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NO. WAY. She hit herself in the head. Wake up, wake up, please…Nick Carter? Next door to us? No way! He’s gonna ruin her vacation!!! “Why?” she said to the sky.

There was a stumble in that room, and then Nick’s sleepy-ish voice came out of the phone speaker. “Hello?” the volume was much louder than Rachel expected. She was sure Nick heard that. “Oh shit…” she mumbled, covered the speaker with her hand and ran down the hall on high speed. “Hello?” Nick said again, even louder this time. Really loud. Rachel knew she shouldn’t have set the volume to high, she was sure Nick’s ‘hello?” woke up people in the doors next to her right now. She stopped running. “Will you shut up?” she hissed to the phone. Too late, Nick’s head peeked out the door down at the other side of the hall.

“HEY It’s you! Small world!” he shouted. “I said shut up-” Rachel said but her speech got interrupted by her scream. Nick ran outside without even realizing that he was still only in his boxers. She turned around in time, “NIIICK!” she screamed on her highest volume. “Okay, okay, sorry…” she heard Nick running back into his room.Someone was waking up in the room next to her.

“Okay, just turn around. Is it really you? Wow I never thought I would see you again!” she made sure it’s safe now and turned around to look at him. He had on a blue pajama. Rachel was still a little embarrassed, because of what happened on the plane. “I-” suddenly the door right next to her slammed open and hit her right in the nose. “OW!” she felt blood dripping down her nose and threw her hands over her face, her eyes watering.

“OH I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-,” a scared voice said. She peeked through her fingers-it was Howie, the last one of the Backstreet Boys that she haven’t met on the plane. “Are you ok?” he asked. “Howie! God! Look at what you did to her! …Way to ruin a moment…Uh, maybe you should come in, Rach…come on I know how to cure nosebleeds, I mean it.” He ran down the hall and pulled Rachel back into his room and closed the door. Howie’s really confused now. “Hey Nick wait! Who’s that? Your new-Wait!”

The room smelled like garbage can. It was slightly bigger than her and Anie’s and clothes were all over the floor. Two beds just like next-door, one empty, the other one’s got…Brian in it, fast asleep. He looks cute when he’s asleep, Rachel thought. Nick rushed into the bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper, “Eww, n-” he pushed the papers over Rachel’s nose before she finished. “Okay, which one’s bleeding?” he’s not even trying to press down his voice, yet Brian lay there still, sleeping like a dead man. “Both,” Rachel said in a muffled voice. “Wow…it must’ve hurt.” Nick said softly, peeking through the papers. “You bet,” Rachel said, “now do something to it…” He put his hand over hers to hold the paper. “Raise you arms in the air-no, both.” “I didn’t know that helps…” Rachel said, rising up her arms. “Trust me, I know the stuff,” he sort of laughed, “just in case. It happens to me a bit often.”

Fast enough, Rachel felt the blood stopped dripping down after about a minute. Nick’s got her blood all over his hand but he didn’t seem to mind. “Okay I think it’s gone…” Rachel said and took off the papers. “Now go wash your face, you look like a vampire…”

Rachel somehow felt that Nick has…well…changed. In that airplane he was annoying and arrogant, but now he seem so much matured and friendly and all… “Thanks a lot Nick, I’d better go now.” Rachel said, walking toward the door. “Oh yeah,” She remembered the reason why she gave him the call. “Sorry for waking you up, I just wanted to call and give you an apologize, sorry for throwing up all over you-” she started laughing uncontrollably, “and-well, sorry…I never apologized on the plane…” Nick started laughing too. “It’s alright. Actually my shirt looked even better that way…hey listen, you wanna go down to the beach with us? It’s gonna be fun,” he asked hopefully.
“I don’t know I haven’t planned yet.” Rachel walked toward the door, “I’d better go now. Thanks again.” She gave him a smile and closed the door behind her. Nick was still staring at her when she closed the door.

“Hey RR, I was thinking about going to the beach, coming?” Anie said brightly. Rachel’s mouth fell open. “Wha-why-oh nothing. Fine I’ll go with you, but I warn you I’m no expert at swimming like you, so don’t force me to.” Rachel said. “Alright. Where were you this morning? I woke up and you weren’t there.” Anie asked curiously. “I was down at the basement…buying gums. Forgot to bring some.” She lied. Anie’s gonna freak out again if she knew she was in Nick’s room the whole morning.

The sunshine’s too bright outside, so she went over to pull down the curtain. Anie is beginning to pack up the lotions and sunglasses and all that stuff. “I hate bikini.” Rachel said, opening her suitcase. “I don’t get it…you’ve got a nice body.” Anie said. “It’s too girly for me.” Rachel replied, “Why didn’t you just get me a normal one?” She pulled out the bikini Anie got for her from the bottom of her suitcase. Then she shrieked. “PINK? Here, take mine,” She threw it at Anie at once, “No way, I’m not wearing that.” She stared at the hot pink bikini. “What? It’s cute! Unlike mine, I didn’t have enough money that day so now I have to wear my sister’s old one…it’s black…with nothing on it…” “That’s great! I’ll take that one.” Rachel said at once and went over to grab it. “You weirdo…sometimes I’m just curious if you are even a girl-I’m joking!” Anie laughed.

The girls changed into their bikinis. Anie and Rachel both put a T-shirt over them, Anie grabbed her bag and they took off. Rachel prayed to god they won’t see Nick there, too bad she doesn’t believe in him. She just wanted to have fun, with no one else but Anie. They got into the elevator, went down to the basement. And when they got out the sunlight was so bright down there Rachel could barely open her eyes. She squinted and saw 5 guys in shorts right in front of them.

“Oh shit.” Rachel said and tried to push Anie to the side, the God has disappointed her once again.

Too late, Nick turned around and spotted them, “Hey! What’s up?”

“Oh…no.” Rachel sighed. She was right- her vacation's ruined. All she wanted to spend time with was Anie.

A/N: Yay more updates. Thanks for the reviews, keep them comin