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Part I Chapter 14

Though breakfast had turned out interesting enough, Win should have realized Dae’s anger at Red for treating Win the way he did, and manipulating everyone else would only turn into anger aimed towards her. Red made her pay dearly for his mistakes, taking her around the stage, with Daemon watching from the audience, showing her the various equipment and every once in a while screaming at her as he asked her to make an adjustment here or there. Finally Red got so fed up with her he walked off the stage yelling about inferior help. Gina, one of the other stage crew, took over showing her the ropes of the stage and what she would be doing that night with the take down.
Win started getting to know all the stage crew better, and she found that she got along with almost everyone save Red and one woman who turned out to be his girlfriend. As rehearsal began, Gina took Win to the side of the stage so she could watch the guys perform one of their songs.
“You were the person we were missing, what we’ve need is someone to watch the performances so that if there is any malfunctions we can know about it right away. The other night the friggen stage lights went out and nobody realized it till one of the guys told us. That was one friggen fiasco that I would not like to repeat. Here is your walkie-talkie, and your headset. This is just a basic run through for today because we want to work out all the kinks before we do another show. It’s been a month already.” Gina was nice and didn’t mind showing Win all the little tricks that made things easy. Win was supposed to be in charge of the lights, making sure that things went as they were supposed to, but since she was so far behind, she tagged along with Gina until she learned enough.
“All right Ben, give us ‘Just want you to know’” Win heard as the guys walked out onto the stage.
“Guys, I want you to do it all out, we gotta adjust the sound, so don’t stop no matter what okay?” Win heard through her headset. It was Daemon watching from the audience.
The music started playing and as Win watched from the side of the stage, they guys began to sing. They were really good, Win was astonished by their performance as they each belted out their levels of the song. She couldn’t get over how wonderful their voices blended together. Kevin’s voice was solid, ageless and held tone beautifully. Brian’s was light, airy and changed notes with superior skill. AJ’s voice was dynamic, just as powerful singing loud and soft, he could make his voice smooth or rough as he dictated. Nick’s voice added to the blend a unique quality, an accented voice that was unmistakable. Howie’s falsetto was incredible and convincing, he could sing the highest of notes without error in pitch or sound quality.
Win had a wonderful time at rehearsal, finally learning how to do something besides running errands was fun to her. Even though she was tired she was happy.