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Author's Chapter Notes:
a short chapter. sry = didnt wanna ruin the last one which is comin up next
..13..." Rachel continued on. Her ears were ringing.

"She's going to sacrifice herself!" Kevin shouted.

Then, suddenly a pair of strong arms pulled Rachel out from under the table and carried her right up over his shoulder. It was Kevin.

"LET GO OF ME!" Rachel squealed, trying to break free but couldn't.

Kevin was panting and running like the wind. "I can't let you do that for us..." Rachel's head was empty at the moment and didn't know what to think. Fear's taking over her once again and she was shaking uncontrollably.

"5...4..." AJ sounded like he was gonna cry. Kevin jumped right in the car just in time and threw Rachel in the seat between him and Howie. "HERE WE GO!" Nick cried. The car started moving forward on full speed, Rachel threw her arms over her head, still shaking. With a loud crash, shattered glasses, they broke through the big window.

then a deafing BANG! rignt after that, followed by their screams. The air was so hot Rachel couldn't breathe. She grasped onto the seat so hard she couldn't feel her fingers. "Let us make it, let us mkae it..." that was all she could think of.

The feeling of roller coaster. Then water filled up her eyes, her ears, nose, mouth, everywhere...her arms waved through the water like mad trying to get to the surface. And then her head popped out of the water, then it's the taste of cool night air.

With her eyes still closed, she gasped for air, brain becoming clearer by the moment...we made it, thank God...we're alive! We're not dead! The water was freezing but a sense of warmness and happiness ran throughout her whole body, making her shilver.

She opened her eyes and Nick was right there, right in front of her, so close yet seemed too far. He was coughing up water yet smiling widely, which made Rachel feel even warmer inside. She stared at his blue eyes and his wet hair...he was so beautiful to her. Softly she grabbed hold of his cheeks and gave him a deep, passionate kiss.

"Alright, you two-" AJ's voice rang, "let's get outta here."

Rachel finally let go of Nick and opened her eyes. She just realized that she was still very dizzy, hot from the fever, ears ringing loudly. But she was so happy she could barely feel all that.

Her eyes laid on AJ and the unconcious Brian on his back, and gasped. His wet shirt was soaked with blood, face white as paper. She felt a drop of tear dripping down her chin.

They got out of the pool, followed by Kevin and Howie who just woke up. Lucky, he missed the whole thing. The pool was surrounded by cops. Two or three of them rushed up to them, including the one Nick and Rachel saw in the hallway. "My God, you guys have no idea how worried I was- you guys alright?" he said, wrapping towels around their shaking and dripping wet bodies. "Oh my God!" he pointed at Brian on the ground, "Is he alright? Doctor! DOCTOR! Come here for a second-"

Rachel held Nick's hand tight while the doctor examined Brian's shoulder where the gunshot was, and listened for heartbeat. Nick's hand was cold as ice.

"Oh, I think he's fine." The doctor finally said, "Poor guy," he shook his head, "amazing how he made it through all that. If I were him I'd be dead by now, but he's just fine...no need to worry...for now..."

"YES!" Nick shouted, he looked as if he wanted to rush up and hug the doctor. Rachel smiled and gave Nick a warm embrace, along with Kevin, AJ and Howie.

"Alright...we need to send Brian to hospital right away and get you guys into dry clothes...come on, get on the car." the doctor said as the five of them broke apart. "Wait, just a second-" Rachel told Nick, suddenly remembered something.

She ran toward the fountain nearby with the angels, and emptied pocketful of coins into the water.