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___~Chapter One~___

“God, it’s cold.” Nick Carter mumbled as the group of six trudged through several inches of hard, silver snow. The horses followed and grunted behind them.

“God knows Nick, God knows.” Brian Littrell replied and Nick grinned widely at Brian who looked sleepishly back at him.

“If you look on the ground, you can see fresh deer tracks.” Helena Johnson stated as she walked in front of the line guiding her guest. A.J. McLean sighed.

“Is there any bears out her?” he asked looked around. Helena laughed.

“Yes, but they’re asleep. They really do hibernate in the winter.”

“Polar bears?” Nick asked and Brian laughed.

“Shut up Nick.” Howard Dorough said and Nick chuckled. Howard struggled to keep the stubborn horse from biting the one in front. He did not want to know what the other animal was going to do, nor did he want to find out.

“There’s a creek ahead. Let the horses drink and rest here.” She said and looked around with squinted eyes and her small, slender fingers on her hips., "We can camp here tonight." she said nodding.

"Come on you." Howard growled in the horse's ear and it grunted walking forward.


By nightfall a fire was alive and roaring, its orange flames dancing against the purple sky and tall silhouettes of think, bare trees. It was deathly quiet except the occasional move in the bushes or crackling of the fire. The group sat quietly starring at the dancing flames until Helena grew so curious she was about to burst.

"So why are you all here?" she asked as she held her hands up to the fire. She had a smile on her pale face while the rest sat around doing various activities to ignore the question rather than her. Howard seemed to drift off into his own little world as Nick began to toss small twigs into the fire. Brian's focus remained entranced into the dancing fire. Kevin moved closer to the fire.

"We all thought this would be a good experience to get away from the real world. Experience nature." he said and she nodded, A.J. looked up.

"Why are you here? You're beautiful, gorgeous. You could be a model instead of shoveling horse shit all day in the snow." Kevin and Brian shot the younger man daggers but he ignored their burning looks.

"Why do you say that?" she laughed as she rubbed her hands together,

"I mean you are. You've got that All-American sexy babe look down. With the baggy, big clothes and pretty face." he said smiling.

"Why thank you." she giggled and Howie's head snapped toward them.

"You hear that?" he asked suddenly and a quick hush came over the group.

Everyone glanced around. Everything was so deathly silent it was almost as if in a horror movie. Helena smiled.

"Guys, settle down." she laughed, "It was probably a deer or something. I can tell ya'll city people."

"And what's wrong with that?" A.J. grinned titling his head.

"You're just fine." she replied laughing, She glanced at her small tent and stood brushing herself off. She sighed before stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"Well, I'm beat. I'm off to bed." she said with a small, sleepish smile. The remaining group nodded as she disappeared into a small, blue tent, Howie stood and started to the separate, much bigger tent towards the left of hers.

"Night." Howard said.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." he whispered softly behind a snowy bush with a grin on his face.