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At last it was all over, Rachel was sitting on her seat, heart still pounding hard. “How was that? Awesome right?” Nick asked. Behind them Brian was laughing hard about something. Rachel sat there and thought for a minute. “…I want to do it again!” she laughed out loud. Nick starts laughing hysterically, “I knew it! Howie, what’s up with you?” He turned around to check because Howie was coughing like crazy. “I-sm-On-” “He sneezed during the ride.” Brian was laughing uncontrollably, “It wasn’t a smart thing to do…he’s fine…haha…” Rachel can’t stop herself from laughing along with them. She wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans, that’s when she realized that she was holding Nick’s right hand. Then she realized she’s been doing that throughout the whole ride.

Her first reaction was jerking it back. Nick stopped laughing and turned to stare at her. “What?” he asked. Your face, that’s what she would have said if he asked that two days ago. “Nothing.” She merely shrugged, can’t think of anything else to say beside that. Brian was still laughing like crazy, clutching his stomach. Slowly, Nick took her hand again.

She didn’t want to jerk it back this time. Feeling a bit red, she covered her mouth with her sleeve to hide the smile.

After another ride of roller coaster, Rachel’s was beginning to love it. Howie refused to come with them on the second ride. After that Brian bought them drinks, and they wondered around the park some more, cracking up at Nick and Howie’s jokes.

This is so much fun, she thought, if only Anie was there…

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” It was in the afternoon when they’re back in their hotel rooms. Nick told Rachel that he’s got plans for tomorrow and he wrote them down in case he forgot. She agreed when he asked if she would come. It’s been a nice day, she had lots of fun with the boys…she wondered what was Anie planning to do today, if she was there at all.

Strange, the door room was locked. When Rachel opened it with the key, Anie still wasn’t there. There were no signs of her being back while Rachel was away either. She’s beginning to get worried, she checked her cell phone but there were no missed calls…what’s up with her?

“Hello?” She called Anie’s parents to check if she’s there. She still didn’t want to talk to Anie, “Mrs. Valle? Yeah, it’s Rachel…I was just calling to check if Anie’s with you guys?”

“What? I thought she was with you?” Mrs. Valle sounds worried. “She’s not here.”

Rachel’s jaw dropped a bit. Where could she be? “But she’s been gone since morning-I thought she was with you guys!”

“We haven’t seen her since yesterday! Mr. Valle and me have our own plans.” Mrs. Valle answered.

“Oh. Well I expect she just went out to see a movie or something on her own, it’s nothing-don’t get worried, I bet she’ll be back by night.

“She better does.”

“Ok, bye Mrs. Valle.”

Anie didn’t come back at night. Rachel sat there reading her book, watching television, waiting for her to be back but she didn’t. It was 9’o clock, next door Nick’s playing his guitar again, but still no sign of Anie.

Rachel called her twenty times but she won’t answer either. Her’s heart began to pound faster, feeling extremely worried. Something didn’t…happen to her, I hope…she called again. Pick up, pick up…please…Is it because she can’t hear it? Doesn’t want to answer? Or…can’t answer? Is she in trouble? She doesn't know anyone here, so she can't be at a friend's...

Rachel didn’t dare to call Anie’s parents again, afraid they might get worried. She decided to wait until tomorrow, then tell them if Anie’s still not back. Is it all her fault? She’s not THAT mad at her, is she?

She didn’t sleep well that night. Not just because of Nick’s snores. Unable to sleep, she got up in the middle of the night to get some water…still no Anie, no Anie the whole night. She felt quite empty without her there; she lied on her bed trying to fall asleep again, making up her mind to tell Mrs. Valle the next morning.