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It was the beginning of the school year; the 2nd time around they've all been at Florida State.

“Wahooo!” Some idiotic guys yelled the first time they entered their dorm as Kevin, Natalie, and Deanna passed by.

“What zoo animal do they think they are?” Deanna asked.

“Dunno,” mumbled Natalie, who was busy looking for her dorm room number.

“Hey! I did that when I first came here,” Kevin said defending himself.

“Oh yeah? Well that just proves one thing…” Deanna started.

“What?” both Natalie and Kevin asked.

“That the whole male race is retarded,” Deanna said as she sped up.

She didn’t want to start her year off dead, or worse, already have gotten a lecture from Kevin.

“Here's my room,” Deanna said, stopping in front of a door.

“Are we any closer to your room?” asked Kevin, who had been holding onto Natalie's bags the whole time they were talking, walking, standing, or doing whatever.

“Oh shoot! I'm sort of lost!” Natalie exclaimed.

“What's your room number?” Deanna asked.

“Oh here,” Natalie said, handing over the paper she had scribbled the number on.

“Down the hall to the left,” Deanna told Natalie.

“Thanks! I guess I'll see you in Economics, or maybe before that. C’ya,” Natalie replied.

“Bye,” Kevin said, as he passed by, following Natalie.

Deanna waved.

Deanna stepped into the room. Empty. Her roomy hadn’t arrived yet, so she got to pick out her side of the room without any bitch slapping, like last year. Deanna remembered her roomy last year… ugh! She always came late, invited friends over while Deanna tried to study. Deanna hoped and prayed her roomy wasn't as bad as last year. Deanna picked the left side, and started to unpack, before long she was done, and still no roomy. True, Deanna had come a little earlier than usual, but usually everyone did. Deanna assumed she arrived from another state or something like that.


A knocking sound came from the door, Deanna assumed it was her new roomy.

Deanna answered, and the girl spoke.

“Aww, I hope I have the right dorm room. Is this 328?” the girl asked.

“Sure is. I'm Deanna, but you can call me D if you want,” Deanna told her.

“Hey, I'm Laryssa.” the girl said.

Deanna opened the door wider to let her in with her many suitcases.

Laryssa put down her suitcases by the empty bed, no bitching or anything.

Laryssa held out her hand, “Nice to meet you.”

Deanna shook it, “Nice to meet you too. Do you need help unpacking? Looks like you have all of you’re stuff here.”

“Truthfully, I do, and I'd love if you could help me, I thought I'd be here forever unpacking! Of course, only if you're done and all that,” Laryssa answered.

“Yeah. I got here a bit earlier than I usually do,” Deanna replied.

“Oh thanks, you're so nice,” Laryssa smiled as she picked up one suitcase and opened it up.

“Hey do you mind if I call you Lars?” Deanna asked.
Laryssa laughed, “Sure, don't mind at all.”


Natalie ran and jumped on her bed as soon as Kevin opened the door for her.

“You just won’t ever grow up will you?” Kevin asked and sighed.

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Natalie confirmed.

“Didn’t think so, and its going to be even worse cause you have this room all to yourself,” Kevin stated, “Nobody to tell you NOT to eat your snot, no one to enforce that idea of WASHING your clothes…”

Natalie shook her head.

“Really too bad isn’t it? Well at least I have D,” Natalie offered.

Kevin snorted, obviously trying to keep in a laugh.

“What?" Natalie asked, "She’s mature.”

“Yeah,” Kevin answered, “for a two year old.”

“Oh go play around with your little band, what do you call them again? Backdoor Boys, Badbutt Boys?” Natalie said.

“BackSTREET Boys, and I WILL go see them,” Kevin said opening the door to go.

“By the way,” he said, closing the door, “Soon we’ll have girls from all over screaming our names.”

“You forgot to say that they’d be paid to lose their voices," added Natalie.

When Natalie finished un-packing she went down to see Deanna, hoping to catch her roomy as well.


“Hello?” Laryssa opened the door, “are you D’s friend?”

“I hope so,” Natalie said, Laryssa smiled.

“I’m Laryssa, you can call me whatever suits you,” Laryssa said extending her hand.

“I’m Natalie. I don’t care what you call me either, as long as its not something too negative," Natalie said shaking Laryssa’s hand, “I think I’ll call you Larry.”

Laryssa laughed

“So… where's D? She usually sticks around her dorm.” Natalie asked.

“Oh, well she said she was going to see some guy…” Laryssa started.

“A guy? Did she mention a name?” Natalie interrupted.

“No, why?” Laryssa asked

“Well… I introduced her to one of Kev's friends,” Natalie slyly smiled.

“Oooooh I see,” laughed Laryssa.