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Part I Chapter 16

The concert went off without a hitch, there were no mal functions and Win had a blast watching the guys perform. She loved their music, and she couldn’t help singing parts of songs as she helped with the take down of the set. Daemon caught her doing a little dance and singing the chorus to “My Beautiful Woman”.
It was midnight when Win was heading out to the band bus with some of the crew. She spotted Jen whom waved her inside and showed her the bunk across from her own.
“All yours, for the rest of the US tour.” Jen said pulling the curtain back. The bus rumbled to life and was already pulling out of the parking lot as the two other crewmembers that stayed on the band bus, Gina and a guy named Lennon, climbed into their bunks.
Jen said goodnight and closed her curtains. Win was just about to crawl into her own bed after shoving Jack in first for safe keeping when her phone rang. Quickly going to silent it, she dashed out to the kitchen area and flipped it open to answer.
“Hello?” she asked as she sat down at the table and slid so she could lean against the window.
“Hi beautiful,” AJ answered.
“You’re gonna have to stop calling me that, or I’ll come to expect it.” Win replied laughing.
“I like calling you beautiful, it’s either that or Pretty Winnie. You choose.”
“Okay, I’ll go with beautiful.”
“I thought you would.”
“Oh so you know my every thought now do you?”
“I’d like to.”
“I bet you would.”
“How’d you enjoy the concert?”
“I, loved it. I really did. You guys are amazing!”
“Why thank you. I was on a little better form, considering I had you watching.”
“Why would that matter?”
“I wanted to make a good impression.”
“I already thought you were good when I saw you this morning, you don’t have to do anything to impress me.”
“I don’t?”
“No, If you are yourself I’ll like you much better than an act. Which reminds me, take off the sunglasses.”
“How would you know if I’m wearing sunglasses?”
“I said take them off.”
“I’m not wearing them.”
“Okay, okay, I took them off.”
“See, I was right! Ha!”
“All right, you won.”
“Yes I did, so what are you doing now?”
“Oh I’m eating a sandwich, the rest of the guys are in the back watching a movie. Brianna’s asleep in Brian’s bunk.”
“She really shouldn’t be on tour while she’s pregnant, it’s too much stress for her.”
“Brian’s trying to get her to go home tomorrow, his mom is supposed to staying with her. We have alternate dates for everything so Brian can go home when he needs to.”
“Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?” Win asked.
“Oh I’m always on a high after the show.”
“Do you really like doing it? I mean, performing.”
“There’s nothing like it in the world, I wouldn’t give it up for all the money on the planet.”
“Sounds like your passion.”
“It is. I’ve always loved the stage the,”
“The attention. You love the attention.”
“Yeah, that is a bonus. But I like attention, and affection from you better.”
“Better than being on the stage with all those girls screaming for you?”
“I feel as good with you as I do performing, and that has nothing to do with the screaming girls.”
“Really now?”
“Yes really. But you love that you are getting all the attention from me.”
“I don’t know how to handle it, I’ve never had anyone pay as much attention as you do to me.”
“You’ve never had other boyfriends?”
“Of course I have, not many granted, but a couple. The relationships didn’t last.”
“What are we calling ourselves then?”
“Huh? Damn, you want that already, lets just say were friends, intent on something more.”
“Okay, I can deal with that for now. We have only known each other for three days. When can I kiss you?”
“Damn, another one, you don’t waste time. When I say you can. Not now, not tomorrow.”
“What about the day after?”
“Okay, okay, didn’t hurt to ask. I miss you.”
“Do you always move this fast?”
“Why? How fast am I moving for you?”
“To me, this feels like the speed of light. I was already getting lectures from Jen on how hard it was going to be to be with you, cause of the fans and such.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push, we can just be friends.”
“It’s not just you AJ, I haven’t been letting things stay slow myself, and I just don’t want to screw anything up.”
“I agree with that too.”
“I’m getting tired, maybe we can see each other tomorrow.” Win replied.
“Yeah, maybe we can go out to a club or something?”
“Oh AJ, no offense, but lets just stay in and watch a movie or something, I’ll be too tired to go out dancing.”
“Sure, that sounds okay. You can always come back to my room and we can make out for the rest of the night.”
“Ha ha AJ, very funny.”
“It was worth a shot.”
“You keep using up your shots and before long the target is gonna be dead.”
“Ouch! Now that hurt! I get at least a hug tomorrow for that.”
“We’ll see. Good night AJ.” Win whispered.
“Night beautiful.”