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AJ Writes a Poem about S

AJ was no fool. He, along with every other boy in New York new what a catch Serena Van de Lur was. He had just heard from his sister Lissy that Serena was back in town.

When he had heard the news, he had been secretly thrilled. However on the outside, he was as cool and collected as he always was.

"Oh come on AJ! You can't sit there and act like you don't care that Serena is back!" Lissy had shouted her hands on her hips.

AJ lifted his eyes and looked at his sister.

"Dude, what is up with your obsession with Serena anyway?"


AJ shook his head and pulled out an herbal cig. Lissy stared at him.

"Fine! Be that way!" She yelled storming out and slamming the door.

AJ rolled his eyes and sat down into his worn out leather chair and grabbed his black notebook. He flipped open to a clean sheet and thought chewing the end of his pen before he began to write.

You threw yourself into my life uninvited,
yet I did not ask you to leave.
Your yellow hair has captured the sun,
and your eyes of heaven.
I want to kiss you
and die in your arms.

AJ read over what he had written and winced seeing how pathetic he sounded. Did his words even make sense? He sighed slamming his notebook shut.

Life sucked.


First week of school and everyone wants to know what in the world is going. Well here I am GG ready to let it all roll.

First and most important: Fall Fashion.

Everybody get ready to hit the stores and buy all the new and exciting things that have entered our fashion world. Girls, don't you dare even show your face around school if you do not own a pair of the new Louis Vuitton ankle boots in black.

The Louis Vuitton ankle boots will look great with awesomely flared Seven jeans and a ribbed sweater. They will look great with a long flowy skirt and long sleeved silk shirt. There are many ways to wear this great books so head out and buy some if you are clueless and don't already own a pair.

By looking at Blaire, I guess Burberry is back in! Of course she looks absolutely beautiful in anything so who is to say anything because Blaire IS fashion.

Current State of Union Update

In Out

LV boots Sweat bands
Burberry yellow
mens neck ties Serena


B walking into a drug store buying what looks like a box of condoms. It seems like N is gonna finally get lucky!

S walking into a building on side street and coming out with pamphlets. Hmm wonder what that is about?

Your emails:

Dear GG,

I am not sure if you have heard this yet but I saw a girl with blond hair that looked exactly like S walking into an STD clinic. Not that I was there but I saw her from a cross the street while I was getting my nails done.

Tattle Tale

Dear Tattle,

Hhmm, so you were doing your nails huh? Well I believe you about S because I have heard the rumors and they arent pretty. But hey no body likes a tattle tale except for a gossip girl.

Gossip Girl

Dear Girl

Are you hot? If you are doing you want to go to the dance with me that is coming up soon?


Dear Chris,

That was really really sweet and yes of course I am hot! I mean duh! Unfortunately I can not go to the dance with you. I already have a date and besides, I am not gonna let anyone know who I am!

Gossip Girl

Well everyone, that wraps it up for now. I will be seein you all soon as soon as I get more news. Peace out! Ehmawgawd that was so like 50's!

Gossip Girl