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Kev almost broke the door down when he ran into the waiting room. A.J and Howie were right behind him. They just could not believe their own eyes.

~~A few moments earlier~~

“Everything will be ok, Rok. She will be just fine.”
“Don’t say that, Nick, you don’t know that.” Brian said while he was trying to stop crying. He didn’t want to cry anymore, he just wanted to see her and even though she couldn’t see him, he still wanted to be strong for her. He didn’t understand why he felt to urge to be strong, he sure as hell had no reason to be. And besides that, she always appreciated the fact that he wouldn’t hold his feelings back in front of her. But still, he was holding back the tears and that gave anger the opportunity to rise to the surface.
“I just know, Rok. She’ll wake up and tease you about.. well, being you..” Nick tried to make Brian smile with that comment, but Brian didn’t smile at all.
“And now who made you God that you know so sure, huh?” Brian yelled. “Jezus Nick, we don’t know if she will be allright, we don’t even know if she’ll make it through the night. Stop acting like you know it all. You don’t know sh*t. But what can you expect from a guy your age. You think everything will always be allright. We’ll this time you can’t be quite that sure, little Nicky. She almost died tonight. D-I-E-D. And this isn’t a freaking VIDEOGAME, where you can start all over again if you die. When she’s gone, she’s gone for good! Let that sink in for a moment, maybe it will actually reach your brain if you try hard enough. Wendy almost DIED tonight.”
Nick was shocked to hear Brian talk and scream like this. He never lost his temper like this before. And it made Nick feel as small as a 2-year-old kid. Damn, of course he knew that she almost died tonight, that she might not wake up and that she might never be the same again, but he was just trying to make his best friend feel a little better. “Frick, I..”
“Don’t Frick me. Just shut the hell up.” Brian yelled as he got up out of his seat.
Nick got out of his seat as well. “But Brian, we need to talk. I was just trying to..”
“You were just trying to make me feel better? No Nick, you were trying to reassure yourself, not me. Don’t you see, Nick, it’s always about you, you, you. Well, this time, it isn’t about you. It’s about Wendy who’s fighting for her life right now. You’re being so selfish that it’s making me sick. Just get the hell out of my sight.”
“No.” Nick simply stated.
“Maybe I should help you then.” Brian’s eyes narrowed as he picked up a chair ready to attack Nick with it.
“Brian, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!” Nick screamed while he was trying to cover his head.


Kevin couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Brian was about to hit Nick on the head with a freaking chair. He immediately ran over to his cousin and simply took the chair out of his hands. “What in God’s name just happened in here?!” he exclaimed. Brian turned around to him and just fell into his arms, crying his heart out once again. “Nick are you ok, man?” A.J. asked him while he walked over to him. Nick nodded, still in shock about what his best friend just said and did. They all just stood there and watched Brian cry. Kevin just silently prayed this nightmare would be over soon. Unfortunately, the nightmare had just begun.


“I’m so sorry, Nick for what I just did. I didn’t mean a word I said.” Brian softly spoke. He was sitting on the couch in the waiting room, staring at his hands. He just couldn’t look at Nick right now, not after what he just said and did. He was so ashamed of himself.
“It’s ok, Fri..Brian.” Nick replied still a bit scared, because he didn’t want to be snapped at again, but most of all, he didn’t want Brian to get that upset again. No one ever discussed it, but they were all still afraid that someday, Brian’s condition would come back.
“Are you mad at me? Not that I would blame you if you are.” Brian sighed.
“I’m not mad, Frick. You just scared the shit out of me. For such a small guy, you look pretty impressive when you’ve got a chair in your hands.” Nick chuckled. Brian just couldn’t help but smile. “Hug?”
“Sure man!”

“Nick, can I talk to you for a moment?” Kevin asked. Nick nodded as he followed him into the hallway. “What happened in there? What did you do or say to make him that angry?”
This is just great, Nick thought as he rubbed his forehead. He just tried to comfort his best friend and this is what he got in return. “I told him that everything was going to be allright. That’s all. And then he lost it. He told me that there’s no way of knowing that, that this wasn’t a videogame and that I made this all about me instead of Wendy.”
“Brian lost it, because you said everything was going to be allright?” Kevin just couldn’t believe this and frankly he didn’t quite understand what a videogame had to do with all of this. Nick shrugged, feeling Kevin wasn’t buying it. “He did, Kev. I know you don’t believe me, your face just gives you away man. But it is the truth. He just lost it. I guess this hit him even harder than..”
“I believe you, allright. It hit us all hard. I guess we do strange things at times like these.” Kevin said while shaking his head.

“But Kev, why did Dr. Greene ask you to follow him to his office?”
“You have big ears, Nick.”
“I know, man. You didn’t have to tell me that.” Nick put on a face like he was affended by Kevin’s remark.
“But don’t try to change the subject.”
“Smart too.. my my, looks like you’re finally growing up.” They both chuckled.
“Allright, Nick. There’s something I need to tell you. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing by telling you this, but I’m not quite sure of anything right now. Foremost, you need to promise me that you won’t tell Brian. We both saw what can happen when he gets upset..”
“And we don’t want him ending up in here as well. I promise, now tell me.”
“Dr. Greene didn’t tell us everything about what happened to Wendy. He didn’t want to because of Brian’s condition, so he asked me to follow him into his office.” Kevin’s thoughts went back to the awful moment that Dr. Greene told him. Nick snapped his fingers in front of Kevin’s face, trying to bring him back to reality. Kevin looked up at him, realizing his youngest friend was still waiting for an answer. He took a deep breath, and put a hand on Nick’s left shoulder as if that would prepare him for what he was about to hear.
“Nick, buddy.. Wendy, she was raped.”
“God, no.” Nick covered his face, trying to block out what he had just heard. After a moment of total silence, he looked at Kevin, his voice quivering. “We can’t tell Brian. But holding this back doesn’t seem right as well. What are we gonna do, Kev, what on earth are we gonna do?”
Kevin pulled his friend into a hug and closed his eyes. “I don’t know, Nick, I just don’t know.”