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And so it ends…



He stood over her grave, holding a bouquet of orange roses in his hands. They were always her favorite which is why he always brought them. He bent down and placed them next to her headstone and then lovingly landed his hand on her name. “Happy Birthday Mom, I love you and miss you. I’m doing it today. I wish you were here.” He said as he stayed stooped low to the ground just to be as close to her as possible.


“I knew you’d be here early. You always show up before everyone else, just like you did when you were a kid.”


Nick looked up to see AJ walking towards him with his wife and two children. “Uncle Nicky!!” They both yelled as they ran full throttle at him.


“Easy girls, don’t get him all dirty. He has a graduation to attend in a little bit!” Stacey scolded her two daughters as they jumped on their uncle knocking him to the ground.


“They really don’t listen to you.” AJ joked.


“That’s because you taught them to ignore me!” She answered quickly as she lovingly smacked the back of his head.


“Where’s everyone else?” Nick asked as he stood up and brushed the leaves off of his nice pants.


“Coming, there was a problem at the office, but they are on their way.”


“Anything bad?”


“Like they would tell me, I’m the lowly fireman in the family, remember?”


“More like fire chief.” Stacey was quick to correct.


“Tomato, tomahtoh.” He shrugged and winked at his baby brother. “You look great by the way. How do you feel?”


“Nervous as all hell.”


AJ nodded, “Well, you’ll be fine. Where’s Dad?”


“I’m right here,” he said walking slowly up the hill towards his wife’s grave with Brian close behind. When he got to the grave, he placed his bouquet of roses right beside Nick’s and then kissed his hand and laid it on top of the gravestone. “Our youngest is graduating top of his class from the academy today, sweetheart. You’d be so proud.” And then he looked at his youngest son before continuing, “I know I am.”


“Thanks dad.” Nick said walking over and hugging his father.


Things had been so different for them ever since that day eight years ago. Kevin senior did a 180 when it came to his family. After losing his daughter, he decided to make his sons the top priority in his life, starting with the youngest. That summer, Nick and his dad took a road trip together.


They went cross country bonding and sharing their experiences with each other. Kevin senior told his son things he hadn’t told anyone. About his time in hiding and how horrible it was that he was apart from his family. Nick also confided in his dad about how hard it was living his life without him around and how he felt so lost after his mom died. When they got back about one month later, it was like the two of them were different people. They have remained best friends ever since.


“Is everything okay?” Nick asked Brian. “I heard something happened.”


“Nothing you have to worry about, yet anyway.” He said, “Everything’s under control for now.”


“Will he make it?” Nick asked in nervous anticipation.


“Of course he will.” Brian placed his hand on Nick’s shoulder, “I’m proud of you kiddo!”




“Are you prepared to butter him up, since you’ll be working under him for awhile?” AJ joked.


Brian had quickly moved up the ranks at the Bureau much like Kevin had before him and ended up last year taking over Kevin’s job as lead agent.


“He’s just lucky he has me. I had to deal with Kevin, remember?”


“Now we both have to deal with Kevin!” Nick reminded his brother. Of course the reason Brian got Kevin’s job was because Kevin was promoted to assistant director, a huge deal for someone his age.


“Where’s Patty?” Brian asked looking around for Nick’s girlfriend.


“She and her mom are just going to meet us there. They wanted us to have family time alone.”


“When is she going to be part of the family, anyway?” Stacey asked. “I hope you don’t wait as long as this ding dong did!”


“Nick, take all the time in the world!” AJ joked as he dodged another slap on the back of the head from his wife.


He and Patty had been dating for the last 7 years. It started out as friendship. Nick visited her every day at the hospital as she recovered from her wounds. The doctors said it was a miracle she even survived. They had been through something traumatic together, twice! Not many people can say that and it was that kind of bond that brought them together and kept them there. You can say that his sister was the reason he was so in love.


“That’s another reason why I’m so nervous.” He said as he took out a black case from his pocket.


Stacey started jumping up and down like a fool and ran over to Nick and gave him a big hug. “Oh my God!! She’s going to be so happy! Nick, this is the best!”


AJ and then Brian walked over and gave their brother a hug, “Congrats kiddo. That’s a pretty big commitment.” Brian said. He never ended up with the right girl. Turns out he was the Richardson most afraid of commitment.


“I know.”


“What’s all the excitement about?” Kevin asked as he made it to the top of the hill. They ignored him though when they saw who he was with. “HOWIE!!” Nick said running at his brother’s best friend. “You came! I can’t believe it!!”


Nick grabbed Howie in a hug. “Of course I came. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”


Nick let go of the hug but held on to both Howie’s shoulders. “Where’s Samantha?” He asked looking for Howie’s new wife.


“She had to stay home. She’s due any day now and the doctor said no flying.”


After Ariana’s death, Howie remained in town for the next year, but things were too hard for him. Everywhere he turned, memories of his past haunted him to the point that he could barely function anymore. When a lead detective position opened up in Seattle he decided to go for it and that is where he had been ever since. While there, he met Samantha and together they had one boy and another on the way.


“So, is anyone going to answer my question?” Kevin stood there completely ignored by everyone as they all gathered around D. “Hello?”


“Your brother is going to ask Patty to marry him!” Stacey finally said as both of AJ’s girls grabbed at one pant leg each.


Kevin looked over at Nick. “You are?”


He nodded, “Think I’m making a mistake?”


“No, of course not.”


When he looked at his brother, memories of him standing on the desk at the FBI in his little suspenders as he sang to people passing by in the office, came to his mind. Or him as an angst filled teenager, on his skateboard trying to shut himself off from the rest of the world. This kid was no longer a kid. Soon, he’d be an agent and a husband with a family of his own.


“You okay Kev? It looked like you were zoning out for a second there.”


Kevin looked at his brother, “Yeah, I’m okay.”


“Where’s Sel? Is she going to meet us there?”


He nodded, “She will.”


Selma was his girlfriend of three years. They met at a bar one night after he got off work. He really was hesitant to date at first, but there was something about her. Her sense of humor and her inner strength drew Kevin towards her like a magnet. The two of them agreed to take things really slowly. She understood though, which already made her a great fit for the oldest Richardson brother.


Kevin senior looked at his watch, “We better get going or this one is going to miss his graduation.” He pointed at Nick.


Nick nodded and moved back to his mother’s grave. They all made a semi circle around her and grabbed each other’s hands. “Mom, we love you and miss you. I think if you were alive today, you’d be so happy with how things have turned out for us.”


He glanced up and looked at his family. They had been through so much and there were times he didn’t think they would make it, but one thing he realized, was even though scars run deep and wide, only one thing runs deeper…


 And that’s love.




The End






Chapter End Notes:

Well, it's over and done with! Once again I want to thank all of you who have read this over the many many years i've been writing it! I hope you enjoyed your journey with the Richardsons as much as I've enjoyed writing about them. Much love and I hope to see you soon! Well I am still writing What Lurks Around the Corner, so go check that one out! lol Thanks again!!

~ Mare :O)