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I wrote this for all the people who have screwed me over during these past few years. Read and review. Thanks. ~sungoddesskate

This goes out to You

Empty voices echo in your head

Telling of empty dreams

And of countless empty promises

You promised the world

But you gave me jack shit.

You promised me love

But, instead you gave me hate

How so very nice of you

I helped you in every way I possibly could

And how did you repay me?

By throwing me away like a piece of trash.

I screwed things up in the worst way

So, yea, maybe it was my fault

But, I didn't deserve that

I don't deserve any of the pain or hurt.

Maybe you should live a day in my shoes

And see what it's really like

To face all of this.

There's only one way to explain it.


That's what I feel right now.

Emptier than the f***ing tomb on Easter morning.

So, this goes out to you.

Out to every person out there who

Made me feel totally and utterly alone.

So, I'm taking this time to thank you

Thank you for every empty promise

You ever made.

For everything you said you could do,

But you took that all away

When you packed up and left

When the time suited you.

So, thanks.

You've helped me become who I am now.

This goes out to you.
