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Blind Rage - Chapter 21

Agnes stood in the doorway to ICU room number 18. The patient was fast
asleep, no doubt from all the medications that had been given. A slight
smiled played across her lips as she clutched the small white paper sack she
held in her grip.

‘This was going to be far too easy,’ she thought to herself. ‘Way too easy.’


It didn’t take long for the scene to be swarmed with police, state troopers, a wrecker, a fire truck, and an ambulance. Emergency lights flashed and commotion was wild. The obese man in the front seat of the suburban was immediately determined dead on the scene. Pictures were being taken of everything and glass from shattered windows was being swept off the road.

Kyung sat inside the ambulance, a thick blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She slowly rocked back in forth, not comprehending anything around her. Any attempt to get through to her had proven futile. She had retreated within herself like she had done before. It was a form of protection. After being terrorized and watching her friends be terrorized for that long, she simply couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Sweetie, I need to see your arm. I think it might be broken.” Lisa gently spoke to Kyung. She started to reach for her arm under the blanket and Kyung started to get upset.

“It’s okay, we’re here to help you. No one is going to hurt you anymore. We need to take a look at you okay?” Rick added soothingly.

Kyung wouldn’t have any of it though. Without knowing what she was doing, she fought against the paramedics. Worried that she was going to cause further physical damage to herself, the paramedics had no choice but to tie her down to the stretcher. They were unsure of her injuries and her violent struggling could cause her more injuries. It didn’t matter anyway because almost immediately she passed out from exhaustion. It was then that the medics were allowed to put her arm in a splint and see to the rest of her injuries.

“Is she going to be okay?” Lisa asked anxiously. She had only been a paramedic for a couple months and she was slightly overwhelmed.

“She should be. It looks like she’s got Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s no wonder with what they’ve been through.” Rick explained.

“Are we taking her to the same hospital that everyone else is in?” Lisa had been following it all and knew of the chaos that surrounded the hospital that was treating Brian, Lizz, and Terri. And previously Nick.

“No. First off, too much chaos. Secondly, Memorial is closer.” Rick glanced outside the ambulance to see what the sudden commotion was. “Shit! How did the press get wind of this already?”


AJ stepped off the elevators outside the ICU. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that something wasn’t right. His conversation with Brian was unsettling. He knew that Brian was holding something back. Brian had started to tell him what had happened in the hallway when he had seen Lizz, but stopped, unsure of himself.

He buzzed into the ICU and they let him go right on in, recognizing him. AJ pushed softly on the door to Lizz’s room and stepped around the curtain.

Agnes heard the door and whirled around.

AJ froze in his steps, seeing Agnes standing by Lizz’s bed. She was holding Lizz’s IV line in her hand and the sick feeling in AJ’s stomach grew.

“I wouldn’t make a sound if I were you.” Agnes stated quietly. She held up the IV line where she held a syringe in one of the infuser ports.

“What the hell are you doing?!” AJ hissed. “If you put air in her line you are going to kill her!”

Agnes shook her head and smiled tightly. “No no, dear AJ, I said I was going to put air in Brian’s line. This isn’t air.”

AJ glanced at the door behind him then back at Agnes.

“Oh it’s okay, no one will be in here for another 15 minutes. I have it timed perfectly. And you had better just cooperate with me.” Agnes addressed AJ’s thoughts smugly.

“What is that?” AJ nodded at the syringe. He was trying to stay calm. If he got upset then she might and then she might inject that stuff into Lizz.

“Do you know what it was that got Lizz into this mess in the first place? A medication called Albuterol. People take it in breathing treatments, much like Brian is getting right now. In fact, I happened to get this bottle out of his room while he was sleeping earlier today.” Agnes’ voice was slow and calculated.

AJ took in a sharp breath. She had been in Brian’s room?!

“See, the first time Lizz swallowed slightly more than three quarters of the bottle. Unfortunately this is merely a quarter. It isn’t enough to kill her, but it will definitely make her very very sick. She needs to suffer for what she and Carter did to my Terri.” Her voice was strangely calm.

“She did suffer. So has Nick. None of this is going to help your daughter.” AJ tried to reason with her.

“Yes it will. It makes me feel better already to think of what this is going to do to her. Even though it is only a quarter of the bottle, it is going to go straight into her bloodstream. She won’t die. But she is going to wish she would.” Her voice was flat.

“Lady, you are going to go to jail for this! You are going to leave your daughter all alone in here if that happens. Is that what you want?!” AJ tried to keep the desperation out of his voice.

Agnes ignored him. “Isn’t it ironic that the same drug that landed her in the first place is going to teach her a lesson now? This is only a fraction of what is going to happen if she opens her big fat mouth.”

AJ raised his eyebrows. This had something to do with what had happened earlier. Whatever had made Brian so uneasy. “You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to leave your kid in here by yourself do you? That’s what will happen if you get caught. She’ll be here all alone.”

Agnes let her eyes soften. “She can’t be alone. She is afraid of hospitals. She is hurting so bad and I can’t leave her.”

“Then put the needle down and walk out of here right now. I’ll make you a deal. You leave this room and stay the hell away from Brian and Lizz, and I won’t tell anyone you were in here.” AJ tried to bargain with her. He let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding when Agnes pulled the needle out of the infuser port.

“I can’t leave Terri.” She mumbled.

“That’s right. Go be with her.” AJ said, trying to keep his voice calm. He was livid, but if he blew up at her, that would not help. Then to his dismay, Lizz’s eyes began to flutter open.

I blinked and looked around. There was someone standing over my bed, but I couldn’t tell who it was at first. When it registered, my heart skipped a beat. I looked frantically around and AJ was standing a few feet from her. He was looked shaken.

“AJ?” I whispered.

Agnes whirled around to face me, eyes hardening. “Little bitch, you should have stayed asleep.”

“It’s going to be okay Lizz.” AJ tried to reassure me. I glanced at what Agnes was holding in her hands and my eyes widened, my chest growing tight. A syringe. She was going to kill me.

Breaking news from the Backstreet Boys kidnapping case! I am here live at the accident scene. This white suburban you see here was the vehicle that carried the final missing victim and the last two kidnappers. The cause of the accident has not yet been determined...

All three of us stared at the television, none of us moving. All I could think about at that moment was Kyung and if she was okay.

The accident was fatal. One of the kidnappers, this man, was killed instantly when the vehicle rolled before it came to it’s final stop.

The same picture that had been flashed all over the news since this whole mess started was shown. It was Dale. Dale was killed. Agnes gasped, tears forming in her cold eyes.

The final victim in the kidnapping is alive, but her condition has not been released. It has also been stated that the deceased’s son, one of the kidnappers, has escaped and it still at large.

Agnes turned to me, tears running down her face. “You. Will. Pay.” With that, she plunged the needle into my IV line pushed the liquid in.

When he saw that Agnes injected the contents of the syringe into Lizz’s IV
line, he didn’t stop and think about his actions, he just reacted by diving at
Agnes, throwing her onto the floor and ripping the IV line out of Lizz’s hand.

AJ was fine until he saw the blood running off of her hand and pooling onto
the sheets. He suddenly became nauseous and fainted.

Agnes scrambled to her knees. “You’ll pay now, I’ll make sure you pay!”

With that said, she quickly darted out the hospital room’s door.

“Lizz? What’s all the commotion going on in here---oh my god!”

Lizz watched helplessly as her nurse rushed over to an unconscious AJ,
slumped against a wall.

“What happened here Lizz?”

At first, Lizz didn’t want to tell the nurse anything, worried about putting
Brian at risk. Then she quickly decided that Brian was probably already in

“Brian Littrell, he’s in trouble and you’ll find her there,” Lizz choked out.

“Find who Lizz?”

“Agnes, she said she was going to kill him, make him pay,” Lizz cried out.

Her nurse didn’t move from AJ’s side, waving smelling salts under his nose.
Lizz grew more upset and impatient at the way the nurse was purposly
avoiding her statement.

“Please, you have to get someone to help Brian, please!”


“Mr. Carter, you realize that this isn’t in your best interest, we can build a
defense, but it’s going to take a little time, you don’t have to do this!”

I looked directly into my attorney’s steel blue eyes. “I have to do this, you
don’t understand.”

“All I understand is the fact that you’re figuratively putting a loaded gun to
your head. I have no other choice than to resign from your case. I can’t
stand by you and let you ruin your life.”

“It’s already ruined, believe me, there’s nothing more left of it, this is
something I have to do to save my friends and my family.”

“Are you being blackmailed Nick? Is that’s what’s going on?”

My attorney hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t make eye contact with him, I
couldn’t look him in the eyes and lie. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I never said that, did I.”

Marshall Spencer closed his briefcase and stood up. As he was patting me on
the shoulder, an old man in a uniform entered the small holding cell. “The
judge is ready for you.”

I nodded slightly and clenched my teeth. This was going to be hard to do but
I had to stay strong.

Strong for Brian.

Strong for Lizz.

After the guard checked the chains on my wrists and the shackels on my
legs, I was led to the judge’s chambers. I closed my eyes and tried to block
out the clanging sound of the chains as I walked.

There wouldn’t be a court hearing, I was confessing my guilt, there wasn’t
any need for any courtroom production.

Guilty as charged. Period.

Breathing heavily, Agnes hid in a small linen closet on the eighth floor -
Brian’s floor. She managed to steal an ID badge from a nurse and the dark
blue scrubs were readily availble in the closet. She wasted no time dressing
in the scrubs and attaching the hospital ID badge to the front left of the

Adjusting the uniform, she casually walked down the hall towards the room
that was heavily guarded by a large black uniformed guard.

Agnes had a slight smile cross her lips as the guard glanced up at her and
then nodded her in. Upon slowly entering Brian’s room, her eyes swept the
perimeter and was not happy upon seeing a young man sitting in a chair next
to Brian’s bed. She was happy to discover that Brian was asleep.

Howie looked up from the television screen when the woman with blue
hospital scrubs entered the room. He didn’t give her another look and went
back to watching the television program.

Agnes leaned against the sink, her back to Brian’s company. She placed her
hand inside the scrub pocket, grasping the empty syringe. Agnes knew that
she couldn’t risk injecting air into Brian’s IV line with that man sitting there.
That would be an instant clue that she was the killer. As she glanced up at
the clock above the cabinets, she noticed that the cupboard that held all of
his prescribed narcotics was carelessly left unlocked.

She opened the door farther and pulled the yellow plastic mesh box that
contained the vials of medications for Brian. Fishing around she found one
that looked lethal enough and pulled it out and plunged the syringe needle
into the vial.