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Author's Chapter Notes:
HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea! Thank-you!

Reminder: Anything that's written all in italics, is Nick's thoughts. And the "Interruptions" are Nick interrupting his own story.

“Nick! Leighanne is not cheating on me!” Frick yelled. “How dare you even imply that!”

“Well, excuse me for telling you what I saw,” I retorted.

“Also, if it’s true and you did really see it, just why would you tell me?” Frick demanded. “It’s not like you still care about me anymore. We only worried about the other’s welfare when we were friends, but we’re not.”

Damn that cold harsh reality!

“I…I just did, alright?” I said, my voice starting to overcome with emotion. “I…I…oh, never mind.”

Damn voice! How dare it betray me like he has so many times!

I turned away from him, which angered him even more for some reason.

“Nickolas Gene Carter!” He growled. “Look at me when I’m talking to you!”

I turned to glare at him helplessly. “What?”

“You know what.”

“Get out. Jeez. What the hell else is new around here?” I muttered. “God. You try to help a guy out, and this is how he repays you.”

“She is not cheating. You’re just being a selfish asshole because you still care,” he stated bluntly. “You still long for us to be Frick ‘n’ Frack again, which you know deep down will never happen. You may think you’ve searched deep down, but you haven’t searched deep enough because you’re too damn chicken to do so!”

“So what if I haven’t?” I snapped, totally showing I cared. “Haven’t you ever thought about the old days and how much fun they were? Haven’t you wished we were still Frick ‘n’ Frack and that we’d never let some stupid girl come between us?”

That stupid girl just happens to be my wife!” He snarled. “And no I don’t regret any of it, except ever becoming friends with you.”

“Yeah, well, I regret befriending you too!” I riposted, before storming out of his room once more.

How dare he make me feel unwanted, unloved, and useless. I have an uncanny (strange) feeling something’s gonna happen to one of us, to test just how true our words are. I’m not liking that damn feeling one bit either.


As you can see, I’d had a weird feeling then, something was going to happen to someone. Whether it be Frick or I, or not, I knew something was about to happen. It just so happens that, that something happened right in the middle of one of our many sold out concerts.