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A.N.: Hey y'all! I haven't decided if this is the last chapter or not yet, so please bare with me. Enjoy! Disclaimer: Only own Ashlynn & story idea. Shelley owns Krissy, Sam, & Littrell children. Kevin, A.J., & rest of BSB own themselves. Song is Daddy's Little Girl by Dream. Thank-you!
You looked into my eyes [my eyes] And told me that you would always be by my side [my side] And through the good and bad Times have been right here That's why I want you to know that you're so dear [so dear]

Ashlynn giggled as she chased Krissy about the backyard. They'd come outside to play, and had decided upon tag.

Krissy squealed delightedly, as she ran away from her big sister. She always wantd Ashlynn to play, and for once, the older girl was being nice while playing.

Kevin and A.J. were both sitting on deck swing in the backyard, watching the girls play.

"It's nice to see them getting along," Kevin smiled.

"Yeah, especially since Ashlynn's calmed down some and not throwing as many fits," A.J. commented.

"I think she was just trying to make sure we'd never send her back," Kevin stated. "You know, test us to our limits, and see what would happen."

"Well, I'm glad we've apparently passed," A.J. chuckled. "Otherwise, I don't think she'd ever behave."

Kevin nodded, making sure to keep a close eye on the girls.

"Away from the pool!" He called out, when they got a bit too close for his liking.

"Kay!" The girls called back, turning and running in the other direction.

Krissy laughed, and ran for the treehouse. She clambered up quickly, and yelled, "SAFE!!!!"

"Nuh-uh!" Ashlynn argued. "That not safe. Swing safe."

"No!" Krissy argued stubbornly. "The treehouse safe, Ashlynn!"

Ashlynn scowled and went and plopped down on a swing, swinging quietly.

"Uh-oh. Disagreement in playland," A.J. pointed out.

Kevin shrugged. "They'll work it out."

Krissy climbed back down a few minutes later. "Ashlynn?"

Ashlynn looked up, as she'd been staring at the ground. "Yeah?"

"Wanna play follow the leader?"

"Kay!" Ashlynn smiled. "I follow you."

"Okay!" Krissy grinned,grabbing Ashlynn's hand and yanking her up off the swing.

Ashlynn followed Krissy about happily, glad she'd a sister to play with.

Krissy led Ashlynn all around their huge backyard. Away from the swingset, past the treehouse, past the pool, and over to the garden.

Ashlynn followed Krissy through the garden, being careful not to trample any of the flowers growing there.

A.J. smirked watching them. "Ashlynn must be comfortable with us, 'cause she'd never wander near the garden before."

Kevin smiled. It made him proud knowing they'd made some progress with the eight-year-old. "Well, it's better than her being afraid of us."

"Hell yeah," A.J. exclaimed, smiling sheepishly when his husband gave him a Look. "Heh. Sorry Kev. But least they're not nearby."

Kevin shook his head at his husband, smiling. "You're never going to learn, are you?"

"Never say never, Kev," A.J. smirked. "Miracles can happen."

Kevin just laughed in response.

Meanwhile, the girls were still carefully chasing each other in the garden, playing follow the leader their way. It was during this time they found, what no one had thought to check for.

"What's that, Ashlynn?" Krissy asked curiously, pointing to what looked like a weird nest of some sort.

Ashlynn shrugged innocently. "Dunno," she replied honestly. "I never seen one."

"Maybe it's a rabbit hole!" Krissy squealed excitedly. "I likes rabbits!"

Ashlynn smiled. "They're cute!"

Krissy nodded eagerly. She bent to poke it.

"Careful," Ashlynn warned. "Use stick, so rabbit don't bite."

Krissy nodded, and stood up, grabbing a stick that just happened to be lying nearby.

Ashlynn watched as her little five-year-old sister poked the nest with the stick.

"What that noise, Ashlynn?" Krissy asked confused, when they heard a buzzing sound.

Ashlynn shrugged again, starting to get a bad feeling. "Dunno..."

Krissy poked it again, causing the buzzing to increase.

"Let's go play on the swings," Ashlynn suggested, the buzzing sound creeping her out, and making her tummy feel funny.

"Kay," Krissy agreed readily. "Buts why won't the rabbit comes out?"

Ashlynn shrugged once more, not having a clue. "Let's go."

Krissy turned to follow her big sister, when she tripped and fell backwards onto the nest, crushing it.

Ashlynn's eyes went wide when she saw hoards of bees suddenly appear and surround her little sister.

"OWW!!!!!!!!" Krissy howled, as she was stung over and over.

Ashlynn didn't even think, as she ran forward, and grabbed her sister's hand. She too began to scream when the bees started to attack her as well.

Kevin and A.J. heard the commotion, and looked over, as two cries for help were heard.


"Holy shit!" A.J. exclaimed, jumping up from his spot to go rescue the girls.

Kevin paled when he saw the hoards of bees attacking their babies. He too jumped up, and ran after A.J. fast as he could, to save the girls.

Ashlynn had stopped trying to help Krissy up, upon being attacked. She stood screaming and swatting at the bees - trying to get them away. Which, of course, only angered the bees even more.

Krissy still lay upon the ground, screaming hysterically and rolling around, trying to escape - but just further covering herself in honey.

Kevin quickly grabbed Ashlynn, as A.J. scooped Krissy up. Both very quickly ran for the house, not daring to jump into the pool, as it would further scare Ashlynn.

Soon as they were in the house, they immediately took the girls to the kitchen, and began to check them over. The girls sobbed, unable to be held just yet, as all the bee stingers had to be removed first.

"Should we take 'em to the Hospital, Kev?" A.J. asked worriedly, unsure of what to do.

"We probably should, to be on the safe side," Kevin replied. "Or maybe we can get the doctor to make a house call instead, so the girls don't have to squirm in the backseat and cry because they want to be held."

"I'm on it," A.J. said, picking up the phone and dialing the pediatrician. A few moments later he hung up. "She's on her way."

Kevin nodded, still working to get the stingers out. When he was sure he had all of them, he hugged Ashlynn tight.

A.J. finished getting the stingers out of Krissy, then hugged her tight as well. He and Kevin never even thought of checking themselves out for stingers at all, until later on. They were too worried about the girls.

A short while later, the pediatrician arrived, and checked both girls over - only having a little bit of a problem checking Ashlynn. They were in the living room, as it was more of a relaxing place for the girls to be.

Ashlynn squirmed, as she sat in Daddy Kevin's lap. She really didn't like doctors at all. She whimpered softly, as Kevin stood her up and held her still for the doctor to check over.

"Well, they both seem to be alright," the Doctor smiled. "I'll give you some Benidryl to ensure there's no swelling, and I'll give them a quick shot to ensure there's no allergic reaction."

At the word shot, Ashlynn immediately pressed herself back into Kevin. She was scared of needles, almost as much as she was scared of water.

The doctor explained what to do, and A.J. held Krissy tight, lowering the top of her pants.

Krissy whimpered freely, as the doctor stuck the needle in her upper bottom.

Once the doctor was done, A.J. rocked Krissy gently, kissing her soft little blond head. "Shh...You okay, Baby. Daddy's here."

The doctor turned and smiled at Ashlynn. "Alright, Ashlynn. Let's get this over with, then you can have a sucker, okay?"

"NO!!!!" Ashlynn shrieked, pressing herself against Daddy Kevin even more.

Kevin gently turned Ashlynn to look at him. "I'm right here, Baby. Just cling to Daddy, okay?"

"NO!" Ashlynn cried, trying to get out of his grasp now.

"Honey, you don't want to get sick and wind up in the Hospital do you?" Kevin tried. "Daddy doesn't want you to get sick. If you get sick, you can't play with Baylee."

"No! Wan' Baylee!" Ashlynn argued, still trying to pry her hands free from his.

Kevin held her hands in one of his, and gently stroked her face with the other. "Shh...You're okay, Honey. Daddy will hold you, and if it hurts, you can just bury your face into me, okay?"

Ashlynn just kept shaking her head. She was scared and not about to get stuck with a needle!

Kevin sighed, knowing the longer they waited, the easier it could be for her to have a reaction. He gently pulled her close and hugged her to him tightly. He then gently lowered her pants and panties.

Ashlynn began to scream, and struggle - though unable to move because of the hold he had on her. So, she did the only thing she could think of - she bit him - even though she knew it was naughty.

Kevin yelped and gave her bottom a firm swat. "No biting, Ashlynn," he told her sternly. "Don't make Daddy have to spank you first."

Ashlynn buried her face into him, sobbing. She didn't want to get in trouble, but she didn't want the needle either.

"Shh..." Kevin soothed, holding her as still as possible. "Hush little baby, don't say a word, Daddy's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird won't sing, Daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring..."

Ashlynn screamed into his chest, as the needle was inserted in the lower half of her bottom.

Soon as the needle was out, Kevin gently pulled her panties and pants back up, and kissed her head softly. "Shh...See? That wasn't so bad."

Ashlynn just clung to him tightly, as he handed her Sammy - her beloved Teddy Bear that had been lying nearby. She'd forgotten him inside earlier by mistake.

The doctor put her things away, and smiled, handing each girl a lollipop.

"Thank-you," Krissy whimpered.

"What do you say, Ashlynn?" Kevin asked, when their eldest remained silent.

"Thank-you," Ashlynn choked out, immediately burying her face back into Daddy Kevin and Sammy.

The doctor smiled, then let herselt out.

A.J. sat next to Kevin on the couch, still holding onto Krissy. "Should we give 'em the Benidryl once they've calmed?"

"Yeah," Kevin agreed with a nod. "Might be best."

So for the next little while, Kevin and A.J. sat snuggling their babies, in hopes of calming them down and easing their fears.

And I'll always be I'll always be daddy's little girl No matter what happens in this world I'll always be daddy's little girl No matter what happens in this world