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I do not own the Backstreet Boys, or anyone related or befriended to them, which is sad, but I guess I have to cope with it. LOL. I DO like Kevin, Nick, Howie and AJ and all others in this story, although I might make them do some bad thing and say some awful things. Always remember – this is FICTION. Muhahahaha….

As you might have noticed by now, I´m no native-english speaking person, so please be gentle about the language and stuff – I tried my best!


Chapter 1: Just another day in Paradise

He woke up by the constant ringing of this cell. He couldn´t really realize where he was, but it seemed to be just another pretty hotel room. He didn´t know which city it was, or even which country he was in. The joy of a long, exhausting tour. Suddenly he realized that his phone was still ringing. He got up quickly, ignored the wave of dizziness he felt due to the fact that he was still very tired, and headed for the jeans he had been wearing the night before, in which pockets he had left his cell.

The display showed that Kevin was calling.

“Good morning to myself” he thought with a sigh and picked up the phone.


“Where exactly are you?” Kevin sneered on the other end.

“Just got up. Why?” he replied.


Brian took a quick glance at his wife still sleeping in the bed. He was sure she must have woken up by his cousin screaming like this into his cell. But she still was sound asleep. She normally wasn’t a tight sleeper, but since Baylee had gotten sick last night, vomiting every single hour and was hard to get to sleep, they had a real hard night.

“Have you heard what I just said?” Kevin asked.

Brian shook his head to get the thoughts of last nights happening out of his mind and tried to focus on the meaning of Kevin’s words. He had been late? About an hour? He looked a watch which was hanging at the wall next to the bed. 9.30. Damn. Suddenly it hit him. The meeting. They would be speaking about the new video…

“Kevin I´m sorry. Look…Bay got sick last night which meant I –“ Brian started to explain.

“I don’t wanna hear you stupid excuses. Get here ASAP alright? Hurry” with that Kevin hung up the phone.

Stupid excuses? Why would that be a stupid excuse? He was a father. He had to care for his son. “Speaking of which” Brian thought as he heard the sound of baby feet toddling towards the light open door of their bedroom.

“Good morning little man. Are you feeling any better?” He asked as he picked up his son giving him a tight hug.

“No” was the simple answer.

Brian took a look at his son. His eyes were a little glassy and his checks where lightly reddening. He felt his sons forehead and could tell that he had a light fever.
“Oh my poor baby. You really must have gotten a cold or something. I hoped it was only one of these baby vomiting things we have had had several times “ he said more to himself then to Baylee.

“Looks like we have to wake your mommy Baylee” he said.

He would have loved to let her sleep. She needed this sleep. She did the most caring for Baylee since he had do work. She nowadays looked exhausting to him.

Brian took Baylee over to the bed and sat down, Baylee on his lap. Leigh was sleeping peacefully.

“Am I doing the right thing?” Brian thought.

He sighed and bend over to plant a kiss on Leigh’s face. She didn’t wake up.

“Hey baby” he called her.

She stirred a little in her sleep. He had to shake he a little bit to finally get her fully awake and ready to take his news.

“Good morning my men” she gave each of them a little kiss.

“Baylee is still sick. I think he might have a fever” Brian explained.

Leighanne also put her hand on Baylee´s forehead.

“You are right, Bri. He does have a fever. Maybe we should take him to a doctor?” she asked

“Look, I’m late for the video-meeting already. Kevin is furious. I need to get ready now and go there. Lets wait till I’m back. Maybe his fever has come down till then. Otherwise we asked Doc Martin to take a look at him, ok?” Brian told her.

“I don’t know…he’s not exactly a pediatrician” Leighanne worried.

Doc Martin was their tour doctor they had ever since their first tour overseas. Brian trusted him completely.

“He’s a good doctor Leigh. I trust him. I need to shower and get ready now.” Brian said and quickly got up before Leigh could say another thing.

He hurried into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Be brushed his teeth’s and shaved in a new record-breaking time and got dressed.

Ten minutes later he was ready to go. When he got back to the bedroom Leighanne was still in bed sitting up with a crying Baylee on her lap. Brian watched as she comforted their little boy by assuring him that he would be better by this afternoon. He couldn’t stand it. He quietly closed the door and headed for the elevator.

When he finally reached the Filming Company’s Building where the meeting was supposed to take place he still hadn’t focused on this video-meeting he should attend right now. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to say much, normally he was fine with everything they did. He didn’t really care what kind of video they were shooting. He was more interested in the real music they were making. An interest some of his colleagues seemed to have lost a little during all these years.

“Here we go” he thought while approaching the door of conference room 2. Sure there would be some comments about him being late and everything, but he would have to get through to it. He knocked and opened the door.

What he saw was a big conference table where his four bandmates where sitting and more or less listening to a man Brian didn’t know yet. He supposed that this was the director of the video. He made big gestures telling the other people around him about the plot.

There where also other man around like their again-to-be manager Johnny and his wife Donna, the boss of the company which was doing the video, their public relations man Brad Hanson and some other people he could associate right now. He tried to close the door as quiet as possible. Of course the director heard him and stopped explaining or whatever he was doing.

Brian turned around again facing them. He didn’t know what to say. He suddenly felt sick when he saw Kevin’s expression and the one of Hanson´s face. This wouldn’t be fun.

“Good morning. Sorry that I’m late. I...” Brian started and was interrupted by Hanson.

“Oh which pleasure. Mr. Littrell decided to join us...finally” he sneered. Brian never liked him, same seemed to go for Hanson not liking him.

“Yeah, be happy about it and feel honored” Brian thought but wisely said non of this.

“As I said I’m really sorry. Please go on” he said to the still standing director.

“My name is Michael Grey. I was signed to be the director of the JWYTK-Video” he was holding out his hand for Brian to shake.

“Brian Littrell. Nice to meet you” he said shaking hands with the man he now knew was named Michael Grey. Grey gave him a warm smile.

“You haven’t really missed something yet. I was explaining the plot, but I have a written copy for everybody, so you might just read it.” He said in a friendly voice.

Brian liked this man. He seemed to be very nice and at least normal, not thinking that he was more important like anybody else, like Hanson was.

“Maybe you gonna sit down Littrell, so that Mr. Grey could go on if you don’t mind” Hanson said in this moment.

Brian hurried to take a seat. The only free left was the one next to Kevin. Perfect. If looks could kill, he would have been dead in this second. At least Kevin was looking at him. Nick, Howie and AJ completely ignored him. This was going to be a really nice day.