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As they pulled into the parking lot of the stadium, Nick noticed AJ's truck parked next to Brian's jeep. He thought over the events that had happened so far that day and was quickly reminded that he still hadn't told Kevin of Brian's condition. He looked up at Kevin in the front seat. "Kevin, I need to tell you something that AJ and I found out today. It's really important."

"Later Nick. Right now we have a deadline to meet," Kevin answered, very sharply.

'Fine,' Nick thought to himself. 'Be that way. It's only your cousin's life on the line!'

Howie turned around to look at Nick. The look he saw on Nick's face showed him that something was up. "You can tell me, Nick, if it's that important."

"I need to tell both of you," Nick shot back at him. "It's a situation of life or death!"

"Nick, it can't be that bad," Kevin softly said.

"Yes, it can be. Now listen up. Brian needs..." He was cut off by the excessive screaming from the fans stationed outside the stadium entrance.

Trying to weave his way through the crowd, Kevin stated, "How the heck did Brian and AJ get in here without help?"

Finally bursting through the crowd, Kevin's car came to a halt at the back entrance. They hurried out the doors and into the stadium. Ten minutes later they found themselves staring face to face with AJ. "What took you guys so long? If you would've come earlier, you would've beat the crowd," he said while taking a bite out of the sandwich he had in his hand.

"We couldn't," Kevin answered while giving a mean look in Nick's direction. "Blondie had to let his dog in the studio room. Stupid if you ask me."

"Shut up!" Nick yelled back. "I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what you always say."

"What's going on guys? I'm sorry if I interrupted something important," cut in another voice, "but we sorta have work to do, and if you just continue fighting, we'll miss our deadline."

Four heads turned towards where the voice was coming from. It was Brian. Suddenly, Nick remembered what he was telling Kevin in the car. "Guys, I have something to tell you all. It's about Brian."

"What about me?" Brian questioned.

"He needs to have surgery," Nick spoke so quietly that you almost couldn't here him.

"WHAT?!?" cried Howie and Kevin, wide eyed.

"It's true," AJ added. "We found the notice earlier."

Kevin turned on his cousin. "Why didn't you say anything? How could you be so.... so.... I'm so mad, I can't even think straight!"

"I'm sorry, Kevin," Brian softly apologized, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so very sorry."

"That's not going to cut it this time, Brian. You should've said something! Now what are we going to do?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" Brian shouted.

Everyone jumped. This wasn't the Brian that they knew and grew with. This was a different man. A man they never knew before. A man they didn't want to know. "I don't know," he said a little softer.

He then turned around and took off down the hall. AJ started going after him but was held back by Kevin. "Don't even bother. We have work to do, and we are going to do it with or without him."

Kevin then led them through a doorway and they walked into a room where they would get wardrobe and make-up done. 'It's all my fault,' Nick thought during that time. 'I should've never said anything.'

Kevin's face was still red with rage. 'How could he do this? My own flesh and blood! I can't believe it!' his thoughts pounded inside his head.

'What now? What do we do next, Lord? We need your guidance,' Howie prayed to himself. 'Please tell us what to do next.'