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An extremely heavy Italian man sat behind the counter of the restaurant. He smelt of all things good-- in food.

Nick glanced at Deanna and smiled, "What are you having, D? I'll pay."

"For me?" Laryssa piped up.

"And me?" Natalie asked.

"Uhh!" Nick stopped the rest from asking, "I've only got a 20 in my wallet and it's for me and my girl D," he winked.

"That was cheesy," Deanna laughed, "but sweet… A bittersweet mixture," she laughed.

"Can I help you?" the man asked in a thick accent to Nick as he walked up closer.

"Go first, D, nothing too, too expensive."

She shot him a dirty look, but laughed, "Nick, when you become rich and famous we're coming back to this fine establishment and you're buying, but for today, I will…"

Nick opened his mouth to protest but stopped himself, "I'll remember you said that."

"Great, cuz then we can get some Italian-Italian food," Deanna laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nick asked.

"I'm assuming we're getting pizza..."

"Yeah, probably...."

"It's become an America franchise."


"Do you understand?"

"Um... No."

Deanna shook her head.

"We'll have umm.... Ya know what, since I have so much money (wink, wink) I'll pay for everyone. What are we having?"

Ann piped up, "Ummm--I want um, lasagna, with lots of cheese, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and-"

Deanna cut her sentence off, "Ann!!! You can add all the of salt and pepper you want! It's your job, not theirs..."

"Fine," Ann groaned.

Lars laughed, "Ann, you act like my five you old cousin..."

"You mean cute? And nice?" Ann perked up with an innocent smile.

Lars replied, "Uh--more like a pain in the butt--you know annoying..."

Ann glared at Lars, then Lars said, "I was just kidding! Please don't kill me!"

Ann stared at Lars, and then Lars stared back at her.

Natalie was laughing at the fact that Ann and Lars were starting to have a staring contest, but then told the entire group, "I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me!"

Howie rolled his eyes, "Girls, they always have to do their business..."

Nick added, "But you know what they do when they do their "business", they're actually talking about US, and how hot we are..."

Deanna remarked, "In your dreams! We talk about how stupid you look!"

Nick pretended to look hurt, as Deanna whispered to him, "That's what I love about you."

Nick laughed.

Deanna placed a kiss on his cheek.

Howie put on a puppy face.

Nick said, "Aww, Howie, Ann- look how cute he looks like--you oughta give him a kiss..."

Ann wrapped her arms around his body and kissed both cheeks, then one short kiss on the lips, "Is that good enough?"

As his eyes widened, Howie replied, "OH yeah."

Kevin laughed, and murmured to Brian, "Love birds in here..."

Brian said, "I wouldn't be talking here, I've seen you PRETTY close with Natalie..."

Kevin went three color shades of red.

Everybody laughed.

AJ's face saddened, as quiet only stayed within his face.

"What's wrong AJ?" Nick asked him.

"It's...nothing, really," AJ muttered.

Lars stared deeply into his dark brown eyes, "Please tell me, I want to know."

"It's nothing! Please leave me alone." AJ walked towards the bathroom.

Lars was about to chase after him, but Nick grabbed her arm, "He just needs time, whatever he's going through..."

Laryssa sighed.

"You know what'll cheer you up Lars?" Deanna asked.

"What?" Laryssa asked.

"A big Coke and a trip to the bathroom."

Laryssa laughed, "Why?"

"Because, Cokes always cheer you up. Besides, when we go to the bathroom, we can talk about how Nick's ears stick out..."

They laughed.

Nick touched his ears, then moved his hands down.

"My ears don't stick out!" Nick exclaimed.

"He's just in denial," Deanna whispered.

Laryssa laughed.