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Chapter 20

Lori and AJ had been doing some major shopping the past two weeks since New York. By
the first week of June, Lori had her half of AJ’s closet filled with clothes and together, they
had managed to redecorate the living room, kitchen and dining room of the house.

AJ had been thinking about what to do for Lori’s birthday. Her birthday was on the eighth,
which gave him a week to figure out what he wanted to do. He ended up making a call to
his travel agent one-day when Lori was out with his mother, Denise, having lunch. The
destination would be Paris. It was the City of Love and Jenn mentioned that she had a loft
that was hardly used. AJ booked a flight to Paris for the weekend of Lori’s birthday. He
decided that he would surprise her the day before they would leave. It was perfect and AJ
couldn’t wait to tell Jenn and the others.

*~~*~~*~~*~~* Two Weeks Later *~~*~~*~~*

“Mandy, what do you mean you’re not coming?” Nick asked. “I told you two weeks ago
about this get together at AJ’s house. How can you be busy? You’re at my house.” Nick
paced the hallway outside of the living room where everyone else was.

“Hang up on the slut!” Nick could tell that that was Jenn yelling from the living room. And,
as usual, she was drunk. “Jesus Nick! Get a fucking brain!”

“Shut-up!” Nick yelled at her as he walked into the living room. Mandy had hung up on him,
so he knew for sure that she wouldn’t be coming over. “Stay the fuck out of my business!”

“She’s probably fucking some dude right now. She’s probably naked on top of him. In your
bed! And you’re too stupid to realize it,” Jenn retaliated.

“Fuck you, Jenn. Don’t fucking talk to me,” Nick said glaring at her. His face had turned a
deep crimson color and Kevin knew he had to do something with Jenn before Nick blew up.

“Jenn, lets go sober you up,” Kevin suggested, pulling Jenn off of the couch and out of
the room. As Jenn was leaving the room, she whipped around and gave Nick the finger. N
Nick’s face went even redder and he glared at Jenn until she disappeared completely out
of the room.

“Nick, are you okay?” Lori asked. “Do you need something to drink?” She got up from the
couch and headed towards the kitchen.

“No, I’m okay. I need to go to another room and cool down for a couple of minutes.” Nick
started walking towards the den.

AJ and Howie followed her into the kitchen. “I’ll check on him in a few minutes. Call Brian
and see where he is. I can’t believe that him and Sara aren’t here yet.” AJ pulled out his
cell phone and dialed Brian’s number. He walked out of the kitchen while Brian’s phone

“I’m going to go check on Nick,” Lori told Howie.

“Yeah, I think Nicky needs a friend right now,” Howie replied giving her a smile.

Lori walked past AJ on the couch and entered the den. Nick was starring off into space
when she walked in. He looked like he was in deep thought.

“Nick, how are ya doing in here?’ Lori asked. He hadn’t even noticed her being in there.

“I’m okay. Just thinking about things.” That was a typical response from Nick. Lori was so
accustomed to it now that she completely ignored it. “Look, I need to talk to someone.”
Nick decided to speak up as Lori headed towards the door to leave.

“I’m not talking about Mandy,” Lori stated.

“Lori, come on. I need a friend and you’re my best friend. Help me out will ya?” Nick
pleaded with her.

“Nick, that subject is off limits,” Lori replied.

“Please,” Nick said. “I just need to know why she does and says things like she does. I
mean, do you think she’s cheating on me?”

Lori took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Nick, Mandy is the type of girl that will stab
you in the back as soon as she what she wants.”

“No, she isn’t. You don’t even know anything about her. You won’t even give her a
chance. No one does!” Nick’s face was red again.

“Oh my God, nick! How fucking blind are you?” Lori exclaimed. “Look, you always end up
with these girls that spend your money and try to use your fame to get a record deal.” Lori
paused for a second. “You know what? I’m not doing this anymore!” Lori turned around
and walked away.

Before Lori could walk out of the room, Nick said out loud, “Just like you?” He paused as
Lori stopped at the doorway.

“What did you say?” Lori asked turning around and walking back towards him. “That’s not

“Oh. That’s a nice double standard, Lori. You talk all of that shit about my girlfriend, but
when it pertains to you, it’s not true. You’re no better than Mandy.”

The world seemed to stop in that instant and he knew he fucked up. He didn’t have too
much time to think about it because Lori’s right hand made contact with the left side of his

In the living room, Kevin and Jenn returned to a commotion. They could hear Lori and Nick
screaming at each other in the other room.

“What are they fighting about?” Kevin asked.

“Mandy,” AJ replied.

“Oh no,” Jenn replied. “I hope she kicks his ass.”

“She wouldn’t hit him, would she?” Howie asked looking at AJ.

Everyone paused, then jumped out of their seats and ran over to the den. They opened
the door just in time to witness Lori slap Nick as hard as she could.

“Baby?” AJ asked as Lori ran out of the room crying.

“I’m going upstairs,” Lori said running towards the staircase.

AJ knew to go ahead and let Lori blow off some steam. He couldn’t believe that she
actually slapped Nick. He must have said something really bad.

Kevin, Jenn and Howie all went back to the living room in shock at what they all had just

Nick had his hand over the left side of his face. AJ walked into the room and looked at Nick
in disbelief. "Nick, what did you say to her?"

With that statement, the tears flowed from Nick’s eyes. “Man, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what
I said.” Nick took his hand away from his face and AJ could see his girlfriend’s hand print.
“I told her that she was just like all of the other girlfriend’s that I have had. That she was
just living off of your money and fame. God, I’m so stupid.” Nick got up and left the room
to go outside by the pool.

“He told her that she was living off of me,” AJ stated as everyone stared at Nick, who was
over by the edge of the pool. “Brian and Sara are on their way.”

“They’ll be walking into something real nice,” Jenn exclaimed. Kevin, Howie and AJ all

They all noticed what looked like clothes falling from the sky. Nick kept looking up and
yelling something. Everyone ran to the back door and listened and watched what was
going on.

“Fuck you, Carter! Here’s all of your shit!” Lori screamed from the bedroom window on the
top floor. She threw all of Nick’s t-shirts out of the upstairs window into the pool. She
picked up a pair of shoes and ran back to the window.

Brian pulled into AJ’s driveway finally. Him and Sara were only two hours late. They got
distracted at Sara’s house after she got out of school.

They both got out of the car and headed to the front door when they heard loud shouting
coming from the backyard. They looked at each other and started walking towards the back

They got around to the back of the house just in time to see Nick dodge one shoe and not
manage to miss the other one that came flying at him from the upstairs window. He
stepped backwards and fell into the pool. They saw Jenn run out to the pool, laughing as
hard as she could. They returned their gaze to the upstairs window.

All Brian and Sara could see come out of the top window was an arm and a hand with the
middle finger up.