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“Bri, how was she?” A.J. immediately asked as his friend entered the room.
Brian shrugged as he walked over to the couch to get his jacket. “Ok, I guess.”
The others were watching his every move, waiting for him to continue, but since he didn’t, A.J. pressed him to go on.
“There’s nothing more to say, Alex. Listen you guys, I’m exhausted, I just wanna go home and try to get some rest. Will you drop me off, Nick?”
“Sure, Rok. Listen, we already called Leighanne, so she knows what’s going on. Now, let’s get you home.”
“Tnx man, I wasn’t looking forward to telling her everything myself.” Brian replied while he put on his jacket after which he and Nick walked out of the waiting room without saying another word.

“You guys go ahead, I’ll be right out.”
“What are you going to do, Kev?” Howie asked him.
“I’m going to ask if she’s still in critical condition. If so, I’ll stay here tonight. I didn’t want to ask Brian.”
The two men nodded. “Allright, we’ll wait for you outside.”
Five minutes later, Kevin joined A.J. and Howie outside. Brian and Nick had already left. “And?” Howie asked.
“Her condition is stable right now, so we can go home and get some eyeshut.
They promised to call me if there’s any change and I will call you guys then. If you don’t hear from me, there’s no news.”
A.J. and Howie nodded and they all got in Kevin’s car, desperately in need of a few hours of sleep.

--Later that night--

Kevin was wide awake immediately. He reached for the phone, scared of who would be on the other end.
“Hello?” he asked with a quivering voice.
“Did I wake you?” the person on the other end asked.
Kevin let out a sigh of relief before he replied. “Brian, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Sorry man, I just wanted to know if you had heard anything from the hospital.”
“No, they didn’t call me. They only would if things got worse. So no news means good news.”
“Thank God.” Now it was Brian’s turn to let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m scared, cuz. What if she never completely recovers? Or worse, what if she never wakes up?”
“We don’t know what’s going to happen, we can only take it one day at a time.
I just hope and pray that she will one day be herself again. But I’m scared too.”
“It’s not a good thing when you’re scared. You’re usually the one who tells me not to be afraid.”
“I know, Bri. But this whole damn thing just reminds me of, you know.” The thought alone of the events of three years ago made Kevin shiver.
“I know. Is there anything I can do?”
“No, cuz.. it’s okay.” Kevin lied, thankfully he then heard Leighanne’s voice in the background.
“Honey, Brian, who are you talking to? Is it the hospital? What’s wrong?”
“No sweetheart, it’s Kev. Sorry man, I gotta go.”
“Listen, I’ll call you the moment I have news, okay? Now try to get some rest, we’ll need it.”
Kevin hang up and got back into bed. He stared at the ceiling while he relived that terrible night, three years ago.

Jesus, that better be one of the guys, Kevin thought.
“Kevin Richardson?”
“This is he.”
“I’m Dr. Lockhart from St. Joseph’s hospital. Are you the one I should talk to about Ms. Hamilton?”
“Yes, I am. What’s wrong?” Kevin’s voice quivered with fear.
“She went into epileptic shock about an hour ago. Mr. Richardson? Mr. Richardson, are you there?”
Kevin didn’t hear her anymore, he was already on his way out.


“I..need to speak to Dr. Lockhart.... right now.... It’s about Ms. Hamilton.” Kevin was trying to catch his breath while he was leaning on the desk.
“This is she. I already guessed you were on your way over here when you didn’t respond on the phone.”
“I’m sorry, I just had to get over here.”
“It’s okay. But you should’t have come all the way out here. What I was trying to tell you, is that we got her stabilized with some medicine. I just wanted to let you know, because tomorrow’s my day off and since Dr. Greene isn’t here tonight, I wanted to give you the information myself instead of you hearing it from someone else in the morning. I’m sorry I had you racing over her just for this.”
“It’s okay. Can I see her?”
“Sure, just go up to the 5th floor and ask for nurse Debra. She will take you to her. I’m really sorry for the confusion I caused.”
“It’s allright, Dr. Lockhart. Have a nice day tomorrow.”


Wow, he sure is hot, Debra thought when she looked up from the administration to see him standing there.
“Excuse me, nurse Debra, can you take me to Ms. Hamilton? Dr. Lockhart gave me permission to see her.”
And his voice was sexy too. It even made her blush. She just prayed he wouldn’t notice. “Ofcourse I will. And please call me Debra. I’ll be one of the nurses who will be taking care of Ms. Hamilton while she’s here.” she said while she took him to room 246. “If you need anything, just press the red button and I’ll be right here.”
“Thank you.”
“That’s okay. I get paid to take care of people, you know.” She said with a smile. “I’ll get back to my desk now.” She turned around. I wonder if he’s single. And if he is, I can surely change that. And if he’s not, I can change that too. I’ll ask one of the young trainees about his status tomorrow. At least she already knew he was one of the Backstreet Boys. The rumor that someone they were close to was in the hospital spread around as fast as fire, but that and his name, Kevin, was all she knew.

Kevin experienced the same kind of shock Brian felt when he first saw her. He even almost acted the same as his cousin did earlier that day. He sat next to her and held her hand, but he didn’t pray. Looking back at what had happened to him in the years before, he did no longer believe there was a God. Yes, he did pray with the rest of the guys earlier that day. But that was because he couldn’t tell him that he had lost his trust. Especially Brian wouldn’t understand and pretending to pray was much easier than explaining his disbelief. He quietly sat there for about an hour, wondering if she would be okay. The lack of sleep finally got to him. He doze off, with his head lying on the bed, and his hand still holding hers.

~~The next morning~~

“Kev, wake up man..” Nick whispered. “Kev!” he continued a bit louder.
“Huh.. what..why..” Kevin responded while he opened one eye to see who was there.
“What are you doing here, big guy?”
“I...” Kevin yawned. “I got a call from the hospital last night so I rushed over,” he said.
“You told me you’d call us if there were any changes!” A.J. started to get angry with him.
“I know. Let me explain.” Kevin yawned once more. “She went into epileptic shock, and when I heard Dr. Lockhart say that, I was already on my way out. So she couldn’t tell me that they had already managed to stabilize her. So when I got her, everything was fine, well, as far as that’s possible. So I decided to call you in the morning, but as you can see, I fell asleep.”
“You were snoring, man.” Nick grinned.
“Like you don’t.. Last time I had the hotelroom next to yours, I couldn’t sleep because of YOUR snoring, little Nicky.” Kevin quickly replied.
Nick put on a face as if he was affended by this and he hit Kev on the head.
“Ouch! Where’s Brian and Howie? Has anyone talked to them yet?”
“Howie told me he would pick him up, and they would be here around eleven.”
“We have to tell him today, Kev. I can no longer keep this a secret. Yesterday he already asked questions while I was taking him home about what I was hiding from him. I was just about to tell him when we finally got there.”
“I know Nick, I almost blabbed it out when he called me last night. Damn, and he doesn’t know about the epileptic shock yet. Let’s be careful when we tell him about both.” Kevin let out a sigh. “And now I’m going to find a doctor to tell us how Wendy’s doing. Let’s hope this will be a good day.”