has no reason for functioning the way it does. We have no clue why she is in the state she’s in.”

”You WHAT?” Nick exclaimed while he jumped out of his seat, his fists clenched and his eyes spat fire at both doctors. He walked up close to Dr. Greene and growled. “You don’t KNOW?! She can’t breathe on her own, she’s in a coma AGAIN, and YOU tell me that you DON’T HAVE A CLUE what’s wrong with her?!”
Dr. Greene stepped back, his hands up in defense. “Not at this time, no Nick. But we will keep a close eye on her and won’t give up on finding a explanation or a cure.” For the first time in his time at the hospital, someone talked and acted so agressively to him and to be honest, he was scared.
Nick kept walking up to him, until Dr. Greene could feel his breath on his face and he had no choice than to look him straight in the eye. “Explanation OR cure? You’d better find a cure, doc. YOU’D BETTER FIND A CURE! That is MY friend you’re talking about, NOT some stupid object!! MY FRIEND!!”
Nick felt the tears sting in his eyes, but he didn’t want to cry right now, not in front of everyone.
”I.. I know how much she means to you, Nick.” Dr. Lockhart softly said. Nick looked at her, surprised by her words, but they made him only more furious.
”NO, you DON’T know. You don’t know anything. You THINK you know EVERYTHING, but you don’t know anything about us. NOT A DAMN THING!!”

Nick felt two pair of hands on his shoulders as he heard A.J. say: “That’s enough, Nick. Calm down.”
He turned his head and saw that he and Howie were the ones who held him by the shoulders. He shook them off and almost ran for the door. He knew he had to get out of this hospital for some fresh air and to let the tears and pain that he held back come out.
He heard someone yell: “Nick, wait!!” But he didn’t listen, he just wanted to get out of the damn hospital. Howie stopped A.J. from running after him. “He needs some time alone, Alex. He’ll be back. I’m sorry Dr. Greene, Nick just doesn’t handle bad news that well.” Dr. Greene nodded. “That’s understandable under these circumstances.”
“And now what is going to happen, Dr. Lockhart?” Leighanne asked as she felt Brian squeeze her hand real tight, as if that could prevent him from falling apart.
“We’ll keep examinng her, and won’t stop until we find out what’s wrong with her. For the moment though, we can’t do anything but search for other methods to find out what’s wrong. We’ll be contacting other hospitals, other medical staff and other medical libraries. Does this answer your question?”
She nodded her head, wondering what was going through Brian’s head at the moment.
“Can we see her?” he then suddenly spoke up.
Dr. Lockhart nodded. “You can go see her, all of you if you want to. And if you notice any changes whatsoever, or you even think you noticed something, hit the red button immediately or come get one of us. She’s in room 263 on the fifth floor. Nurse Debra can take you to her, but unfortunately I think you’ll be able to find her room yourselves. We’ll do everything we possibly can..” “We know, Dr. Lockhart. We know..” A.J. softly said while he got up out of his seat and shook their hands, followed by Howie, Brian and Leighanne who did the same. The four of them then walked over to the elevator. None of them said a word, for they were scared that if they did, the situation would suddenly become reality instead of just another nightmare in which they played the leading part.