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“Thanks again for helping me out, Debra. I really appreciate it.”
Debra looked at the man she adored. “Sure, Kevin. I’d do anything to help you out, even though I must say I don’t quite understand why you asked us to make sure the others don’t see you here.”
“It’s complicated.” He let out a sigh. “Let’s just say they aren’t too fond of me right now.”
Debra could only think of one thing when she listened to his minor explanation. If the others were giving him any trouble whatsoever, she could make sure that they would never be in his face again. What were they thinking? That they could hurt Kevin and just get away with it? When they got to Wendy’s room, he thanked her. In response, she smiled at him before she turned around and walked back to the desk. She sat down and took a sip of her peppermint & cammomille tea. When he got back, he would ask her out, she just knew it. When she looked him in the eyes, she could see the love he felt for her. Seeing Wendy was probably just for show, to calm his nerves down. She had already explained the situation to Katie, Ally and Rose, the other nurses on duty, and made it clear that no-one could go see Wendy as long as Kevin was with her. The others asked her why, and she replied that wasn’t important. She then turned her attention back to the magazine she had brought with her that day, again flipping through the pages, searching for the perfect suit for her husband-to-be, to go with her dress.

At first he just stood there, staring at the door, too scared to go in. He was scared of his own feelings and what seeing her again would do to him. He knew he was still weak and didn’t want to have a mental breakdown. Realising that just standing there wouldn’t solve any of his problems, he finally turned the doorknob, walking in as he opened the door, then closing it behind him. While walking over to her right, he avoided to look up until he was sitting in the uncomfortable white chair. He then lifted his head and looked at her. It was as if she was asleep. Maybe it was his imagination, but it was as if she had a smile on her face. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she was dreaming of happy things, of life being normal or something like that. He gently placed his right hand on hers, feeling the warmth made him shiver. Her touch made everything seem so real and unreal at the same time. The love he had for her, was still there, possibly even evolved into something bigger than a simple crush. The last time he had seen her, she was talking, joking around, holding his hand. Now, she was asleep, well, in a coma, again. But he prefered to call it ‘sleeping’, because that sounded as if everything was going to be allright eventually. She would be, she had to get through this. He needed her, he couldn’t bare to lose the second love of his life. Her body warmth, lifted the cold from his own body, melting the last of his defenses.

He felt the tears working their way up, but he didn’t want to have a hysterical moment, so he tried everything in his power to hold them back. Then he cleared his throat, closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to think of a way to say these things, explain his behavior to her, apologize and be honest for once. Even though there was no way of knowing she’d hear him, he knew he had to do this. He opened his eyes, gently squeezed her hand with his right, and stroked her hair with his other. “Hi We-Wendy..” he stuttered. “I-I need to...I..” He let out a huge sigh, took a deep breath and started over. “Hi Wendy, I need to.. I..” He couldn’t do this, he wasn’t strong enough. His hand trembled as he touched her cheek, trying to somehow find the courage to speak.


Brian felt as if things were a little bit better when Ally called him this morning. She had told him that Wendy no longer needed the life support, well, as far as the oxygen goes. She could breathe on her own again, which was a good sign. She also told him not to tell anyone else, because she was risking her job by telling him this. Nurses weren’t allowed to share any patient information, not even with family, so he promised her he wouldn’t. He told Leighanne that he was going over to see her, but left this particular information out. As he got off the elevator he found himself whistling the tune from “I’ll never break your heart”. He turned the corner and walked up to the nurses’desk, where he found Debra.

“Good morning Debra. Is Ally around somewhere?”
“Well good morning to you too, Brian. She’s taking care of a patient right now, why?”
“Owh nothing.. Well I guess I’ll be going that way then.” He pointed in the direction of Wendy’s room, but before he could set a foot in that direction, Debra was standing before him, with her arms crossed in front of her body. "You can't go in Brian."
"Why not? What's wrong, Debra?"
Brian knew that he could not handle it if her condition had worsened again. Everytime they had a talk with Dr. Greene, he told them she wasn’t doing any better, and everytime Brian heard that, he felt like he was losing a part of himself. A part of his past, in which she played such an important part. And now this morning, he finally had been told some good news, he wouldn’t handle it well if she had gotten weaker again.
Debra looked angry, annoyed with the fact that he didn’t just listen to what she was telling him.
"You just can't alright. Trust me on this."
"What is it? Why can't I go see her? Is Dr. Greene with her?"
When it took her too long to reply, he knew something was wrong. He stepped forward, but Debra stood in his way, and made it impossible for him to pass her by. When he took a step to the left, she took one to the right, and so on. Then Brian did something he never really didn't want to do. He roughly shoved her aside and almost ran for the door to Wendy's room, dying to find out what had happened this time. Debra yelled “STOP!”, but he didn’t listen and she didn’t run after him, because she knew there was nothing she could do now to stop him from entering that room.

With his hand already resting on the doorknob, he realized he heard someone talking on the inside. A familiar voice. Anger began to grow inside of him, but when Brian realised Kevin was crying his heart out hysterically, the anger subsided. He had only witnessed that once, the day his uncle, Kevin’s father, passed way. The sound of him crying, stopped Brian in his tracks, leaving him no choice than to listen to his cousin, knowing something serious was going on inside room 263.