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I stared intently as the raindrops pounded rhythmically on the window, as I looked behind me. I knew I was leaving behind the person I intently grew up with. He was my lover and soul mate. Sighing heavily, I allowed the concept I had been hiding from me to finally sink in.

I knew this was the right thing to do. As the taxi slowly took a stop at the Florida airport, I rose quickly out of my seat with my luggage, placing my hand on the handle of the taxi. A wet mixture of swift wind and raindrops chilled me immediately, sending shivers straight up and down my spine.

I quickly walked to the airport, all ready cold and wet from the rain. After sometime, when everything was set up, the announcer came on announcing that the flight to Los Angeles, California will be now boarding. I went on the plane not ever planning on looking back. With tears streaming down my face, I took my luggage and boarded the plane.